Chapter three

Looking at the message on her mobile phone after reporting off duty, Xi Wang smacked her head in frustration.

"dear mother, longgg time no see. I missed you so much. Please proceed to the peach restaurant located at the second level to meet me. I await your arrival at their private room."

Knowing this son near psychopathic stickiness like his other siblings, Xi Wang knew she better proceed to meet him instead of ignoring this message. Using far sight, Xi Wang knew that there were no other people in the room that her son was waiting in, so Xi Wang went towards a nearby stairway to transport herself to the private room.

Within moments of arriving in the room, a large bulky towering human shoot towards her and hug her tightly. Xi Wang heart softened, no matter how she hated trouble, in a small portion of her heart she still loved her sons deeply, so she hugs him back. Time passed until a waiter knock at the door and they pulled apart, her son blushing face red like a crab. Pulling her to sit beside him, Ming Liang happily introduces Xi Wang to the table loaded heavily with dishes that looks to be all her favorites.

"I knew you like crispy duck and sweet and sour dishes in particular, so I order a lot of these dishes in particular." Ming Liang happily introduced the dishes while he happily plucked the fish in front of him carefully until it was free of bones and put it carefully into the rice bowl in front of her.

After happily eating through at least one third of the dishes on the table, Xi Wang happily burped. Xi Wang always thoroughly missed my sons cooking. No matter how skilled Xi Wang is in learning all skills in the worlds that Xi Wang have passed through, Xi Wang always sucked at cooking. After cooking anything, the kitchen will appear to have gone through a natural disaster. So, in all the worlds Xi Wang passed through, when my sons reached adulthood, they will be responsible for the cooking in the family.

"first, my son, how did you fare in the past world after I passed away?"

Ming Liang proudly said while beaming at his mother. "mother, let me report on my achievement. After you passed away, I successfully took over your position as I was tested to have enough ability to take over your position. From then on, I fight through the ranks to be the emperor of the gods before I passed away. what a pity once I become the emperor of the gods, I passed away and could not achieve more. of course, I continue to also expend your charity organizations while I was fighting through the ranks.

Xi Wang proudly pat Ming Liang head while saying "remember my son, lady fate is a fickle lady. So do not think of what you did not achieve but be proud of yourself for what you have achieve. now time for me to praise you. First, good of you to achieve more than me. Do continue in this life to achieve more than me. That is my good son. and the standard of the dishes as compared to the standard of your cooking fared badly, my son."

"just nice that you have reminded me, my dear mother. I have prepared extra keys for you to my landed property in this country. Do you want to move in with your mother in this world? It will be easier for me to prepare your meals in this way."

Shotting up from my lazy position, I smacked Ming Liang on his head and glared at him.

"call her grandmother and with respect, if not I will whack you. And you know my skills in this matter."

"yes, empress dowager" Ming Liang happily said while happily sitting up and saluting me.

"do you want to quit, mother? From my investigation, I knew that the body that you were in is facing serious bullying issues at her workplace. You knew fully well that I can fully support you without the need for you to work and you could do whatever you like in this lifetime."

Looking at my son, Xi Wang almost verbally agree to his idea. No matter what, Xi Wang aim is to be a salted fish in this lifetime. But a familiar robotic sound came online in my brain.

"good and bad news, my dear owner. Which one you wanted to hear first?"

"give me the bad news first."

"the bad news is that system detected the need for you to continue to work in your current position as a new mission. This mission will allow you to meet your second son from the world that you were a mafia boss before you could proceed to quit."

"the good news is that system could provide you a discount in the system shop as this world is your final world that you will be in. a discount of 20%. Are you happy? my dear owner."

"if I could stab you to death, I could have done so by now. Nmp, you are a poor excuse for a system. With the skills I have learned, do I still need your help to survive in this world?"

"you never knew, my dear owner. It is better for you to have the access to items in my shop. You never knew when you needed it after all. Signing off, my dear owner."

The bloody system signs off immediately after reporting all the news that it detected before its owner could swear at him.

Xi Wang pushed Ming Liang off with an excuse on why she decided not to quit. Know her son well, Xi Wang decided to delay letting her son know the existence of other sons that have also appeared in this world.