Chapter eleven

Xi Wang was supporting the girl while walking towards the entrance of Havoc when she walks past a room which had its door opened. Xi Wang saw a girl who keep on apologizing to a person in the room while supporting a clearly drunk woman and walking out of the room. While the woman keeps on wanting to hit the girl and telling her to stop apologizing. And instead, the man should be the one apologizing to her as it is his honor that she offered him an attempt to be her honeypot when he is apparently a gigolo.

Looking at the woman, Xi Wang recognized her to be the head of the Bai corporation, rank second in terms of power and wealth out of the top five corporations in S country. Although her corporation is nothing as compared to Ming Liang's corporation.

Out of curiosity, Xi Wang look at the man sitting down pouring a cup from the pot of tea in front of him. That long beautiful slim hands of a pianist; Xi Wang want his hands to be playing a tune on her; her legs soften when Xi Wang look at his face until she almost kneels on the floor. In my brain, Xi Wang was even thinking about their baby names already.

Shaking her head at her sudden filthy thoughts while holding her fifth son but albeit her brain is like operating on a short-circuited motherboard. Although Xi Wang like beautiful things, it was the first time in the seven worlds Xi Wang had been in that her knees will soften at the looks of a man. Xi Wang know herself very well that people whom she all associated with the subsequent six worlds expect in the first world that she is a loser, they call her Glacier or Satan normally.

With an almost magnetic field force, something attracted her to walk in and speak with the man.

"do you need me to help you deal with that woman who walk out just now?"

Upon further nearing him, Xi Wang have a good look at his eyes glittering with the light of the stars and moon of the night sky that make her want to sink into his depths.

Xi Wang was so stunned until her usual sharp senses never noticed the glimmer of recognition in her eyes and the change of atmosphere around him. The man recognize the woman in front of him to be the woman that was talking to her younger brother earlier in the day. The atmosphere around him changes from deadly sharp like the air around him could kill until it become soft like a cuddly puppy. If a tail were attached to him now, it could be shaking.

The mysterious fifteen members of team Deadly look at their boss with their jaws dropping until it almost dislocated. It was the first time they see their boss behaving like a puppy. Of course, they never expected more and more surprises coming from their boss in the future that will shock them to the core of their souls until they are numb.

In the future even they themselves also become puppy-like in hopes of finding their partners. Their boss was until just too sweet with his wife until they keep on complaining that they are killing single dogs. Thus, in the future boss lady even in additional increase their already hefty salaries and this component was name single dogs as compensation.

But right now, the team members were looking at each another and they knew that the whole team were expecting their boss to kick the two women out of the room. But their faces were slap very badly at the next moment.