Chapter Sixteen

Once the door is closed, Xi Wang pull her son's ears and drag him or should Xi Wang should say her to the bed. Without any turning Xi Wang go straight into the details that she wants to know from her. It is still hard for Xi Wang to deal with the fact that my fifth son is a girl in this world.

"I believe that in a previous world you are my son right."

"yes, mother"

"first before I scold you, how did you fare in the previous world after I passed away?"

Ming Zhen rubbed her face against her mother smelling the nice familiar smell that is her mother while saying "mother, you do not know how I missed you in the previous world after you passed away. I passed away one year after you passed away. of course, in that one year I fully teach everything about hacking to the police force web team so that your marvelous hacking skills could be handed down and not be wasted."

"you silly boy, I adopted you is for you to live a good life." Xi Wang said while rubbing Ming Zhen head lovingly. Xi Wang knew that what past is past, so she decides not to scold Ming Zhen on this issue. Xi Wang decide to just teach Ming Zhen well in this world.

"now time for me to scold you on the stupidity that you could get up to in this world. what the hell are you doing? Do you still remember how many times I had scolded you and remind you to know your abilities well and not deal with anything beyond your ability? Do you want me to record the rules that I have for you and force you to listen to it until you can repeat the rules even when you are asleep?"

"I surrender, mother I do not want to be treated to the same treatment of listening to rules. Up to now, my elder brothers tell me that sometimes I will be repeating something akin like rules when I was asleep."

"I tell you I am giving you one last chance. Of more mistake, I will record the rules I had design for you and force you to listen to it every single day. Do not even think of escape, you know I fully have the ability to force you to do something that you do not like."

At this point of time, system helpfully came online to let Xi Wang know her fifth son background in this world.

"owner, based on what system detected about your fifth son's background will be as follow. Her name is Han Ming Zhen, the eight children of the previous president of the Han Corporation with seven brothers before her."

Xi Wang dig through the information in my brain and saw what Yudan knew about the Han Corporation. The current and previous president of the Han and Chai Corporation were best friends, but they still always wage a friendly battle between both corporations to see who win each other on the yearly international wealth listing for personal and corporation wealth. Of course, even after so many years of friendly war, there are still no permanent winners of this war.

Xi Wang continue to pull her ear while speaking to Ming Zhen.

"do you mind telling me that you as the princess of the Han Corporation are involved in what I suspected to be an attempt at either date rape or human smuggling?"

"mother, stop pulling my ear, it pains. I tell you; I tell you stop pulling."

I sat myself beside Ming Zhen and wait for her to tell her story.

"I believe you knew that Han Corporation headquarters is located at A country. But my grandparents on my mother side requested for me to finish my secondary school studies in S country so I could accompany them. It was rare that my grandparents made a request, so my mother agree. I befriend a nice girl on my first day at school. It was like finding a mirror version of myself and she is my best friend. But a few days ago, she suddenly disappears and based on my investigation, she was last seen at Havoc. Her last call reflected on her mobile was to one of the guys in the room yesterday so I try to get close to that guy at Havoc to see if I could get information on my best friend."

Xi Wang stand up and immediately smack Ming Zhen's head.

"do not tell me you do not have an estimation of your ability. Who tell you when I was teaching you my abilities in the previous world, you do not want to work hard at your learning? The only thing you slightly learn well from me is my hacking ability. If what I suspect is correct, it is highly possible that your friend may be a victim of human smuggling."

"what, human smuggling?" Ming Zhen almost screeched.

Xi Wang lovingly rub Ming Zhen's head and messed her hair and sigh while speaking to her. Xi Wang still gave in to her children what seemingly appears to be innocent eyes despite knowing their Satan-like abilities and behavior behind her.

"you are my child and I know your ability well. And if I found you trying to escape from the bodyguards that your parents hired to protect you. I will considered it as a mistake and prepare yourself to listen to at least 3 hours of enforced rules daily. Understand?"

Ming Zhen nods her head numbly while her eyes stare at Xi Wang like a lost puppy.

"okay, okay I agree to help you to find the location of your friend, but you must promise me not to do anything, let me do the finding. And just to let you know, I have previously adopted two sons and they are also your elder brothers. Let your parents fire the previous bodyguards, their abilities are not that well if they can follow you. I will let Xiang Yang, your second elder brother to send some of his people to protect you."

System knew its owner well and wanted to warn her that she had let her child knew too early about the existence of other children and the satan like consequences it could cause. But it was too late so system decide to fade back into her brain without letting her know. System sigh, its owner just loves the children that she adopted too much until most of the time she will speak without thinking of consequences unlike her usual brilliant self.

Ming Zhen throw herself at Xi Wang for a hug so violent until I fall back onto the bed while she happily said yes. Of course, this hug hid Ming Zhen eyes from me that was now brimming with mischief seemingly like thinking of pranks that she could unleashed on her two so called elder brothers. Although Ming Zhen do not want information of other siblings, but it does not affect her thinking of pranks to unleash on other siblings. Ming Zhen is just too jealous of the thought that she needed to share her mother with other siblings in this world.

"okay, okay, stand up, I need to make arrangements. Children really are debts; I could not even retire well even when I am supposed to be in retirement mode now" Xi Wang said while she slowly pat Ming Zhen's head.