Chapter twenty-one

While helping with the preparation in the kitchen, Xi Wang explained to my mother of the additional presence of Chai Liang, Tang Yan, Ming Zhen and of course my new piping hot "boyfriend". And of course, of Xi Wang's new work position at Ming Liang company as his assistant. Ming Zhen's school is an elite school for the so-called rich people so there is no need for any school uniforms.

Xi Wang hug her mother from behind while she was cooking and snuggle her head into her back before explaining to her that she may need to get use to strange behavior from her as there were many things Xi Wang wanted to try out with her new and "first" boyfriend. Well, it is true anyway, there is nothing male surrounding Xi Wang in the previous six worlds that had romantic intentions towards her. So technically even though Xi Wang is supporting him, he is really her first boyfriend.

A voice suddenly appears in Xi Wang head that she was not used to, it sounds like her mother's voice, but Xi Wang was sure that she was not speaking.

" Yudan is just too lonely, it is good that she has new friends and a boyfriend. As long as she is happy and healthy, all is well."

System voice came online at this moment. "yes, owner, hear the heart means that you can listen to any internal thoughts of anyone once you open your senses. And when the person you are speaking to are having violent behavior swinging, then their thoughts will be automatically reflected to you in your brain even when you do not open your senses to listen. But do remember owner, there are still exceptions to the rewards that main system has given you."

Xi Wang mother came to the kitchen table and sat a dish on the table for her to taste while speaking to her, with hands patting Xi Wang shoulder softly.

"as long as you are happy and healthy, you can do anything you like. But remember not to do anything dangerous or illegal. If you are not happy, remember to come to mummy, I will always be there for you."

Xi Wang jumped up to hug her mother deeply before rushing out of the kitchen with an excuse that she needs to speak with her sons and daughters. Since Xi Wang knew that her mother is almost done, Xi Wang pulled her sons and daughters into a small room beside the living room for a short conversation to enforce the rule of not fighting until they are seriously injured.

"my dear sons and daughter, you should know by now that each of you is a child that I adopted while we were in a previous world. i do not care what three of you will do behind my back but remember not to injure each other too seriously. Lastly remember to respect my mother in this world as your grandmother. I had already informed my mother that I had adopted Ming Zhen as my daughter already. Do not be jealous of each another. Each of my children are equally precious in my heart." Xi Wang speak while tightly embracing them in a hug.

"Xiang Ni is just a temporary tool for me to try out the romantic things that I see and had no chance of trying out before and I will give him the necessary compensation. So, remember to respect him as my friend. Do not look down at his previous occupation, he is not in the line anymore."

It was then Xi Wang saw the rapidly twitching eye muscle of Xiang Yang.

"are you sure that you do not need me to arrange a checkup for you? My son. why are your eyes twitching so badly?"

"nothing, mother. I got a bad habit of twitching my eyes when I am thinking about something in this world. Let us go out for dinner".

The atmosphere between Ming Zhen and Ming Liang was like a thunderstorm but strangely enough Xiang Yang seems to be too involved in his thoughts while we were walking towards the dining table. Strange, Xi Wang decide that she need to speak to him personally when she is free. It is just too strange that Xiang Yang did not fight with his siblings.

Xiang Yang was quite happy at the thought of his mother becoming his sister-in-law. Ha, and his elder brother was still protesting at not having romantic intentions. He even told his mother of his full name. it was the first time he heard someone speaking his brother's full name expect for him and the members of team Deadly. Xiang Yang how low his brother could get when he wanted to fulfill his curiosity, but this was the first time, that he was acting as a gigolo. Sigh, even if he wanted to help, Xiang Yang is expecting a long long road before matrimony for his brother and his mother. The way his mother was behaving, a real total blockhead at anything romantic.

With everyone trying their best to not look at the couple sitting at the middle of the dining table. Why? The couple were eating with the same bowl and cutlery and Xiang Ni did not even notice that his ears had turn ripe red. Xiang Yang could not even be bothered to be shocked anymore, he was just too numb. It was the first time Xiang Yang saw his brother using the same cutlery with another person and his brother's ears could turn red. Xiang Yang even saw once Xiang Ni threw away a cup worth a million that he like to use when he drinks tea just because someone use his cup by accident. Already sharing saliva and indirect kisses and Xiang Ni said there was no romantic intentions?

They do not want their death reason to be sweeten to death. Everyone left for their rooms amazingly fast after Xiang Ni and Yudan left the dining room. They are quite full of the dog food feed to them by the too sweet couple. They are just too slaying single dogs.

Xi Wang was lying in bed snuggling with Xiang Ni after using white bone lady skill to slightly modify her look in the bathroom.

"do you think my looks now will tempt the human smugglers to come after me?"

As we were snuggling face to face, Xi Wang attention was turned to his lovely curved long eyelashes. Xi Wang slowly play with his eyelashes while mumbling.

"your eyelashes are just too pretty; I want to play swing on your eyelashes."

Xiang Ni look into Xi Wang eyes and slowly said." You look cute right now and just the right features to tempt them. I do not care what you get up to but remember to keep yourself safe. Do remember that you have me waiting for you at home."

"this is revenge for you sneaking a kiss today. Let me teach you on how to kiss" Xiang Ni immediately position Xi Wang face well and even before Xi Wang could react, his tongue was already in her mouth tasting it like it was the sweetest ambrosia. Xiang Ni with great effort pull away after noticing that his girl did not even know how to breath while kissing.

"you silly girl, why you do not know how to change your breath when kissing'?

Xi Wang felt my face turning red and immediately hid my face in his chest while mumbling. "you should be honored; I offer you my first kiss."

"okay, okay, my mistake, my girl. Next time I will teach you on how to breath when kissing." Xiang Ni softly said while patting my back and singing a soft lullaby.

Xi Wang wanted to be angry, but the singing and patting were just too sleep inducing. Xi Wang could sense that his voice was even better than me. His voice seems to be kissed by the gods. And Xi Wang was the leader in terms of singing when she was the princess of the sirens when Xi Wang was in the mythology world. there are just no men that could resist her call when Xi Wang start singing.