Chapter thirty-four

"good morning, my dear" Xiang Ni said when he opens his eyes to see Xi Wang playing and poking his dimples.

when Xi Wang saw that Xiang Ni had awoken, she continues to say "by the way honey, I know you propose to me yesterday, but I wish for our marriage to take place when I find all of my children. From our trip to the river, you should know that I had adopted a child in each world. and in this world, they will one by one appear beside me."

"now, now, it is not as if I will not agree. But my dear future wife must give me some reward in return. After all being a monk for so many lifetimes. And only in this lifetime, then fate arrange for me to have a love trial. And now you want to delay our marriage, you know how hard it is or not?" Xiang Ni pretend to sob badly while covering his eyes.

Xi Wang gently peck Xiang Ni on his lips, but this was when she falls into his trap. Xiang Ni immediately turn himself to lay on top of Xi Wang and deepen the kiss. It was only when Xi Wang heard Ming Zhen knocking on their room door then both of them pull away from each another, panting heavily like they have run a marathon while laying on their bed. Ming Zhen had informed them to come out for lunch and there was a visitor waiting for Xi Wang that insists to wait for her even when he knew that she was not awake yet. Ming Zhen further inform that the visitor has wait at least for two hours.

Xi Wang pants while she said "if not for the fact that I also gone through the river with you. I almost want to suspect that your first relationship in this world is not with me at the way that you can kiss."

Xi Wang caught the wolf like gleam in Xiang Ni eyes and she immediately stretch a hand to stop Xiang Ni. "you, you. Stop. Didn't you heard my daughter saying that there was a visitor waiting for me for two hours already. I do not want to be too rude and let him wait for any longer."

After a good rest as usual when in Xiang Ni's embrace and she had changed her outfit. Xi Wang then proceed to walk out of the room when she caught Xiang Ni pleading puppy like eyes. Xi Wang immediately stand on tiptoes and pinch his dimples then proceed to pat his head while saying "you want to have an early cold shower, is it? you know your tolerance level is lower than me so why you want to dig a hole for yourself?"

Xi Wang then proceed to run out of the room while sending Xiang Ni a fly kiss "be a good boy my honey. Maybe I will consider giving you a reward for good behavior later on."

Xiang Ni shook his head and follow Xi Wang out of the room. Now Xi Wang to him was already a temptress. Xiang Ni could not imagine if Xi Wang use her skills to modify her looks to any of the looks of the previous five world that she went to for doing mission. If that is the case, Xiang Ni will not care any more and even if Xi Wang do not agree, he will kidnap her to the marriage office. If not, his days will be permanently spent in a hospital due to a permanent cold from all the cold showers that he will be going through.