Chapter forty-one

After breakfast and using the skill of far sight, Xi Wang and Xiang Ni look at the Heng Studios to find a place where they could transport to. Xiang Ni was able to follow Xi Wang everywhere as it will not take him much time to check on the branch of Phoenix in C country as he had appointed a capable assistant overseeing Phoenix in C country. Tang Yan had a sudden urgent online meeting, so he was not able to follow them to the studios. And Hou Yi also will go to the studios from his home in C country as he had gone back home for breakfast early in the morning. There was a forest outside of Heng Studios so while carrying his girl, Xiang Ni transport them into the forest area outside of Heng Studios to find Director Ang already anxiously waiting for them already.

While they walk towards Director Ang, he also has turned his head towards their direction and anxiously walk towards them.

Director Ang continue saying to Xi Wang while she and Xiang Ni follow him into Heng Studios "my dear ancestor, you have finally arrived. I am so looking forward to your acting in this drama. Especially after I saw your superb fighting skills with the metal pole attacking the bullies in Ming Zhen school. Do you need some time to get use to the set? Although my plan is for you to take a role photo for publicity before you act in the first scene for today. By the way, Xi Wang, I know you can fight but do you know how to play Guzheng? I have also prepared a teacher for you just in case. I was so happy that you have agree to act until I forget to ask you when I am in S country."

And here Director Ang finally answer the question in her mind on how he had thought to let her be the lead actress in his drama when she is just a newbie.

"I apologize, Uncle Ang. I forget to tell you also that I know how to play Guzheng quite well. Xi Wang said while scratching her head awkwardly. There was a scene in the script where her role in the drama will need to use Guzheng as a weapon to kill enemies while defensing a town. To Xi Wang this was also second nature as in the third world, she had already learned Guzheng to the state of where she could truly kill teams of enemies in war. As Xi Wang was just too lazy to really fight and guzheng is a good weapon to use to kill when she is sitting down.

It was then Director Ang realized that there is a fox following Xi Wang then he made a on the spot decision and asked her "good, then I believe you do not need reaction time. Today there will be a scene where you already need to use Guzheng already. Also, Xi Wang, mind letting your fox be used in the drama. The fox adds a majestic feel to my ancestor in terms of the fact that she was even able to control animals especially your fox really looks like a leader."

Xi Wang immediately agreed and by this time, they have already reached the set, so Director Ang gestured for the makeup artist on set to bring Xi Wang into the makeup room. This is so they could prepare Xi Wang so she could take the publicity photos for her role.

Xi Wang knew that the first photo accordingly to the information that was given to her will be that of a suave gentleman wearing casual outfits of that time. While the second photo will be that of her wearing her general armor. Since they have told Xi Wang that she will need to wear her general armor to go directly into acting.

When Xi Wang wore the first outfit out of the room, she had already gone fully into the role. Xi Wang was meet with screams from the female workers on the set. The screams were that of wanting to give birth to her babies, her handsome she was and how the public faces will be slapped badly when this drama was broadcast.

Xi Wang knew that there was great protest from the public that an unknown female who never even acted before was chosen as the female leading actress. Xi Wang did not bother about the protests as she was too used to this type of reactions when she was in the fourth world. Xi Wang just choose to go fully into the role and act well as her thanks to director ang for giving her first role in this world.

As Xi Wang was already in the role, she never notices that Xiang Ni face was turning truly cold, and his hands veins were almost popping out from how tightly clenched his hands were. The atmosphere around him was so cold until the workers around Xiang Ni move away from him. They were even wondering why the weather went cold from hot all of a sudden.

Xiang Ni have view how Xi Wang had behave when she was in the third world. but looking at a live broadcast version of how Xi Wang is behaving in the third world. Xiang Ni got a bad feeling that he will get a weak heart if he does not control himself. waves of rash feelings of pulling Xi Wang away from the crowd of female workers around her almost overwhelmed him.

By this time, Xi Wang have already used her white bone lady skills to remodel her body and looks into that of the body that she had used in the second world. Xiang Ni breath in and out deeply. Xiang Ni could almost feel despair at the thought of Xi Wang's luck with males and females alike.

Xiang Ni immediately took out his mobile to send a message to the leader of team deadly to sent him a plan on his wedding and it will need to be a traditional Chinese wedding mainly. Xiang Ni need to plan for his wedding so once their fifth child from the third world is found. He will kidnap Xi Wang and immediately pulled her into their wedding. Xiang Ni knew that he will only feel secure when he successfully locks her into marriage.