Chapter forty-five

Xi Wang open her senses to hear the inner thoughts of the woman. She felt really dirty when she heard what was in the woman's brain. Xi Wang using a hand to grab the woman neck tightly and push the woman towards the nearby ballroom window until she was hanging halfway out of the window. Xi Wang being a skilled doctor knew each part of the human body very well so she could easily control her strength until the woman was lacking air but cannot die. Xi Wang will take revenge for her son. to her status now, it will be very easy for her to do so.

Xi Wang hissed at the woman hanging halfway out of the window. Xi Wang was too angry that she never notices that her hand was bleeding from the strength that she used to break the window. That woman was yelling for people to call for police while also screaming in pain as the glass shards of the window has sliced the woman face and caused heavy bleeding.

Xi Wang really hated this type of people. From what she read of the woman. This woman was a previously quite popular star in her own right but due to her taking drugs and was caught. Another female star successfully took over her position in the entertainment world after she was caught, and that female star was her son's elder sister in this world.

As the woman was jealous of his son elder sister. She hatched a deadly poisonous plan. After the woman was totally block from acting in the entertainment world, she found a way to be the mistress of the head of the Jade mafia organization branch in C country. Using her lover's people, she lures her son elder sister to a dinner. And that dinner was to be her son elder sister final meal. Her son elder sister is hardworking so she will not reject jobs that will come her way as she needed the money to support her son. They were born from a poor family in the hills.

Using date rape medicine on her son elder sister, that woman recording a x rated video and photos of her son elder sister with his lover's people. When her son elder sister woken up and found where she is, she could not take the reality of what happened to her. So, her son elder sister went to the top of the hotel. And after recording a message to send to her son on what had happened, she jumped down the hotel and ended her life.

Worse of all, this woman on purpose leaks the photos and recordings of her son's elder sister to the public and on the internet. This woman also said on the internet that her son elder sister on purpose filming x rated video and photos for money. Worse of all majority of the public believe in what they saw and start to smear her son's elder sister reputation on the internet. Xi Wang do not want to ask her son what happen to prevent injuring him one more time, so she also read into her son's brain.

As Xi Wang had met her son in the third world, an ancient world so she was not able to teach him the skills of the modern world. but Xi Wang saw that her son had went to learn hacker skills on his own in this world. but it was way not enough for him to stop the flow of his elder sister x rated photos and videos. Especially with the fact that he also needs to deal with erasing the bad words that was on the internet about his elder sister. Her son was only just one hacker.

This time Xi Wang do not even need system fox to report on her son as she had already read into his mind. Her son is Sima Han, a scriptwriter and the adopted son of Director Ang. It was after the death of Sima Yu, when her son was writing a script at his workplace during his break when Director Ang had walk behind him and start to read his script.

Director Ang bought her son script and personally direct it to resounding success. It was also during the process of filming her son first script when Director Ang choose to adopt Sima Han as his son as he admires his abilities and git. The drama bought renown to Sima Han. Sima Han knew that he as one person could not bring down anyone and if things were wrong, he may even bring danger to him or Director Ang.

So, Sima Han while being a hacker in his private life, he also writes scripts for mini dramas that is cheap and easy to produce and could get broadcast on the internet easily. All these dramas were in directly pointing to the sins that Jade created. Although Jade on the surface could not said anything about the dramas that Sima Han is filming as this on the surface is just a story.

But privately Sima Han to Jade is a bug under their skin. Before Xi Wang get to know her son, Sima Han had already undergone multiple attempts on his life. as her son was a general under her in their previous world. Sima Han could fully deal with all the attempts on his life as he had also trained himself like how he did in the previous world and also trained in all modern defense techniques. This is also why the woman had also attempt to kill Sima Han today. It was just one of the many attempts that Jade had launched on her son after he started filming his mini dramas.

Xi Wang being a person with memories up to the day of her creation knew fully well how the standards of evil humans could create. Even if she was created as the flower of hope, sometimes she also feels dirty to the inner of her soul at the evil she saw over thousands of years.