Chapter fifty-seven

More jealous looks were sent her way as the rest of the actresses on scene recognized that the person who come to greet Xi Wang is Director Lee personal assistant. Hou Yi also came along for audition but the actors on scene sigh. The actors on scene do not dare to go against Hou Yi as in C country, his acting skills is well known along with his poisonous mouth. Once Hou Yi appear, it is most likely the actors on scene will have no chance of getting the role anymore.

Director Lee and Director Ang were equally friends and enemies, so he had already seen the how Xi Wang had acted in Director Ang's drama. Not to said Director Ang always boasted about the fact that he is the first one to find such a skilled actress which is one field both directors always fight over. Ying Li is also Director Lee good friend, so Director Lee almost decide on Xi Wang to act in his movie. Director Lee will confirm on his decision once Xi Wang pass his auditions today. As the only thing on why Director Lee did not stop the audition today is because he does not know how versatile Xi Wang acting skills could be.

As Hou Yi is introduce by Ying Li also, Director Lee gestured for him to come and audition for his role once his personal assistant told him that they have arrived. Director Lee is also too raring to see Xi Wang's audition especially he also saw the live broadcast of the variety show that Xi Wang attend yesterday.

The movie script is about a young man discovering that fact that his grandmother past due to an unexpected circumstance. The young man discovered that his grandmother is actually a comfort woman survivor and had adopted his mother after the second world war. And thus, it started the young man journey to fight for the benefit of comfort women. As usual, Director Lee nodded once Hou Yi finished his audition. The acting skills is on par as usual so Director Lee on the spot decide on Hou Yi as the actor for the young man Lee Wang, in his movie.

Director Lee almost rubbed his hands in anticipation. In his excitement, Director Lee even got his personal assistant to prepare the necessary contract yesterday after he saw Xi Wang live broadcast. This is how confident Director Lee is of Xi Wang will be acting in his movie as the comfort woman survivor, Lee Xing. After all Director Lee knew that he must be fast so that is why he had already prepared the contracts as he also need to tie Xi Wang down for the OST of his movie.

Xiang Ni hearts pain when he saw that Xi Wang is still sleepy. But Xiang Ni knew that Xi Wang must do this if not her soul will not be accepted by this body, so he ignores the pain in his heart. Once Director Lee given the signal to start. Xi Wang is immediately in the role. The audition is of the part of the movie where after the war, Lee Xing came back to her home to find that her parents do not want to acknowledge her as their child, and she is forced to go to another state so she could have a new start in life.

Director Lee stood up and yelled "cut" when Xi Wang finished her part. It was as if he was looking at the live version of Lee Xing. The bleakness and grit that she displays in the audition is exactly how Director Lee envisioned for Lee Xing. Director Lee give orders to his personal assistant to end the audition and to arrange with Tang Yan on the signing of the contracts to confirm Hou Yi and Xi Wang acting in his movie. Of course, the contracts also included Xi Wang being responsible for the OST in the movie. Director Lee saw that Xi Wang is still in the role and is having a slightly hard time getting out of it, so he patiently waited.

Xiang Ni went over and bend down to embrace Xi Wang who was still sitting dumbly on the ground with silent tears running down her face. Xiang Ni slowly kiss Xi Wang's face dry while patting her back. The bright alert eyes that belong to Xi Wang slowly appear and she stood up once she is fully out of the role. Xi Wang is still a bit shaky while she walks over to Director Lee and shook his hands to confirm on them working together. Xiang Ni could not tolerate anymore so he went over to Director Lee and give excuses that Xi Wang is tired, and he could continue to arrange with Tang Yan while he immediately carry Xi Wang up in a princess hug.

Director Lee sign when he saw the couple walking out of the audition hall. He is too engrossed in his career as a director so that is why he is still single even when now he is in his fifties. Director Lee knew that he could be looking forward to being force fed dog food by the sweet couple when he is filing the movie. Well Director Lee thought, at least the start of the filming of the movie will be one month later along with the tortures that the couple could bring to him.