Chapter sixty-two

Xiang Ni start reminiscing about their past. Although they only finally admit to themselves in this lifetime, they love each another. But in past lifetimes, they were sometimes friends, sometimes friendly enemies or just purely strangers.

"do you remember when both of us are in the ancient world where you were a female general. I still remember the first time that we meet. I was a newly minted emperor while you are also a newbie general. I could still remember that I saw you drinking on the rooftop of the cold palace while shivering. Just in curiosity, I also jumped on top of the rooftop to ask why you were shivering when the weather is hot. I still could remember that you told me that you were shivering because you had killed your first person today and you will feel faint when you see blood. I laughily suggest to you to wear a blindfold when you go into battle."

Xi Wang blushed and she turn her head to another direction before starting to speak "you reminded me. I almost want to kill you when I attend my marquis appointing ceremony and saw that you were the emperor. You do not know how I feel cheated when I knew you were the emperor. Of course, I also want to kill you when you named me the blindfold marquis although you give me an awe-aspiring name as a general- the empire protector general."

Xiang Ni pinched her cheek softly while speaking "I thought you already forgive me when we went drinking on the rooftop of the cold palace not long after your marquis appointing ceremony? Up to now, I regret not befriending you while you were in the first two world while doing mission so as least you do not need to suffer when you started killing in the world. and in the fourth and fifth world, my memories appear too late, and you have already pass away. of course, I also regret one thing in the third world. and that is I regret not befriending you earlier."

Xi Wang said "ha, luckily we are friend-enemies earlier and not friends in the third world and we become friends only when you become the emperor. you should know I come into that body when the original owner passed away at six years old. And to accede to her wishes to be a female general, I forced my general father to throw me into the army to for training since young so I could take over his position when I am older. It was the first time I meet a real emperor so when my general father brings me to visit his godbrother which is also your father. So, I use my young age as an excuse to climb on top of your emperor father and wanted him to play with me. I still remember that one of my favorite things to do when I am in the palace is to pull your father mustache. After that, my other favorite things are to destroy the palace flowers and play pranks on the maids. Strangely enough, your father even wanted to adopt me as daughter but my general father decline. After all, your emperor father trusted me fully and let me free access even to the imperial study and hall where official meetings were held where I run wild when I was young. And he even appointed me as the first female official of the dynasty. I still remember the officials sending me killing looks when I run wild during official morning meetings in the imperial hall. Your father even praised me for training the officials focus so they will not be easily distracted."

Xi Wang knew that Xiang Ni will only grew into his powers as an ancient god and have memories of his past lives after a certain time have passed in a lifetime. Although his memories and powers may appear in each of Xiang Ni lifetime at a different time. Before that Xiang Ni will always be a normal human being in that lifetime. This is Xiang Ni quirk while for her quirk is that even when she was already an expert killer. But when Xi Wang goes to a new world for doing a new mission and she start to kill in that world, she will feel nauseous at seeing blood. It was only after quite a long time then Xi Wang will get used to killing in that new world. for the first two world while doing mission, Xi Wang used medicine to control the urge to puke while used a blindfold in the third world so that she does not need to see blood.

Xi Wang got the urge to ride a horse now, so she used transport for them to go the horse farm that she knew Xiang Ni also have on his property. Of course, to transport them to a corner where Xi Wang saw that there were no people.

Xiang Ni immediately knew what Xi Wang wanted. So, Xiang Ni immediately walk a horse out of its stall towards Xi Wang.

Xi Wang squeal in surprise when she saw the horse that was so similar to her warhorse, thunder, in the third world. Xi Wang pull Xiang Ni down to softly bit his lips while also placing a soft kiss.

"in the third world, when you came back from your last war, you almost cry when you told me of thunder's demise. I intend to give your thunder's kid as a present after the palace feast. But I was too late when you passed away while protecting me during the feast. So, after that in every of my lifetime, I will always spend a fortune just to ensure on each of the horse farm that I owned will have a thunder waiting for you. This is to address my regret in the third world."

Xiang Ni immediately jump on top of another horse while Xi Wang also jumped on top of thunder. Xi Wang with a soft pat on thunder and thunder immediately started to run. Using her legs to secure herself on thunder, Xi Wang yelled happily with her hands stretched out to feel the soft snow. After the third world, Xi Wang become an avid fan of horse riding and will choose to go for a ride on a horse if she got a bad mood in the subsequent worlds that she went to.

With a soft pat on this thunder, it seems that this thunder could read her every thought. It almost makes Xi Wang felt as if her thunder has come back. Xi Wang remember one of the skills that was given to her in this world is the ability to speak with animals. Xi Wang open her senses wanting to prove to herself her feeling is true that her thunder's soul has come back in this horse.

Chattering of animals around her appear in Xi Wang's brain. Xi Wang block the rest of the animals chattering in her brain and focus on thunder. Images of past wars that she participates in with thunder flow through her brain. tears flow down especially when thunder realized that her owner could hear and speak to her and told Xi Wang that she never regrets dying in the last war. At least she had died while protecting Xi Wang. Xi Wang lay herself on thunder, hugging her tightly.

At least finally thunder had come back to her in this world. and in this world, Xi Wang could finally let thunder died of old age instead of in war. Xi Wang knew that at least one of her nightmares will not exist anymore now that she knew thunder had come back. At last, the system finally had given her something useful.