Chapter sixty-four

Xi Wang slowly blink while her surrounding environment came into focus. Xi Wang felt as if a truck had run over her body and almost wanted to bite Xiang Ni when she saw him coming into the room. It was because Xiang Ni was already awake, alert and dressed. Why did this man energy come from when she was still bone tired from last night?

Xiang Ni bend down and pinch Xi Wang's dimples before saying "do you want to wake up. I have plans for us to go to the nearby amusement park. Of course, I do not mind us staying in. after all like this I will have more chances of trying for a baby."

Xi Wang choose not to answer and just stretch her hands out while pretending to turn her head away angrily. Xiang Ni smile while carrying her to the bathroom so he could help her with her usual morning routine.

As the amusement park belongs to Phoenix, Xiang Ni while carrying Xi Wang in a daddy hug use transport to appear in the room that is reserved for him. There will be a room on every of Phoenix properties worldwide reserved for Xiang Ni as he needed it to use his transport skills.

Placing Xi Wang down while curving a hand around her waist, Xi Wang and Xiang Ni went out of the room. Although Xi Wang had chosen not to go for a honeymoon, but Xiang Ni still have plans for dating. Xiang Ni knew Xi Wang well on the fact that she wanted to try out everything a couple can do. Of course, this dating plans will be carried out by him only when the weather is cooling. If not, Xiang Ni knew that no matter what he does, he will definitely not be able to pull Xi Wang away from the bed.

The weather is just perfect ever since their wedding as it was only mildly snowing which is Xi Wang favorite weather. Xiang Ni click his finger and one of the members of team deadly appear to give Xi Wang her favorite sausage and him a stick of cotton candy.

While Xi Wang bite off a large part of the sausage. But before Xi Wang could start to chew, Xiang Ni attack her mouth and forcefully pull part of the sausage into his mouth with his tongue. Xiang Ni swallow the sausage in a haste while he continues to taste Xi Wang's sweetness.

Xi Wang feel Xiang Ni almost on the brink of losing control, so she pulls away from him and hit Xiang Ni while saying "why you do not ask the members of team deadly to buy more. And today you will not be sleeping on my bed. I need to rest. My muscles are still paining from the strenuous exercise these few days."

Xiang Ni bend down and breathily said into Xi Wang's ears "first the food taste better when I ate from your mouth. Second, you can choose to let me to continue to sleep with you and I will help to massage you tonight while letting you rest tonight. Or you can choose to let me tempt you until you are willing to "exercise" tonight. Of course, I will like it if you choose the last option."

Xi Wang immediately blushed red to her toes and just to said massage before pulling Xiang Ni towards the pirate boat. Xiang Ni let Xi Wang pull him while he started to laugh. After they finish their pirate boat ride, Xiang Ni was pulled by Xi Wang towards the invisible carriage ride.

As usual, Xiang Ni and Xi Wang were too engrossed in their own world to notice that Xi Wang had already attracted attention from the public. Xi Wang had already given orders before to team deadly and Tang Yan not to bothered about public opinions since her ability is there. So, team deadly members just ensured that no public could get near to Xiang Ni and Xi Wang.

The amusement park invisible carriage ride will bring them throughout the sea to a nearby manmade island where there are street food and animals that you could feed and more. As the carriage is fully made of glass, it means while the carriage is moving, you could see the sea beyond your feet. Xi Wang try to compress herself while lying in Xiang Ni's embrace while they were sat in the carriage.

"I thought that you will not be afraid of anything" Xiang Ni said while playing with Xi Wang's dimple. Like with Xi Wang, it was also one of his favorite things to do when he was with Xi Wang and that is to play with her dimples.

"it is not that I am really afraid. I just feel slightly faint. Honey, look at the cloud, it looks like a barrel of popcorn." Xi Wang protest.

Xiang Ni choose to let Xi Wang change the topic and reply to Xi Wang "you little competitive eater. I already let Tang Yan dispatch his company latest horror movie so we could have a after dinner snack in the home cinema on my property tonight."

On the island, Xiang Ni bought Xi Wang to feed rabbits and goats. And of course, to eat their way through the street food on the island. Xiang Ni pulled Xi Wang towards one important stop on the island. The gun shooting range. Of course, before Xi Wang works her destructive way through the shooting range.

Xiang Ni had already signaled a member of team deadly to tell the boss of the shooting range that he will not need to pay the rental of the shooting range next month. The members of team deadly sigh, they expected that they will need to carry all the dolls and toys of the shooting range home today and their boss will also not praise them. Of course, Xi Wang never disappoint them as she works the gun like it was a real sniper gun.