Chapter seventy-five

Eight months later

Xi Wang and Xiang Ni had arrived back in Ming Liang in S country from another holiday again. Xi Wang had successfully won the golden Phoenix awards for her role as a comfort woman. And thus, Xi Wang is already in a semi-retired life and could began a life that could only be described as X rated with Xiang Ni.

In their bedroom, Xiang Ni and Xi Wang was laid flat on their bed after a shower as they were seriously tired. But Xi Wang started to feel an uncomfortable pressure that signals she needs to pump milk again. Xiang Ni sat up already alert when he saw what Xi Wang is starting to do. Xi Wang slap Xiang Ni hands away when he saw his hands creeping up in an awfully familiar way.

"you lecher, I know the babies are home today. It is rare that I can personally feed them. So today there is no share for you, I will go and find them today."

But Xiang Ni forcefully pulled back Xi Wang onto the bed and use the bed curtain ties to tie her hands to the bed poles.

"Nobody could touch your body expect for me. even my children also cannot. I will help you to put your milk in bottles as usual and let them drink from it. now is my turn as usual. Which country law states that my children need to be first."

Xi Wang was thinking of the fact that Xiang Ni was really greedy when he starts to feed. All the nutrition over the past four months has caused Xiang Ni's skin to be baby white smooth. But awfully fast, Xi Wang could not even think and start to scream in pleasure as she was bought into a tsunami of pleasure.

Half a day later

Xi Wang's mother were peacefully drinking tea. Ming Liang, Xiang Yang, Ming Zhen, Hou Yi and Sima Han were sat in the living room and looking at each another with their eyes turns towards the sky. It is not as if they did not hear the sounds that were coming from their parents' room. Xi Wang was in the kitchen getting a drink and Xiang Ni was playing with the triplets in the living room.

All of the elder children were too numb at the rare times their parents are at home and Xiang Ni could still be possessive of their mother. So, the children continue on doing their things without any reaction when Xiang Ni behaving like a child. Xiang Ni was carrying one of the triplets while Xi Wang was bending down to carry up one of the triplets that was sitting on the floor.

Xiang Ni distract Xi Wang from her action by holding the hand of the triplet that he was carrying to slap him. Xi Wang sigh as she saw Xiang Ni start to whine softly that the baby bullied him. Ming Liang being the eldest as usual went to carry his younger sibling and remind his parents that they need to start the ceremony already.

Ming Liang knew that if he did not stop their parents, they will be in their room already and the triplet's ceremony must be delay until tomorrow. Xiang Ni to console himself pull Xi Wang to sit on his lap while placing his head on her shoulder and periodically breathe in her ears. Ming Liang sigh and carry the triplets to each of the mats that were placed on the floor. Three mats were each placed with assorted items that are all baby sized like wooden swords, calculator, recorder, and the list go on. Xiang Ni and Xi Wang has specially come back just for this ceremony.

Four-month-old triplets babies Xiang Ying, Xiang Yi and Xiang Zetian were placed on individual mats. The adults surround them keep on cheering them on, but the triplets still do not want to move. So, three of the adult children were sent to take each individual items and see which items will tempt each triplet. Strangely enough the triplets all took the wooden swords.

The children thought that it was impossible that their younger sibilings will be fighters in the future even if they took the swords. Xi Wang and Xiang Ni look strangely at their children. Ming Liang seeing the situation is wrong start to update Xi Wang and Xiang Ni on the triplet's growth process. Xi Wang's mother also chip in to console Xi Wang and Xiang Ni not to worry. Xi Wang's mother than speak about how Xi Wang is like a baby. Xi Wang like her triplets also come into this world at seven months. Even when it was their first day in this world, Xi Wang like her triplets also were wrongly recognized to be at least two weeks old as they were such a healthy size. Xi Wang is also lazy will not move when she could sit in one place. Xi Wang's mother even said that she thought there were something wrong with her. But Xi Wang all of a sudden at one years old started to stand up and walk steadily all of a sudden than her mother realized that Xi Wang is just purely lazy. So, Xi Wang's mother states that she believes her grandbabies are just lazy.