as dillion began giving launch codes to Houston as a go the little comments we shared were also drunken sexual innuendo bull shit then Dillon's asked matt if he packed extra condoms in case I really did agree to some favors across the stars of the galaxy and matt said no but brian brought a case and was sure to never use one except during Jupiter alien sex and we all laughed as Houston cleared us for take off we were to circle the moon twice and use its gravity to pull us toward Jupiter on the second turn about everything seemed to be going smoothly as we reached the moon and were without gravity I unwrapped my seat belt and floated so cliche right but it was the best feeling ever and the view was way more incredible in person matt Brian dillion all joined in with me as it was Brian's second trip to the moon he was still in awe with it all your either born with the love for space or u never get it Brad was a great pilot one of the best he was also our mechanics maintenance man as well but he had no love for the darkness of space he was just so good he got promoted to us as group leader brad did not ever like the dark I dont think even as child he once told me of all the guys here brad was by far the most attractive and physically fit and sensible sensitive and intelligent he is the man I could have fallen in love with under different circumstances I would be his wife for sure matt was our navigator very important information laid in his head of course he was a playboy with the physic to prove it he liked fast cars and faster women and to punch any man I danced with outside our crew in the face dillion was our nerd for all intensive purposes our tech but nerd is far from his description he hot to handle he has clear 8 pack abs and biceps like my head he has perfect smile and green eyes with light brown hair did I say he is an ex fire man yeah I still have his old calendar he is July brian well he is the funny whole hearted guy he is also a virgin he is super young all of us are in 40s except brian he is 24 he is the youngest MIT grad in a century smart and great with tech he is dillions aide also he is my med assistant and Matt's aide in navigation and Brad's aide in pilot and mechanical engineering to justify what I just said brian 24 year old is all our second in command that is if someone gets hurt or sick brian can fill in instant but mostly it will be the rest of us running our own show Brian went 6 months ago on a special trip to the moon with another crew so this is his second trip in space so our youngest is also the most experienced technically