it was well past contact time we thought we permanently lost contact with houston then it chimed like a sweet buzzer in my ear as far as i could tell it was way past point of contact and we were well past 50 days of contact I am sure by now we all thought we had lost permanent contact with the ground hello any one there speak if u can dillion was first on the mike with a BIG HELLO HOUSTON U HAVE THE NINA STAR loud and proud he was we were whooping it up to be honest to have ground contact after 50 days excited everyone including me we tried to speak at once but houston was not having it so they asked brad to speak first he was our captain after all then they put Brad's sick mother on the phone she told him her cancer progressed to stage four from the chemo and she would not be here when he got home but for him to dump her ashes from her cremation ceremony in the ocean and to give a party in her death for her friends to say goodbye he agreed of course then I heard my father saying he had it covered till we got home and brad u better get my only daughter home safe and on time he yelled hi baby girl I love and miss u very much tears filled my eyes then out of the blue karen yelled brad baby I except your marriage promise to me come home we will be married your mom gave me her blessing to have your baby and be your wife it was only Brad's family their cause of his mom my dad worked there and took care of astronauts families while they are on long journeys he is part of the family's HR team he helps with expenses and funeral arrangements and weddings stuff takes care of our homes for our safe arrival that sort of thing checks mailboxes and waters plants feeds and walks dogs whatever we need he takes care of our earthly worries in this case it was a simple good bye from mother to son that would make us all cry and cuddle together in zero gravity hugging circle that evolved around brad