Being orphaned at seven years, Akhil has been raised by his elder brother Praveen Krishna, who has been working as the leading journalist in Coimbatore district. He is settled with his wife Lakshmi, who is like a mother for Akhil. The duo has a daughter named Kavya, who too is like a sister for Akhil, rather than being a sibling.

Akhil is working as the ASP of Coimbatore district with his close friend ASP Sai Adhithya, his teammate. Sai Adhithya is married to Ishika, a neurological surgeon, working in ARC Hospitals, which was owned by her father Dr. Krishna Manohar, a widely respected surgeon and a widower.

Ishika also has two other sisters Nisha and Divya. Nisha had completed her Cardiology course and she is working as Cardiologist in Manohar's hospital while, Divya is studying for her doctor course. 

Ishika is concerned more about Adhithya and dislikes his IPS profession. Even she criticized Akhil for choosing this particular type of profession, which is torturing. However, the duo tells that, they are happy to do this IPS profession and manages to console her. Presently, Ishika is pregnant and henceforth, she is feared about Adhithya.

On the other hand, Akhil is in love with a girl named Caroline, an aspiring scientist, who is in a research to find a powerful Nuclear bomb, that is highly useful for our country's Indian Army and she has been doing the research with the motivation of Akhil.

Caroline is an orphan and she grew up in orphanage trust and is too sensitive. She has completed her nuclear physics in PSG Tech and is determined to find the Nuclear bomb at any cost. Henceforth, Akhil waits for Caroline till she achieves her dreams and motivated her a lot.

While, these patriotic guys are protective towards their country, there comes another guy named Rishvanth, a local thug and gangster, who works for the Jihadis in Pakistan. In further, he is very much loyal to the main head Muhammad Salim Baig, who considers him as his brother, because of his protective attitude.

This time, Rishvanth is given a mission to target Coimbatore and orchestrate bomb blasts across various cities and places in the district, so that the government of India might shelve the preparation of Nuclear Explosive Project in the ISRO laboratory(which is now executed by Caroline).

In further, Rishvanth is asked to kill the one, who is preparing the explosive in a brutal manner and in order to avoid the suspicion, the scientist should be put among the dead people, who got killed in the bomb blasts. Rishvanth orders one of his henchman to collect details about the one, who is preparing the nuclear explosive and the henchman, as told gets the details about Caroline and gives it to Rishvanth.

Rishvanth plans to orchestrate bomb blasts in important places of Coimbatore such as Airport, Gandhipuram, Thudiyalur, Avinashi NH4 and Ukkadam Bus stand, which are all frequently visited places by various districts like Erode and Karur districts on January 14, 2021(On the eve of Pongal festival).

As planned, the bomb blasts are perfectly executed by Rishvanth and his terrorism groups and in the process, they also kidnaps Caroline and tortured her brutally after which, they killed her and has thrown her body in Gandhipuram bus stand, among the dead people's body.

However, before she can be kidnapped, Caroline manages to hide the Nuclear explosive(which she has managed to find successfully) in a secret place of her house and has also wrote a letter to Akhil, in which she has placed a key for the place and also asked him to take the explosive in her house as soon as possible.

On seeing Caroline's dead body, Akhil suspects some foul play behind her death after he and Sai Adhithya saw some injuries and stick beating marks. They informs this to their senior police officer, DSP Joseph Fernando, who asks the duo to make a parallel investigation behind this.

When the media asks about the blasts, they reveals this particular suspicion to them and leaves the place, unanswered for other questions, put forth by them.

Meanwhile Rishvanth informs to Salim, "Bhai. Our Mission is successful. I have killed that scientist as well as orchestrated the bomb blasts successfully. Henceforth, the Indian Government will fear whether, they have to take a risk by finding this explosive"

"Well done, Rishvanth. But, be careful and watch every movements of the government. And if any information comes, tell to me" said Salim.

"Bhai. I also have a bad news. I don't know how will you take!" said Rishvanth.

"It depends on your news, my dear. Tell what's that!" said Salim.

"Though, we managed to kill Caroline, her lover suspects that she has been murdered. He tells this to the media and the police department" said Rishvanth.

"Find him as soon as possible and kill him. Problem solved" said Salim.

"Bhai. That's not an easy job. Because, the mentioned lover of Caroline is the ASP of Coimbatore district. Indeed, he and his close friend Sai Adhithya have already tried to chase out our gang from the district. If he finds out that, I am the mastermind behind this, the duo will brutally kill me" said Rishvanth.

"Rishvanth. I will not be quite until they kill you. I will come to India the very next moment, when they kill you and will turn the country into a graveyard" said Salim.

Rishvanth nods his head and he decides to hide for some days, until the investigation is finished by Sai Adhithya and Akhil. Meanwhile, Nisha is attracted with the good and caring nature of Akhil and develops feelings for him. Indeed, she also expresses this to her father, who tells her to wait for some days, because he is still more upset with Caroline's death.

Even Sai Adhithya tells the same to Nisha, when he hears about this while Ishika tells, "Nisha. He will not think about Caroline's death for so many days. Somehow, he have to come to our terms. Let's wait for some days."

Nisha accepts the point of Ishika. For two months, Akhil and Sai Adhithya are busy with their investigation and they starts to collect the videos of CCTV footages in the places, where the bomb blasts had been orchestrated.

While investigating the CCTV footage, the duo observes the henchman of Rishvanth after which, they meets him and after a long chase, the henchman is caught. While interrogating him through third degree, they are shocked to know that, Rishvanth has connections with Jihadis and they are furthermore shocked to know that Rishvanth is the mastermind behind the bomb blasts.

As per their so far guess, Rishvanth is only a gangster and henceforth, tried to eliminate him. But, besides being a gangster, he is also a terrorist and in the same process, Akhil further learned that, Caroline has been killed by Rishvanth.

Angered on hearing this, he takes the henchman to Joseph Fernando and the video conference, after which he submits this to Central and State government.

Rishvanth and his gang are asked to be killed at any time and in further, the State Govt. passes 144 act with a total lockdown in Coimbatore district and until then, all the people are asked not to come out from their home.

As planned, Rishvanth's gangster offices, house and tents are seized by the Indian Army and they also kills the henchman of Rishvanth. After a chase period of five weeks, he gets caught by Akhil, who shoots Rishvanth in his right and left chest, abdomen and right arm, after remembering Caroline's death.

Rishvanth falls down like a tree(which fells as such when it is cut). But, before dying Rishvanth tells, "Akhil. Don't be too glad. It's not an end. After my death, you will face so many tragic incidents in your life. Be ready for it"

"Let's see that Rishvanth" said Akhil and he dies.

As per Caroline's wish, Akhil manages to take the Nuclear explosive and hands it to the Indian Government, who tells that this marks as a big change for India and makes it legal naming it as Caroline 2021(as a remarks of her remembrance.)

Meantime, Salim is informed about Rishvanth's death after which he plans to come for Coimbatore through sea transport. After a 3-weeks travel, Salim comes to Coimbatore through Thiruvananthapuram ,with his henchman and takes shelter in a Muslim's house.

"Rishvanth is like my younger brother, da. He has done so many things for me. I am unable to save him. I feel ashamed about myself" said Salim.

"Bhai. Why should you feel ashamed? The one who has been the reason for Rishvanth's death should feel for killing him. We should kill them all, Bhai." Said a henchman, for which he agrees.

Salim learns that, Akhil and Sai Adhithya was the one who killed Rishvanth for avenging Caroline's death and also for the bomb blasts. He is furthermore anger on hearing how Rishvanth was killed and vows to destroy the whole family of Akhil and he calls him.

"Yes. ACP Akhil here. Who is this?" asked Akhil.

"ACP Akhil. I am Muhammad Salim. Rishvanth's brother. Do you remember him? You have made a big mistake by killing him brutally. Be prepared man. Because, you will face so many tragic incidents" said Salim.

Feeling concerned, Akhil asks Sai Adhithya to go for his house immediately and take care of Ishika while, he also rushes to his house in order to save his family members. However, in the same night itself, Salim and his henchman arrives and attacks Akhil.

But before they can come, Akhil has managed to send Kavya to Sai Adhithya's house and now, Salim stabs Lakshmi and Praveen Krishna in their right arm and abdomen, similar to Rishvanth's killing.

Akhil begs him not to kill, but he brutally kills them and later, they burns the house. But, before that, Akhil has been left in the roads of Sai Adhithya's house. After this, Nisha takes him to her house and they gives him treatment.

After two days, Akhil wakes up and asks for his family to which, Sai Adhithya tells them as dead. Akhil cries aloud for being a reason for their death while, Sai Adhithya and his family managed to console him.

After recovering, Nisha proposes her love to Akhil for which he reciprocates after being taken aback initially. He also rejoins the IPS duty with Sai Adhithya. Meanwhile, Salim calls Akhil and tells to him that, "He is planning to orchestrate bomb blasts in various places of Coimbatore again and asks him to save, if he can."

They informs this to police department and State government, after which they are given a deadline to catch Salim and henceforth, they forms a team and decides to find out Salim, because he must be in Coimbatore only and is not easy for him to hide in other places of Tamil Nadu.

After a long chase, they traces out Salim's location. But, instead of killing him with gun, the team and Akhil throws the Nuclear explosive in their house place, which destroys the whole place and also kills Salim in the process.

While leaving from the place, Sai Adhithya asked to Akhil, "Hey. Is this mission of patriotism an end or beginning?"

"This is just the beginning…" said Akhil, smilingly and they leaves from the place, holding the hands of each other in order to get ready for their next mission…


After killing Salim with their police teams, DGP Anuvishnu IPS, calls Akhil and Sai Adhithya and tells the duo to meet him in the office. While leaving, Sai Adhithya asked to Akhil, "Hey. Is this mission of patriotism the beginning or an end?"

"It's just the beginning" said Akhil, smiling and the duo walks from the place by holding their hands in order to meet the DGP.

After this, the duo meets the DGP, who tells the duo that they are transferred to Bangalore in order to deal with another case after which the duo salutes the DGP and proceeds to go for Bangalore, with their family.

To be Patriotism: The Conclusion...