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NOTE: This story is for all those, who have lost their beloved people in 2008 bomb blasts that occurred in various parts of India like my close friend's relative, who too became a victim of Mumbai attacks 2008…A tribute of mourning for all those people…and is also dedicated to all those sincere police officers…

As we all know that only Mumbai was victim of 2008 bomb blasts, there also exists a place in India called, Bangalore which was also affected largely by the serial blasts, that were orchestrated by the terrorists.

Let's see what happens in 2008.

As the new year is going to come, many people in Bangalore are happy celebrating and waiting to await the 2008. But, many are unknown that, this year 2008, is going to be their black year.

ASP Rajesh, the present ASP of Bangalore under Anti-terrorism squad is also celebrating the new year's eve with his close friend and teammate ASP Krishna. Both of them are ruthless encounter specialists in Bangalore. They both works as the ASP of Bangalore for two years.

Rajesh always has the spirit of patriotism and sacrifice. Because, his entire family had been killed brutally by gangsters before few years, in a bomb blasts. From that time, he wanted to protect the country and Krishna takes him as a role-model and inspiration.

Rajesh is in love with a Catholic Christian girl named, Caroline. Carolina comes from a middle-class family, and lives with her father Joseph, mother Esther and elder son Christopher with an younger sister named Evangeline.

Carolina's elder brother Christopher has left their family once after being married and settled and as a result, she has to take over the responsibilities of her family, since her father has become an drunkard after his son left, which he founds to be unbearable…

During these times, Rajesh helped Carolina's family a lot to come over from their debts and has also heard the grievances of Carolina's father. After being relieved from difficulties, Carolina's father had asked Rajesh to marry Carolina, to which he agrees.

During these times, Carolina's father died due to the excessive alcoholism and later on, Rajesh continued to support them. Despite following the opposition of Christopher, Carolina's mother agrees for their love and fixes their engagement ceremony. All are now happy, especially Rajesh and Krishna.

But, happiness doesn't last for long times. Because, on July 25, 2008, a series of bomb blasts occurred in Bangalore.

On July 25, 2008, Carolina was in Bangalore city, where she had went for a work and the bomb triggered in the place suddenly explodes, killing Carolina and many others in the bomb blast.

Carolina's death shattered Rajesh a lot and he starts to cry a lot. At that time, Krishna tells to him, "Rajesh. For your lover's death itself, you are getting this much shatter. Then think about 20 other people, who too lost their lives. Like us, they too will cry. You have to control your emotions da"

"How could I control my emotions da? For these few months only, I had been realizing the value of life and love. But, within few days…" said Rajesh and he starts to break down…

"We shouldn't leave them da, Rajesh. Because, those terrorists besides your lover's death has become a reason for 20 other people's death. We should have to catch them as an act of justice to Carolina's death" said Krishna, in order to motivate Rajesh and make him to prepare up himself for the mission.

Rajesh asks to send Carolina's body for post-mortem and later on, hands it to her family members. At that time, Christopher comes and meets Rajesh.

"Forgive me, Rajesh. Please forgive me. I am not a human being. I am an animal. Indeed, I has harmed my father, my sister, my mother and you. But, when you cried a lot for my sister's death, I realized the value of love. Further, I realized that, life is short but, time is faster. Now I am promising you. I will support and take care of my family. But, don't ever leave those terrorists alive. If your love for Carolina is true, arrest them. Go man" said Christopher and Rajesh leaves the place right after the cremation of Carolina.

Rajesh and Krishna takes up the Investigation of serial bombings after many other police officers had shown their inefficiency to deal with the case. The duo starts an parallel investigation process with their teammates consisting of Inspector Ibrahim, Inspector Surya and Inspector Joseph.

While investigating initially, they were reported that only three blasts took place at around 1.30 pm IST. However, Rajesh doesn't get clarified with this and hence, he started investigating the case in further with his friends.

On Investigating the local police officers and informers, they learned that besides the Bangalore city, places like Nayandahalli(1:30 PM IST), Madiwala(1:50 IST) and the last in Adugodi(2:10 PM IST). Other blasts were told to be occurred in the areas which included the Mallya Hospital, Langford Road and Richmond Circle. As per the reports, it said that The Madiwala blast took place at a check post, behind the Forum, a popular shopping mall in Bangalore.

Krishna in addition learns that, 1 at Nayandahali, 2 in Madiwala and one in Adugodi were killed in the bomb blasts and Ibrahim collects information regarding the bomb blasts and he learns that, gelatin sticks were used in the bombs.

Rajesh and Krishna analyses that, all the bombs had timer devices attached to them and that mobile phones were used to trigger the bombs. However, the blasts were low-intensity but occurred in crowded areas.

Some days after dated 12.11.2008, Inspector Ibrahim and Inspector Joseph gets a call from Koramangala police station, where an inspector informs to them that, on the date 26 July 2008, near to the forum mall, terrorists had planned to orchestrate the bomb blasts. But, their team had successfully removed the bomb with the help of Bomb Detection squad.

Besides collecting the information on regards to the bomb blasts, Rajesh and his team had also investigated the prosecutors behind the bomb blasts. On investigating they learned that, the terrorist groups like Lashkar-e-Toiba, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami and some other terrorist groups were responsible for these attacks…

After submitting the investigative reports to the Karnataka Chief Minister, the Government of India orders the culprits and prosecutors to be arrested and as per the orders, Rajesh's team arrests Nawazmuddin and Saif Khan near Hubli in Karnataka. On further, they also found out the sleeper cells organization in Karnataka and manages to clear them all.

Some days later after the attacks, many reacted against it similar to the Mumbai attacks, especially the Karnataka Chief Minister, Our Indian Prime Minister and President. Rajesh and his team were honored for their bravery by the Chief Minister.

Later on, they attends the meeting with the media.

"Sir. What do you feel about these brutal terrorists attacks? May we all know your point of view?" asked a media man to Rajesh.

"As per my views, this year 2008 is a black year for me and Indian People. Because, we all lost our beloved ones and this marks as a tragic year for all of us" said Rajesh.

"Sir. Are you telling it as a black year, only because of your lover's death?" asked a media man.

"Nonsense. How can you all be able to ask questions like this?" asked Krishna, out of anger and Ibrahim too, shouted against them.

However, Rajesh stopped him and he replies to the man, "Not only for my beloved one's death. But, it is also for those, who has lost their loved ones in various parts of India, through these bomb blasts. Thank you and Jai Hind!"

Later, Rajesh and his team leaves the place. Three months later, Rajesh goes to the cemetery of Carolina, where he places a flower besides her and proceeds to continue for his duty, while some yellow flowers rejoices and falls under the cemetery of Carolina…

               THE END…