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"The society is going corrupt and selfish. No one cares and responsible. Everyone wants their own peaceful life. Corruption is ruling the whole world. This forms a way for evil and other destructing activities in the nation. Corruption is the root cause of all the evils." These words are written in one of the articles that are written by a famous editor R.Thiyagarajan living in the areas of Chennai.

These words torment a guy named, Gokul Krishna, who hails from a middle-class family, being raised by his parents Harikrishna and Deeparani. They have made a lot of sacrifice for Gokul Krishna's welfare since he was born an ADHD since childhood, that marks a high weak point for Gokul.

However, he manages to come out from all these and Gokul loves natural sceneries a lot and he is severely impacted by the pollutions and corruption in the society from 5th standard, which is noticed by his parents, and they are feared that Gokul may be affected mentally because of this society.

As a henceforth, his father decides not to take Gokul to the natural sceneries as it will fuel up Gokul's anger towards this society, upsetting Gokul to the core and further Gokul develops a hatred for his parents.

Day by Day, Gokul's act worsens, which worries his parents and they consult a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist, after checking Gokul, tells his parents that, there is a cure for Gokul only when the society turns good and responsible as Gokul has loved India from his heart.

Gokul's parents leave disappointed with him and Gokul has a sour relationship with his father, as he had made him leave a tragic life only focusing him on academics. Gokul's act upsets his school friends and teachers, who all have a huge regret with Gokul's anger management problems and his hatred for Corruption.

Five years follows, and Gokul is now in his college studying for B.Com. As of now in the college also, Gokul decides to get trained up physically by enrolling himself in "National Cadet Corps under Army Wing."

Gokul gets trained up severely in the NCC. In spite of this, he gets trained up in Martial arts skills such as, "Silambam, Adimurai and Valari" without the knowledge of his parents. Later, after being trained up physically, Gokul makes a plan, "Corruption-Pollution-Gangsters", which Gokul names as, "Three-tier plan for the society's welfare" and Gokul sticks the plan secretly in his home, where he used to place his personal planning. He smartly makes a plan and covers up the cupboard, so that his parents may not observe it.

Gokul prepares a mask for himself, with which he can cover up his face and he can accomplish his mission. Gokul names this mission as, "Operation C-P-G" and from now, Gokul has targeted on the main peoples of this country: "Politicians(corrupted peoples), Government officials(consisting of IPS officers, Railway officers, and Customs officers), Mafia leaders and the selfish peoples both from the rich and middle-class peoples."

Gokul introduces his name as Sakthi and creates a website "www.sakthi.com" and the money which he won from the stories that he wrote, is spent on this website. Gokul doesn't place his photo and instead pastes a photo of Lion and asks the people to express their concerns on a day-to-day basis on this website.

At first, some peoples commented by mocking Gokul. However, when Gokul made a tough promise that he will serve for this society, they accept and from day 1, Gokul hears all the concerns of the people and he assures them that, he will punish the corrupt peoples in this society.

Gokul slowly starts his mission under which, he slowly eliminates the gangsters and corrupt government officials in all over India. Since he wore a strong black mask around his face, no one was able to recognize him.

Slowly, his website gets popularized all over India and even, some college friends of Gokul start to speak out about these websites proudly. One day, a road accident happens near the College of Gokul and he notices that all of the peoples including his friends, do not care and are taking videos, instead of helping the victims.

Hence, Gokul himself helps the victims and saves their life. Gokul's attitude is mocked by his friends and he doesn't care about it. Some close friends are worried for Gokul's welfare and one among such close friends is Nisha. She is from a rich family, a talkative and smiling girl.

She was attracted to Gokul from the first day and instantly follows him, but Gokul doesn't mind her and asks her to stay away from his life as his path and her path are different and are cross-overs. Despite his warnings, she frequently follows him. However, besides all these things, Gokul treats Nisha as his close friends and he cares her a lot from the first day to the present days in the college. 

Gokul is disturbed with Nisha's antics and in a way to keep himself away from her, he asks Nisha to wait for two years so that, he will be financially settled and after which, he may decide to reciprocate Nisha's love. Nisha gladly accepts to Gokul's request and she stops to disturb him.

Meanwhile, Gokul puts officially on his website for a meeting in the famous stadium of Coimbatore, where all peoples are gathered from the country. There, Gokul shows some of his collected photos and says these lines:

"This is the photos of India during the times of 1957-2000's. And these are the photos of India currently under the 2010-2020s. See the look of the Kaveri river in 2000 and the current status of the river in 2019's. We started the Pollution from Nature and have self-polluted ourselves with corrupt and evil habits. How far the selfishness has reached? Even our peoples are not ready to help the victims who met with an accident and other tragedies. Some will accuse that there is no good government. But, the one who rules this nation is ourselves."

"India is a diverse country with multi-languages like Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, and...Being born in such a great country, we should feel proud. My great regret is for women in this society. Men, being influenced by the money, are harming women sexually and verbally. Money is ruling this world. Until you peoples change to good and responsible, I will resume my fight for this nation."

"To say further, As our Mahatma Gandhi told, India is a secular country and there is no religion, no caste, and no community. If I want to say further, Our thinking is the same though being separated from different languages. Jai Hind!"

Some days later, Gokul finishes his exams and scores good. On a vacation, Gokul observes a 3-year old girl, being raped and killed in Palakkad district, Kerala by a highly rich and influential guy. Gokul gets angry and goes to Palakkad informing his father that, he is going for a vacation.

Gokul takes up his bike and proceeds to cross the Coimbatore borders near Pichanur. Near Pichanur, Gokul stops his bike for a signal. Our other lead, Nisha has also eventually come to Pichanur, as she too goes to Palakkad for a vacation tour. She becomes happy on seeing Gokul.

However, Gokul notices that Nisha has seen him and he speeds up his bike to Palakkad considering his mission to be important. Nisha follows Gokul in her car and now, our Gokul has reached Palakkad to meet the rapist.

Introducing himself as an unemployed youth for a job, Gokul comes to meet the rapist and having pity for Gokul, he asks him to work as his assistant, to which he agrees.

Nisha is surprised to see Gokul's bike near a highly influential guy's house and she becomes doubtful against Gokul. Gokul informs his parents that he has been enrolled in Martial arts training and will take one month to come to Coimbatore, to which they agree.

Gokul trains up himself again in "Silambam, Valari, and Adimurai" and "Army Gun-shoot training" which was given when he enrolled for the first time in NCC. Nisha notices Gokul's rigorous training in Martial arts and Gun shooting and is surprised.

According to Nisha, Gokul is a bully-mark and mental among other students. But, he has a vigorous talent within himself and she angrily confronts him.

"Gokul. What is this? Why are you performing this training?" asked Nisha.

"Hi, Nisha. Come. How are you? Seen you after a long time!" said Gokul in-order to distract her.

"Don't change the topic. I want to know the reason, now" said an angry Nisha.

"That's none of your business, Nisha. As told you before, your path and my path have a difference." Said Gokul.

"I truly love you, Gokul. I need to know the reason for your sudden preference for this training!" said Nisha.

"Society. Because of this corrupt society. The selfish peoples, holding some of my selfish friends, family members, arrogant peoples, politician, and police officers." Said Gokul.

"Hence, you are the mastermind behind eliminating baddies in this society by taking the law into your own hands. Is it?" asked Nisha.

"What you asked? I am taking the law into my own hands. Ok. Let me come to your point of view. A few years back, so many rape incidents occurred. Group rape and individual rape. What did this judicial system do? Did they punish the criminals? They extended the case for months due to the continuous petitions" said Gokul.

"You are a common citizen and you don't have the right to kill," said Nisha.

"Is it? I have the right to question this corrupt system. Not only me, but you also have the right to raise a question. Do we get clean water like the 1960s now, or girls like you can roam safely outside alone during nights?" asked Gokul, which silences Nisha.

"Even our rival nations Pakistan and Afghanistan are far better when compared to our country. They have made strict rules and regulations in their country" said Gokul.

Nisha has a change of heart and apologizes to Gokul. At this point in time, Gokul accepts Nisha's love and they both embrace each other. After that, as planned, Gokul kidnaps the rapist and he is brutally killed by him, which were video-tapped by Nisha.

Gokul leaves a message that "Guys like him will be killed by me when they don't give respect to his nation and women." Seeing the national recognition for the Sakthi website, the Indian Government is tensed and pressurized and a sudden meeting is made all over the state Chief Ministers with the Prime Minister.

As they all express their concerns to the Prime Minister, some State Chief Ministers notice the silence of the Prime Minister and get furious with him. However, the Prime Minister reveals the reason for his silence.

"Cool down, sir. What Sakthi did is right, only? As you are all corrupt, some citizens turned vigilante, mainly because of their psychological disturbance on seeing their environmental surroundings" said the Prime Minister. As the Prime Minister himself is supporting this website, people feel happier and Gokul's plan is introduced by the Indian Government under these categories:

1.)            Cancellation of the special constitution for Kashmir- Eliminating Article 365.

2.)            New Education Policy- Under the control of the Central Government(Because of State Government's corruption).

3.)            Citizenship Amendment Act- Compulsory for the citizens who come from outside India(Countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh).

4.)            These are all brought up by the government to abolish the corruption permanently in the country and is implemented all over India despite following the stiff oppositions.  

Some of the politicians who disliked the Prime Minister's plans tried to brainwash the backward and disabled classes about these policies. But, they are all backfired strongly by all the peoples, who have all now changed because of the Sakthi website and now, the anger turns against this website for the politicians and they set on to find the user, but it goes failed as the hackers are also supporting this website and they don't wish to dismantle this website.

Further, the Indian Prime Ministers bring another change to India, which makes women happier. "Women Protection Act, 2020" and again another act called "Anti-Corruption act, 2020" under which, following rules are set:

1.)          Any violence regarding women and children like rape, sexual harassment, and other violence is a punishable offense.

2.)          He/She, who is the guilt of such crimes, will have a severe punishment under the following categories:

i). When an adult woman is harassed sexually or under other violence, people, being from any section of this society will be beheaded in front of the public.

ii). There is no partiality in the punishment. Rich/Middle/Poor, who does this offense, should be immediately punished in-order to instill fears in the minds of people.

3.)          Corrupt peoples, who are found guilty of bribes and any other act, will be shot dead with their entire family members.

This act gets accomplished in India and the Prime Minister also praises Gokul's Sakthi website's vigilante for this country's welfare. Eventually, Gokul decides to reveal his identity to the country after seeing the praise of the Prime Minister.

Gokul's father too finds out about Gokul's complete involvement in the country's welfare and eventually, appreciates his act for the first time, which Gokul expected from his parents.

Gokul apologizes to his family members and parents for his aggressive behavior and eventually, he reconciles with all of his estranged friends and family members.

Officially Gokul, tells that it was he who created the Sakthi website and surrounds to the court.

There, Gokul is questioned by the public Prosecutor, arranged by the Tamil Nadu State Government, and eventually, the Indian Prime Minister himself, comes to the court.

Now, Gokul starts to speak with the judge, while Nisha, Gokul's parents, and his family watches his talk.

"Judge sir. What I did was wrong! It's a punishable offense of taking law into my own hands. But, when I see this corrupt society, not even caring for each other, I am angry. We have polluted the environment and has quenched our thirst for money. But, our greed has made this society into a selfish and corrupt. Money's influence makes the men commit various mistakes that involve women and children under the main. In reality, besides government peoples are also becoming self-corrupt. They don't care about the welfare of other peoples. But, after this website, I noticed a change and the beast that people had in their minds."

Gokul stops his talk up to this as he has nothing to say in-further and he stops with this. The judge has a change of heart and he offers his final verdict.

"As Gokul has done this for the welfare of the nation, he is evicted from punishments as he did it due to the deep affection for the nation under the influence of psychological disruption."

However, the judge asks Gokul to go for a treatment in the mental asylum and after fifteen days, he is cured of his psychological disturbance.

As desired by Gokul, he has been taking for Army under Air force with a special post as a Government's advisor and after completing his course B.Com, Gokul joins as a Government advisor while also continuing as Indian Army officer.

My viewpoints as an Author of this story:

"Though this is a story, according to my viewpoint, all the things which I expressed here are deep from my heart. To be open and frank, I am deeply affected by the people's selfishness and this corrupt society. I was inspired to write this story after, reading into a lot of measures and act brought by the central government. Before coming into this story, I ensured that whether I am using any influence before depicting my themes in this story. If we are all corrupt still more not caring about the nation, still so many peoples will turn as a vigilante against this society."