R.O.B? (Rewrite)

On top of the stairs is a white-haired man with a smile on his face looking at Tanaka, who seems struggling to get up.

"Interesting," said the White-haired man

(Third POV)

Tanaka made it to the top of the stairs

And immediately passed out

However, before passing out, he saw a white-haired man sitting on a throne looking at him with a smirk that can make anyone wants to punch his face.

He lost consciousness under the amused gaze of the white-haired

The white-haired snapped his finger making Tanaka in his soul form get surrounded by a golden light.

(Minutes later)

Tanaka's eyes began to twitch as his body jolted awake.

Tanaka was a bit in a daze, waking up in yet another strange place, however, his memory quickly kicked in.

"Hmm, so what questions did you have kid?" Asked, a familiar voice snapping him out of his daze

Tanaka looked for the source of the voice only to find a white-haired man sitting on a throne looking down on him with a bored expression

"Who are you? Where are we?" Tanaka asked in a hurry

"Ho slow down kid one question at a time," Said the man slightly amused by Tanaka behavior

Tanaka took a deep breath and composed himself yet again.

"Who are you?" Asked Tanaka in a calm tone

"Oh, I have many titles God, R.O.B, Supreme being…" The white-haired man began saying many names and titles, much to the annoyance of Tanaka

Which didn't go unnoticed by the white-haired man as he stopped speaking about his titles

"Just think of me as a higher being or a R.O.B," Said the white-haired man.

"I see then where are we? And why am I here?" asked Tanaka, not completely believing the man.

After all, who would believe someone saying he is God without proof?

However, he does not think it is a complete lie

"You are in my domain, my home sort of speak, as for why you are here is because you are an irregular soul something I haven't seen in a while"

"Irregular? What that?"

"Irregular soul sort of speak, Let me make it simple for you to understand I made a System in your world where after a human dies it takes his or her soul to be judged"

"It also scans the world to find if there are errors or an anomaly that go unnoticed"

"However the system can't detect Irregular souls which what you are, that why when it checked the world to see memories of a being that shouldn't exist the system deleted it as an error"

"Any questions?" ending his long explanation, R.O.B asked

"Shouldn't it be your job to look after humans? After all, you call yourself a god?" Asked Tanaka, while processing the information he just got

"Nah I am too lazy for that" Answered R.O.B casually

"*Sigh* that doesn't explain why I am here," Tanaka asked as he sighed at R.O.B shameless behavior

"You are here because I found you interesting and want to offer you a deal," Said R.O.B.

"Deal? What deal?" asked Tanaka.

"How about I reincarnate you?" Asked R.O.B.

Hearing this, Tanaka got a bit excited however quickly calmed down

Nothing in this world is free, after all

R.O.B as if reading Tanaka thoughts smiled

"What kind of reincarnation? Do I get a system or wishes, or worst nothing?" Asked Tanaka if asked he would prefer to have a wish.

"Easy there, let see you won't get a wish or a System" Said R.O.B much to Tanaka despair

However, before Tanaka could refuse

"But you will get a cheat but of course, not for free you have to finish one job for me" Said R.O.B

'Knew it, there has to be a catch' Thought Tanaka as he waited for R.O.B to finish

"What is the job then?" Asked Tanaka.

"Let see, one of my friends entrusted me to a world of his, However, some outsiders made it into that world your job is to eliminate the outsiders and protect the world, simple right?" Said R.O.B.

"Who are these outsiders?" Asked Tanaka.

"You might know them as monarchs from solo leveling," Said the R.O.B

"One last question, how do I get me cheats?" Asked Tanaka.

"Oh speaking of cheats you already got one" Said R.O.B

"Huh, when did I get anything?"

"You awakened you 'Will' it, an ability to use your willpower over others making weak enemies unconscious and strong enemies feel pressure" Said R.O.B

"You could have just said I awakened Haoshoku Haki" Said Tanaka with a deadpan expression

"Now to the exciting part" Said R.O.B ignoring Tanaka remark as he clapped his hands Making a giant golden wheel appear

(A/N: you know where this is going)

Looking closer Tanaka saw many powers some he is familiar with some he doesn't know

He sighed as he knew where this is going without an explanation from R.O.B

He after all read his share fair of fan fiction

"Fine, let's spin the wheel"

Said Tanaka as he moved towards the wheel


(Author Note)

Ya it's kind of the same as the original, but I did change some things and made stuff clearer

tell me your opinion

I will try to update daily from now on

Maybe 2 chapters if I can

This chapter was kind of an info dump sorry about that

One last thing

Many people complained about MHA being the world


Sould I change it?