Thank You

"Mr. Michael Grey, your registration is complete"

"Here's your Terran License and your pet license"

The clerk who works at the Branch Association of Terran handed Michael two different cards.

One for Michael and one for Hao with her picture on it along with paw print as her signature.

"Congratulations on becoming an Awakened Mr. Grey, and please remember to give Hao a collar or something similar to her so that such a cu- I mean, so that your pet wouldn't be mistaken as a wild monster"

The clerk who is a woman quickly corrected her words when her professionalism started slipping away, and Michael could only chuckle when he saw that.

"Bye Hao! Come visit us once in a while!"

"Bye cutie pie~!"

"See you later, Hao chan~!"

Multiple clerks stopped what they were doing and waved their hands as they said their goodbyes just after Michael got up and prepared to leave with Hao.


Hao also waved her paw in a cute manner, which melted the hearts of the people watching them.

Looking at the attitude of the clerk towards Michael, the others who came here to register and are lining up couldn't help but look at him in envy and with a tinge of anger.

Why are this group of newly awakened Terrans who are adored by the people because of their status sending envious gazes to Michael?

Well, it has a lot to do to Hao, and it's because of the attitudes of the clerks towards Michael.

Because those beautiful clerks earlier were giving Michael preferential treatment just because he has an incredibly cute pet!

A treatment that a lot of them would certainly not receive!

It was because these women who work for the Terran Association aren't the least bit scared of them and would even treat them coldly, and sometimes would even scold them if they did something wrong under their eyes!

So they are envious of him because they also want to be surrounded by beauties even if they have to be a slave to a pet, as long as it's cute!

Because cuteness is a great bait into luring women to approach you on their own accord!

The hardships of single dogs!

After leaving the association under envious and unwilling gazes.

Michael headed towards a nearby food street where people can go and buy ready made foods from various food stalls that are set up on that place.

Michael ordered a set of Tokneneng and Squid Balls.

A Tokneneng is a tempura-like Filipino street food made by deep-frying a hard-boiled duck egg covered in orange batter, but most vendors use quail eggs instead of duck eggs.

While Squid Balls are pureed squids mixed with some flour and spices, formed into a ball and then steamed or fried

Coming to this popular food street in the town, Michael and Hao garnered a lot of attention, from respect, awe, envy, agitation and excitement, the latter two options mostly because of Hao's cute appearance that can stir the hearts of men!

Because of that, Michael brought Hao to a nearby park there's no people around.

The duo sat down on a bench facing the large flowing river before their eyes.

A once dead river with almost no life in it, but it all changed since the appearance of Terrans.

It's because the local Terrans appealed to the local government about a policy banning fishing activities all year in the town round except for the month of December.

Which allowed the river to be brimming with life again.

Gazing at the flowing river with Haoin his arms.

'I didn't expect this is where my life would lead me, and living in this era where the impossible has become possible is the best!'

"Was it that good?" asked Michael with a laugh when he saw Hao stuffing three Tokneneng into her mouth with vigor, and her face once again reminded him of a chipmunk.


Hao nodded hastily with a bright expression while chewing her food.

"I'm glad you like it!"

Michael smiled when he saw that, and he also started to dig in as both of them enjoyed their leisurely time.

After a satisfying meal, the duo once again embarked on their journey for today and drove towards the local market.

They bought tomato and corn seeds, then on the way home, they stopped by a nearby stream beside the large expanse of farm field.

Michael got down from the car and cut off a few long vines of wild potatoes that could be found anywhere, and placed them on the back of the truck before heading back.


"God, she's so cute~!"

Michael's mom couldn't help but let out a soft squeal while taking a selfie with Hao in her arms, and Michael could only shake his head while drinking milk as he stood in the kitchen looking at two.

Then his mom finally noticed his son watching them, "Michael, did you two already took a photo when you two got registered in the association"

"No, why?"

"What were you thinking? Why didn't you take one!?" his mom couldn't help but yell at him with exasperation after hearing his answer.

"Come and hold Hao, and have a photo and then share it to your friends on social media" his mom added with shining eyes!

'Ha~ it seems she just wants to brag about it'

Michael took out their Terran licence and picked Hao up in his arms and took a selfie with both of them holding their own cards as Hao held her licence between her paws, and showed her brightness look towards the camera.

"Say Terran~"



'I'm really happy that I finally became a Terran and holding this licence in my hand that I wanted for a long time'

'And it's all thanks to Hao who appeared in my life'

'Thank you Hao, for coming into our lives and making our lives brighter with your cuteness and your cute antics'


Hao jumped out of Michael's arm and leaped onto his shoulders and uttered a cute cry.

"This time, let's take a photo together! Then another when your dad and sister are back!" said his mother with enthusiasm.

"S-ure mom"

Michael only laughed as his mother knelt on her knees behind him, with Hao on his lap while Michael placed the phone on a timer.



And their bright and sincere smiles that could even warm someone's heart was captured in the photo.

'Thank you, Hao'


Three thirty in the afternoon.

Michael and Hao had just arrived at their family field after a short snack.

Ever since Michael became a Terran, he had finally discovered a whole new world since then, and as his everyday life had drastically changed, he had finally discovered and could see the Elementals he had long heard about.

Of course, Michael and many others in the world had long known that there's Elementals around them thanks to the knowledge that his predecessors shared on the internet.

It was just that ordinary people can't see or even talk to them if the Elementals don't want to communicate.

But on the other hand, there's not a lot of them that they could blot out the sun.

But Michael could at least see ten to fifteen elemental spirits everyday, and most of them are just hanging about the vast expanse of farm fields around them, and it also mostly depends on what elementals they are.

In the farm field, Michael can see Wind and Earth Elementals, while Water Elementals can be found along the stream flowing around the field.

It really depends on their elements.

As long as there's a body of water, then there would certainly be Water Elementals, but Earth Elementals has the greatest number because of the vast expanse of earth, followed by the Wind Elementals.

But Michael wasn't sure about Fire Elementals as he had never seen one before.

'Can they only be found around volcanoes or places with a lot of fire elements?'

Michael wondered as he still doesn't know that much about them.


On the other hand, Michael couldn't help but feel satisfied when looking at their field filled with crops that had grown beyond their natural growth, and around the field are a few Water Elementals whom Michael asked for their help are busy watering the crops with Hao running around the field, patrolling his territory.

"I wonder how they would turn out? I'm pretty sure quality would be exceptional from just their appearance, but will they become more delicious now that I, a person with the ability to improve crops, is now looking after them?"

"Will they have special effects like those artifacts that other Terrans get from dungeons or from Terrane?"

"But I'm pretty sure they would sell a lot if they do! Hahaha!"

Michael laughed and smiled with satisfaction while looking at the result of their hard work finally bearing fruit.

"All thanks to your hard work, and you all did well today again. Thanks a lot!" said Michael as he turned towards the Elementals who had been helping them out all this while.

"Wan~ Wan~"

"Eong! Eong!"

"Wiin~ Wiin~"

The Water, Earth and Wind Elementals replied to him respectively with proud and satisfied expressions on their faces.

'They're cute too'