When we ask many of the youngsters regarding their love to bike, mostly we receive positive feedback from them.

However, when we ask those youngsters to create an innovative idea for those bikes, we receive rare positive feedbacks from them. Mostly, we see negative responses from them. Because they love to be adventurous and have fun in their life.

Let's know the viewpoint of Akash Krishna, our main lead of this story.

He is hailing from a rich background in Erode district of Tamilnadu. Akash's family are bigwigs in the society, with a large number of business sectors all over Erode.

Akash is working as a Chief Executive Engineer in a Bike Showroom at Erode. His father Ramakrishna admonishes and opposes his decision to work in a showroom.

One day, he becomes angry to the core and confronts Akash about a huge argument.

"Why do you want to work in such a showroom? Aren't you educated? Aren't you a gold medalist? Let this all be asides. I have earned you, billions" said Ramakrishna to which Akash replies, "Dad. I want to do something useful and innovative. That's why I joined the showroom. My salary is good only."

"Okay. I trust you a lot. Hence, you are given a time period of three months. Within this period, you must prove your talent. Or else, you should take care of my business empire" said Ramakrishna.

Frustrated, Akash goes to meet his lover, Megha(one of his distant relatives) and reveals everything, that happened in his house.

"Don't worry Akash. What your father told is not wrong, right! Prove your talent to him. Haven't you proved your talent in college? You can prove" said Megha.

Akash decides to start his shelved bike project, which he named RTX Raven. Having learned the basics in the showroom, Akash goes to the google website and has a search about the present issues in the Indian States.

The main problems in India are bike accidents. Henceforth, Akash decides to fasten his innovative idea, that he had brought in the bike.

The already ideas like placing Airbags in CC, Gear controller in Speedometer and Seat adjustment facilities in Bike are recalled by Akash. These were written by Akash in his college days, for his placement projects.

Akash starts to design the bike. After designating it with Disc-brakes, headlights, gearshift, and several other specifications. However, placing Airbags alone was difficult for him.

Henceforth, he manages to place the Gear controller(like a minute ball, in the km/hr sides) near the Speedometer. Besides the gear controller, Akash further finishes the bike by placing the Seat adjusting presser in the bike. Now, the bike almost looks sports-made.

Since Akash is an environmental lover he plans to make this bike electric instead of being petrol or diesel. Henceforth, he places a Lithium-ion battery in the bike and also prepares a battery for that. It almost took the period of one month for Akash to prepare this bike. Akash makes the note on his phone that, "After a 1-hour full charge, the bike would go minimum for a range of 500-600 km inroads."

He takes this bike to meet Megha in Mullanparapu. However, when he asked his parents, they tell him that, she is not there for the past 4 days.

"Aunt. Haven't you complained to the police?" asked Akash?

They tell him that, "She called them a few days later and told them that, she is safer."

However, Akash is suspicious of the reply, being given by Megha's parents. Since Megha would inform him about everything.

Henceforth, Akash lies to his father that, he is going to work in the showroom and gets leave for 3 months in the showroom in order to take a spree for searching Megha.

Akash instigated so many of his friends about her whereabouts but to no avail. At this period of time, Akash receives a call from an unknown number, which he attends.

"Who is this?" asked Akash.

"I am your close friend, Adhithya da. I have been transferred to Erode as ACP. Hence, I called you in order to inform" said Adhithya to which Akash smiles and replies, "Yeah. Come soon da. I am waiting for your arrival."

The next day, Akash meets Adhithya and he asks Akash, "How are you, da? Completely changed and look stylish da."

"I am fine da, Adhithya," said Akash, and they both share a hug.

"Hmm. How is Megha? Is she fine?" asked Adhithya.

"Yes, da. She is fine. But, for the last five days, she is missing da. I asked her parents. But they gave a sour reply regarding her absence" said Akash.

"Akash. For how many days is she missing?" asked Adhithya.

"She has been missing for the past five days. In addition, I tried to contact her for five days, until she had gone missing. But, it came switched off" said Akash.

"Akash. Come again with the last line. What you told?" asked Adhithya.

"Her phone was switched off da," said Akash.

"When I was coming in the train from Uttar Pradesh(where he worked as IPS officer), I phoned her(before calling Akash) five days. She told me that, she would pick me up later. Since she wanted to talk with you. I had henceforth, agreed to speak later on. But, when I called after six hours, it came switched off. I think, something is fishy" said Adhithya.

"Why didn't you informed me about this da? Will you inform me now only?" asked a tensed and angry Akash.

"Cool down da. Why you are getting angered? I tried to tell you on the phone itself. But, I didn't felt it to be good and henceforth, decided to hold an open investigation with you here" said Adhithya.

Adhithya assures Akash to start a parallel investigation regarding Megha. The duo starts an investigation to all closely related to Megha, including her parents(who refuse to tell, citing reputation).

Left with no way, Akash and Adhithya

returns. Before returning, Akash gives his bike for launching in a showroom and is given a cash prize worth 10,00,000 as a special for giving this innovative idea to the present issues.

His father feels proud and lets Akash pursue, what he dreamt of. One day, Akash gets a unanimous call from an unknown guy, who wears a mask, covering his face, with everything being covered.

"Hello, Mr.Akash. Are you puzzled thinking about Megha?" asked the stranger.

"Who are you?" asked Akash to which, he replies him, "In this world, there are two persons: One is good and the other is bad. I am among the group of bad people. Get ready for playing with me, Akash," said the stranger.

"I am waiting," said Akash to which, the stranger replies, "I too, Mr.Akash" and he threw the phone far away, after switching it off.

After some days Akash goes to meet him Adhithya. The latter asks Akash, "Akash. If I ask you something, don't mistake me da!"

"That depends on the question, which you ask," said Akash.

"Hmm. Can you please tell me about your college life and how did you fell in love with Megha? Did you made any rivals in the college?" asked Adhi, to which Akash looked him in vexation while Adhi said, "I thought it would help me to get a lead in this case. Hence, I asked you" Said Adhithya.

"Is this important now? I have got a threatening call yesterday. I am thinking about that, while you are asking some unrelated questions" shouted an angry Akash.

"I am sorry da. I didn't know that. Give me the phone number" said Adhithya.

Akash gives and Adhithya gets the name and IP address of the phone number, with the help of the control room.

However, it's useless for them. Since, the said guy has used a voice modifier and hacking process, while communicating.

Adhithya and Akash realize that he has perfectly executed the call.

Again the stranger calls Akash.

"Akash. Put the speaker in your phone" said the stranger to which, he agrees and put the phone into the speaker.

"ACP Adhithya. How are you? I heard that you are a ruthless encounter specialist and intelligent police officer. But, I didn't expect you to be a fool. How could you keep a friend like this with you, Akash?" asked the stranger.

"Hey. Don't talk too much. What do you want? Why did you kidnap Megha?" asked Akash.

"Now only, you have come to the point, Akash. Very simple. You have to do as per the orders, given by me. ACP Adhithya. This instruction is for you also" said the stranger.

The stranger asks the duo to go to Balaji Garden to meet an elderly people's home and while seeing the house, both Akash and Adhithya became shocked.

"Hey. This is Karthick's house, right" said Adhithya to which, Akash says, "Yes."

The stranger calls them again and when the duo asked the reason for giving this address, he asks Akash to remember his college days, so that he would call him back again.

"Hey, Akash. What's happening here da? At least say, what happened during your college days?" asked Adhithya, pleading with him. Since he wanted Megha to be saved. Akash agrees and explains his college life.

Akash was studying his M.Tech(Nuclear Science) in IIT after B.E in PSG Tech. In college, he had immense talent in producing several innovative ideas and became a brilliant student in the college.

Akash had a lot of good memories, fun, and adventurous moments in the college. His talents, however, made a few students jealous.

Akash's several projects considering several types of issues, attracted college lecturers as well as the dean a lot. Henceforth, one of Akash's classmates Anil dislikes him and always showcases rivalry against him.

Since Anil is also experimenting with a new nuclear missile for the country's sake, he felt that "Akash is his stiff competitor."

As a henceforth, Anil decides to wipe him off from his path and framed him to everyone about his relationship with Megha(she too was in IIT, pursuing her MBA). However, the spread information was rumors.

Akash managed to escape with Megha also, being saved. While Anil is estimated from the college for framing up the wrong information about Akash.

Unable to bear the insult, Anil's entire family commits suicide. After this, Akash had never seen or spoke with him for several days.

"Are you suspecting Anil?" asked Adhithya.

"Hey. How could it be possible? He won't go to that much extent of kidnapping" said Akash.

"Think twice Akash. Since we should never judge a person wrong. Think twice" said Adhithya.

After thinking, Akash said, "Yes da. He is capable of doing anything. Because, from college days, I have noted his behavior, very well."

Again Anil calls Akash.

"Anil," said Akash.

"Good. You have found me out" said Anil.

"Anil. Please don't harm Megha. Leave her" said Akash and Adhithya.

"Be patient ACP sir. I am speaking with Akash, right. Why are you interfering? Let's keep aside the topic of Megha. Have you heard about this chess game?" asked Anil?

"What? Are you kidding with us?" asked Adhithya to which, Anil said, "I am speaking with Akash" and the other police officers ask him to be patient.

"Yeah. I have even played the game, well" said Akash.

"What all tricks you knew in the chess?" asked Anil.

"While playing chess, we use two tactics. To win, we have to follow the checkmate step. This step is either to the king or queen" said Akash.

"Exactly, You are right. In order to get you, I have made a checkpoint by kidnapping Megha. Now come to a place, that I share with you through the GPS coordinator if you want Megha alive. Come, Raja. Come soon. Not only you. I want Adhithya also" said Anil.

Akash and Adhithya go alone to the place, which was shared by Anil.

There, Anil brings Megha and in further, beats up Akash severely.

"Anil," said Adhithya, holding him in Gunpoint.

"Shoot me, sir. If you shoot me, you get suspended. That too, in charges, for killing an innocent, without evidence" said Anil.

Adhithya goes back letting the gun, down. However, Adhithya laughs and tells Anil about the events that happened, after Anil had called them the duo.

Since Anil would watch them through the camera, Akash and his friends jammed the cameras and in addition, Adhithya alerted his police team. He tells him that, the police have surrounded the place fully.

And further, he tells him about the impossibility to escape. Anil tries to kill Megha and Akash before, he could be killed

However, the duo escape with Adhithya's help while, the latter shoots and kills Anil, to death.

Akash thanks Adhithya for rescuing Megha and helping him, wholeheartedly while Adhithya requests Akash to make Anil's Nuclear missile useful to this society.

Since it is his long dream. Akash agrees to do so since he was also responsible for Anil's death. With credits to Anil, Akash makes the missile legal to the Indian Army, while a reflection of Anil, smiles at him, realizing his greatness.

Finally, Akash reunites with Megha and gets married with his father's blessings.

The duo goes

for their honeymoon trip in RTX Ranger 350 sports bike since Akash wished to have an adventure with his own bike....

(Due credits for Sundar Raman[My best friend] regarding Ranger bike's innovative ideas, that he gave me....❤)