It was a cold rainy day. A girl wearing black was walking in the rain She was wearing a black hood, twirling in the rain in the middle of the street. It seemed like the rain was washing away all her pain. She was relieved. She removed her hood. She had long blonde hairs till her knees which made her look adorable moreover her Black eyes had something in them which caught attention The dimples on her cheeks looked perfect on her. Her pure smile was just killer.

''Clara" somebody called her from behind . She looked back . It was her dad who was wearing a blue outfit which suited his grey eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I was looking for you everywhere" he said. "Daddy you know how much I love the rain" Clara replied. "You'll get sick. It's your first day of high school tomorrow and I want you to be alright. Come now let's buy your dress and go home." "Okay boss" she replied ironically.

"Oops I forgot my cell phone in the car let me bring that first." Okay sweetie come fast. Her dad went into the shop.

She was going towards the car when somebody bumped into her as he bumped into her. She fell down and her beautiful blue bracelet got lost. "Are you blind or what?" Clara said angrily. But he pretended not to hear her. Clara went towards him and grabbed him from arm. "Hey mister don't you think you owe an apology to me" . He turned his face towards Clara . He was looking extremely angry. He had blonde hair with green eyes. He was looking brave and was just so perfect in every way. His anger was making him look more dashing. "Leave my arm "He said furiously with a loud voice. Clara got more angry you have no idea what this bracelet meant to me and you threw it away. "I don't care what that bracelet means to you, leave my arm and let me go '': He replied ."Not until you find my bracelet". He twisted Clara's arm which left her in pain and he went away .

She looked up for her bracelet alone but couldn't find it. She started crying. She searched for her bracelet everywhere but she wasn't able to find it. She took her phone from the car and went to the shop. Where her best friend Rumi and Her childhood friend Sam were already present.

" Hey Clara, just look at this dress" Rumi said. She was standing in front of the mirror with a blue and white crop top and a blue skirt which seemed to look good on her white skin and black curly hair. "AMM it's fine you will look good in it" Clara said. "I think this RED one is just made for me,'' Sam said. Sam was pretty but his big glasses made him look like a nerd . That's what everyone in middle school called him . All of them were going to the same high school .

"Daddy let's go home I am not feeling well, '' said Clara. "What happened Clara'' said her dad. "I just want to go home" Clara replied. What's wrong Clara Rumi and Sam asked. "Nothing is wrong. I just want to go home" Clara said angrily .But you still haven't chosen a dress her dad replied. Let's buy this one she took a random dress from the shop.

"Clara, Are sure you want to wear this on your first day of high school" her dad Rumi and Sam said inquiringly. "Yeah i am let's go now you guys continue your shopping" she said while paying the bill of the dress . Then she headed towards home with her dad on reaching home. She immediately went to her room and opened her diary which she used to write everyday. I lost it. I can't believe I lost it. She started crying as she was writing her diary. Her dad knocked at her door, "Clara". "Yes" she replied. "I have to go somewhere your lunch is in the fridge make sure to eat". "Okay dad" She replied. She stopped writing her diary and lay down on her bed and started to cry more and slept while crying.

It was 9 pm her dad came to her room and woke her up. "What's all this mess?" "Hey daddy" she said while rubbing her eyes. "You didn't eat lunch and your room is a whole mess. You even left the shopping today. What is wrong with you?"

She got up and hugged her dad. I am missing mom she said sorrowfully her dad grabbed her hand and sat on the chair. I miss her too. It's been 15 years so it is so hard to live without her. I was just two when she died. I don't have many memories with her. I wish she was here with us, Clara said sadly.

People don't die they are just separated from us for some time but in the end we all will unite in heaven and don't worry about your mom she is very happy in heaven and she wants you to be happy to now wipe your tears and clean your room your dinner is ready. hmm ok.

I am coming she ate dinner with her dad and went to her room and tried the dress she bought. It wasn't that pretty but it suited her. She then grabbed her dairy and finished what she was writing. I lost my mom's bracelet. I won't ever forgive that idiot. It was my lucky charm whenever I had that I felt as if my mother was with me and today I just lost it like seriously I still can't believe it I didn't told dad about it yet I had it since my mom died and I have never lost that bracelet literally never and today I felt like somebody just took a piece from me .....


"Beep Beep" The alarm was ringing Clara woke up and tied her hairs. She brushed her teeth and took shower . After getting ready she went down stairs here dad already prepared her breakfast good morning little good morning dad she ate her breakfast and hugged her dad.

"All the best for the first day of high school" said James her dad. She sat in her car and drove towards the high school on reaching there, She saw Sam and Rumi at the entrance. She got out of the car and waved at them. "Hey Sam" "Hey Rumi" "Hi Clara"

We were just talking about you all the best for the day. "At first we have to go to the hall the principal is going to give a long boring speech", Sam told them. "Ughhhh", said Rumi "I hate those speeches". "Let's go guys" Clara said.

They went in the college the bell rang and everyone gathered at the hall for the principal's speech.

Clara was going to the hall when she bumped into someone. "I am sorry" she said when she looked up it was that same boy from earlier. "You again'', he said angrily. "Who do you think you are ?I am sure now that you are blind. Last time I lost my bracelet because of you and now Unfortunately you are in the same high school". He held her arms with anger and said, "Let me give you a little piece of advice, try your best to stay away from me" ."It's hurting me leave my arm said Clara."

"What's wrong with you guys" said Rumi he left her arms . " Hey Clara, what are you doing here .. OMG who's this handsome" Rumi asked. Clara grabbed Rumi's arm and went towards the hall angrily .

"Who was him?" "I don't know." "What do you mean by you don't know? What were you two talking about?" "He bumped into me yesterday when I was going to take my cell phone and know he's here too. I don't know who he is but I have already started hating him".

"Oh god look there Clara handsome number 2 ".A boy entered the hall he had silver hairs and grey eyes he was so pretty. He is Aiden , Aiden Abasko the only heir of the Abasko groups, said a boy standing near them. "Hi I am Rumi by the way" . "I am Alex". "Hi I am Clara''. "Where the hell is this Sam? Rumi asked. " Look there he came, Hey Sam here" Clara waved. The principal arrived at the hall. Hello students welcome to Rising warriors academy, a place for those who seek to find the best from their life (Clara was just angrily looking at that blonde hair boy the whole time. Their eyes met a few times .He seemed to have some serious attitude issue)... The principal continued his speech for the next half hour. I hope you guys will enjoy this school. You can go to your classes now.

"Finally this boring speech is over now", said Alex. "Yeah finally it's over", said Sam. Rumi asked: "By the way guys, who's that blonde hair guy standing there with Aiden Abasko?" oh him he's Aiden's best friend and his close relative Elvis Thane Orion. They are the badass here. You guys should stay away from them .Once you get in their Black List, Then it is over for you guys, Alex told them.

"Whatever" Clara replied and went carelessly towards her locker. "They are handsome though", Rumi said. The bell rang and they all went to the class. Clara was still in front of her locker. She arrived a little late to the class. May I come in Clara asked Yes dear She saw Elvis as soon as she stepped in the class. Damn it He's in the same class now I have to see this idiot everyday she thought. It seems like all the seats are already booked, you go and sit with Elvis, said professor Eric. She went and sat with Elvis. All the girls in the class were getting jealous of her. She was extremely angry on the other hand Elvis wasn't in a pleasant mood too.

Chapter 1