Heated argument between freinds

After calling his friend, he quickly wrote down the address of that house in the red light area on a piece of paper and took it to Wang Shu's room. He put the paper before his father, which he literally snatched, looking at him angrily.

''Get out of here!'' Wang Shu shouted.

Wang Lian walked away calmly. When he was in his room, he called up Aslan Genghis again.

''I will call you when I get there,'' said Aslan.

Wang Lian relaxed on his bed waiting for Aslan's call which came fifteen minutes later.

''Wang Lian, I have prepared May; I have explained everything to her''. Wang Lian knew May.

''Aslan, get a pen and a paper and note down what I will tell you,'' he said and then he began to describe the outward appearance of his house and it's location.

''What's this? I have been to your place, I know..'' asked Aslan, surprised.