Wang Lian meet Xiao Min again

Over the weekend, Wang Lian had gone to Boston, where his uncle lived, to attend a cousin's wedding there. That evening, Wang Lian went out with his cousin to a restaurant for dinner. His cousin had stepped out after placing the order and Wang Lian was waiting to be served. Suddenly someone called out to him.

''Hello?'' Wang Lian turned around. ''Aren't you Wang Lian?'' the man asked. It was Xiao Min. For a minute, Wang Lian couldn't place him. He looked different: he had shaved off his beard.

Wang Lian stood up to shake hands with him, and the adventure of a year ago repeated itself in his memory. After the perfunctory greetings, Wang Lian invited Xiao Min to join them for dinner.

''No, thank you—I'm in a bit of a rush. I came over to say hello when I caught sight of you,'' said Xiao Min, glancing at his watch. ''How's Yuyan?' Xiao Min asked by way of conversation.