I want to change my table

Wang Lian cut him short. ''Let's not start last night's argument about the straight path—it will make you angry again''.

''No, it won't make me angry''.

''When I do not know what the straight path is, how can I pray?''

''Start praying and you'll get to know what it is''.


''You'll avoid wrongdoing; you'll turn to good deeds, yourself,'' Saad tried

to explain.

''But I do not do anything that's wrong, nor do I have any desire to do good. My life is quite normal''.

''You cannot gauge which of your actions is right and which is not until…''

Wang Lian interrupted him again. ''Right and wrong actions are not my concern. It's just that I am disturbed and that has nothing to do with my deeds''.

''You indulge in all those things that make a person's life distressed''.

''Such as?'' Wang Lian asked sarcastically.

''You eat pork''.