Wang Lian wants to talk to you

''I'll tell grandma Xing. She'll arrange it for you to meet Roulan alone''.

Song Xing Xu shook his head in frustration. It was becoming so hard for him to make his best friend whom he cherished settle down to lead a proper life.

Half an hour later, they were at grandma Xing's house waiting outside. She opened the door and was beside herself with joy at seeing Wang Lian and Song Xing Xu at her doorstep. She took them to the sitting room.

''Grandma Xing, Wang Lian wants to speak to Roulan in privacy,'' Song Xing Xu announced as they entered the room. Old grandma Xing looked a little flustered.

''Speak about what?'' She now looked at Wang Lian, who was standing with Song Xing Xu.

''There are some things that he wants to tell her himself. It's nothing to worry about,'' Song Xing Xu tried to allay her fears. She looked at Wang Lian again: he looked away.