
Wang Lian replied in the affirmative. Then she asked him about his siblings: the questions seemed to be endless. Wang Lian could not find an escape.


''How many sisters and how many brothers?''

''Three brothers and a sister''.

''How many of them are married?''

''All except me''.

''―Are you the youngest?''

''No. I'm the fourth—I have a younger brother''. For the first time, Wang Lian regretted his impulsive decision to help this old lady.

''Is he married too?'' she went on. When Wang Lian said 'yes' she asked, ''Then why aren't you married? Was there a love affair or something?''

Wang Lian was really taken aback. Was she some kind of psychic? He avoided her query. ''We can't seem to find a Taxi, so tell me your address and I'll drop you off myself''. He was already late and since there was no other transport available, he could not leave her stranded on the road.