
''Yes, that's what I intend too. At first, I didn't want to, but once my daughter gets married, I'll go abroad. I'm tired of living alone out here''.

Wang Lian was now back on the road from where he'd picked up grandma Xing.

''I'd picked you up from here. Now tell me which house is it on this road that you were visiting''. He had slowed down the car and was looking at the houses on his right.

''Even if you don't know the number, you should be able to recognize the house''.

Grandma Xing was peering at the houses. ''Yes, yes… I can recognize the house''.

She began to describe the house as vaguely as she had given her own address. They reached the end of the road and she had been unable to

identify the house. Wang Lian got Feng Zhi's father's name and he started walking down the rode, enquiring about him and anyone who knew grandma Xing. Half an hour later, he had knocked at every door but no one responded to the names he had asked.