Put axe in your own feet

In one of the halls of Eastern Palace of Warmth, Empress Mawangdui was busily chanting Buddha sutras while holding mala beads in one of her hands. She was dressed in white long silk robes, embroidered with gold-wrapped thread, and she was sitting in a disc-cushion with her legs crossed, and a square table in front of her.

Apart from her, Li Wang was also present there, but at a distance. He was certainly expecting Her Majesty to finish her chantings.

"So, what's new today?" she inquired, her mala dangling from her fingers.

"In response to Her Imperial Majesty, His Majesty has chosen to put this subject on hold for the time being until the Fourth Prince regains his composure." Li Wang stated, bowing his head.

"I heard Shuo Jin had his interference today."

"Your Majesty, yes! Using the name of the Underworld clan, he was attempting to threaten His Majesty. But why do I have the impression that he was attempting to save that girl on purpose?" Li Wang spoke exaggeratedly, glancing at the Empress.

While, the Empress threw a light chuckle, "She is indeed popular with the princes."

"He was going to sabotage our well devised scheme. Nonetheless, I managed to persuade His Majesty to reconsider his choice." He boasted arrogantly once more.

"Make sure to gather sufficient proofs and witnesses against her in the next court hearing to truly establish her as the true criminal." Before sliding her fingers to the next bead, Mawangdui whispered something sternly.

"Yes, Your Majesty,"

"She poses a danger to my son." She scornfully mumbled, clenching her jaws.


The postmeridian fell and the hours of darkness appeared in instant. As usual, the Kuolang Pavilion was hushed and tranquil, without any sorts of uproar. This pavilion was the one, situated in the dingy, gloomy forest where the group of fearsome assassins resided, as monitored by their master Shuo Jin.

With its bleak emptiness and desolated area, no any habitants accompanied this pavilion as its neighborhood.

Inside the study room of Kuolang Pavilion, Shuo Jin was occupied with calligraphy with a brush on his hand.

The burning candle in a slightly bigger transparent glass was the only source of light in the room. The wax was gently melted by the flickering flame.

In the meantime, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

When the door was opened, Shuo Jin could hear someone tramping closer to his place. When he casted a glance at that person, he discovered his grandmaster, the Prime Minister Xie Cheng of Gua Empire.

Excusing himself from the calligraphy, Shuo Jin immediately stood on his legs, and bowed before him. "Greetings, grandmaster."

With a grimace on his face, the latter replied with a nod. "Rise."

"May I know what brought grandmaster here?" Shuo Jin was concerned at the sudden appearance of his grandmaster.

Xie Cheng walked closer to Shuo Jin, resting his one palm on his shoulder. "I believe you have that conscience to speak and act rationally. But, I don't know how shall I address your utterances in today's court." He sighed.

Removing his hand from his shoulder, Xie Cheng turned and trudged around, "Were you in your sane mind or was that your immaturity?"

Shuo Jin, who was listening all his rebuke with a calm mind, broke his silence. "Whatever I did, it will benefit us."

His blood began to boil at the mere mention of that phrase. "You have put axe on your own foot." Xie Cheng snapped as he glared Shuo Jin with his eyes. "I am very much disappointed with you, Shuo Jin."

"It's reasonable for you to express your vex towards me, grandmaster." Shuo Jin again expressed with serenity in his voice.

Then, the corner of his lips stretched up into a wicked grin and eyes flickered wily intentions. "My statements will urge the Emperor to join hands with me. It will sow a seed of trust towards me. He will think me worthy of his trust and may even handover this ongoing issue to me." After saying this in a nonchalant tone, he sat down on his former place and continued with his calligraphy.

"Have you losted again? Do you think it's that easy to gain his trust? For the issue, the Crown Prince is still alive to resolve this matter."

Shuo Jin continued, moving his brush in the papyrus. "I bet you! The Emperor will entrust me with this matter. As long as he will do that, i will make sure to repay him with treason." He halted his movements.

"As for the Crown Prince, he is busy with his damsel." An evil smirk appeared on his lips. Then, he again resumed his calligraphy, dipping the tip of brush in the ink pot.

Whilst, the Prime Minister didn't utter a word and left the study room in silence, not because Xie Cheng was speechless. But with his silence, he wanted to show Shuo Jin that he was wrong in either way. And when the time comes, Xie Cheng will prove this!


A despondent ambience had surrounded the Crown Prince's residence, with Anchhi still in her unconscious condition.

Inside the room where Anchhi was kept, an aromatic herbal incense was burned, which smell slowly permeated the room.

Accompanying Anchhi by her side, was Fei Zhirong being dispirited who was continuously peering his gazes towards his daughter.

From behind, Court Lady Ming asserted in worry, "It's about to be the second day, I wonder when will our Young Miss gain her consciousness?"

Moments later, Fei Zhirong sensed his daughter moving eyeballs behind the closed eyelids and her ever so slowly flinching brows.

A cough followed after that with the red scarlet which gushed out of her mouth each time she coughed.

This made his heart, shriek in pain. He immediately whined for the Royal Physician. This is the first time Anchhi has ever responded after she had collapsed. But, why she has to respond in a way which frightened everyone?

Till the time physician had arrived, Court Lady Ming constantly cleaned the blood that had speckled Anchhi's mouth and neck areas. The Grand Herald couldn't see his daughter suffering in the bridge of life and death, the scenario really ached his heart.

While, Anchhi had her face wrinkled in grimace, still coughing.

Later, the physician arrived with Hui Jing who was equally miserable seeing his beloved in pain.

The physician performed an acupuncture on her which made Anchhi ease in rest but one cannot guarantee her well being in the coming days.

"How's she now?" The Grand Herald asked in haste.

As a response, He replied with an assurance, "It's the result of medication, no need to worry."

The physician bowed, lowering his gaze as if he was about to confront something very dangerous. "But, if she doesn't consume the antidote within two days, I am scared....." before he could fill up the blanks, he was immediately snapped by the Grand Herald. "Why don't you focus on preparing the antidote then?"

"The poison is bizarre. It's hard to demonstrate on what exactly this poison is made of. If it is to be observed, one dose of antidote can awake the victim." The physician again answered in a meek voice.

"Let me tell you, you must save her no matter what!" He again bellowed, instantly gripping the physician's arms. From behind, Hui Jing tugged his arms, pulling him to further stop. "You should watch your act, Grand Herald." Hui Jing whispered in his ears.

"Yes." The physician bowed with a fright as soon as Fei Zhirong loosened his grip. Then, he stepped back and left the chamber in silence.