New World, New Life

"Hahaha!!! You can't catch me!" A grey-haired boy ran as his friends tried to catch him"

"No fair! He's just too fast!" A blonde girl with braided hair stopped running after the grey-haired boy.

"Just give up sis... we'll never beat him." A blonde boy caught up to the girl, panting.

"What are you kids doing fooling around! Go back to your houses! Great Sol is about to go down."

"But what about Luka?"

"Aye, his father will bring him back, he always does. Now go home before the boggle gets ye."

""Yes Elder Zeph.""

The two siblings walked away. One of them muttered in their breath; "Boggles aren't even real."

Elder Zeph heard that but didn't know which sibling said it. He wanted to teach those kids that monsters are real, but he knew that they wouldn't believe him anyway. He shook his head and went on his way, thinking how today's youth are ignorant.

Back to the grey-haired boy, Luka. He noticed that the twins gave up on chasing him.

"Heh, noobs."

He was at the edge of the village, right next to the forest. He only then noticed that the sun was setting soon. Suddenly he heard a rustling sound from a nearby bush. The bush was right at the edge of the woods.

The rustling creeped him out but curiosity still got the best of him. He approached the bush, hoping for the rustling to come from a rabbit. They've been eating nothing but boar this week and he was dying to taste something else. He was slowly approaching the bush while crouched, careful not to scare the possible rabbit inside.

When he got near the bush something came out.


It was his father, wearing a boar's head. Luka however was not impressed. He just watched his father roar at him like an idiot for a couple of seconds. Dorian finally stopped when he noticed Luka pouting at him while covering his ears.

"Dad.... your 'pranks' are starting to become really boring."

"Come on son, you know you love it."

"No! It's annoying! Also, you scream too loud! I almost became deaf just now!"

"Hehe..." Dorian just awkwardly scratched his head. "Luka it's time to go home, Great Sol is going to sleep soon so let's go. You don't want the boggle to get you now don't you?"

Dorian ruffled Luka's hair. He lifted Luka and hoisted him on his shoulders.

"Pfff, boggles aren't real. They're just scary stories old people tell children to scare them."

"Oh they're real alright, our village is just in a very safe place. Monsters don't come here because the land is blessed by Faunus."

"Sure, whatever you say dad."


I'm sure you already know by now. I somehow reincarnated in a different world. Did being addicted to those isekai light novels somehow made me reincarnate? Nah, I doubt it.

The world I'm in looks like medieval Europe. I haven't been to any cities or towns but just seeing the architecture of this village made me think of medieval Europe.

But enough of that, let me introduce my new family.

My father is one of the hunters in the village. He's a tall and buff man, towering over 6 feet 7 inches or 200cm tall. His name is Dorian, he may look like a musclehead but he's a kind man. He has gray hair and brown eyes.

My mother is called Linda. She's a beautiful brunette with blue eyes. She's around 5 feet 8 inches or 173cm tall. Just like my dad, she's a kind person, but she can be a bit scary at times when I disobey.

Having parents that actually care about me... feels strange. But it's not bad. I actually like it.

My parents named me Luka when I was born, I don't know why but I didn't really care for the reason. I like my name though. We don't have a surname since we're just commoners, only people at high places have surnames. How typical.

Let's talk about me this time. Again my name is Luka, I have gray hair and strangely yellow eyes. They were yellow but almost golden. The villagers praised my parents for having a blessed child of the gods.

Apparently, my eyes signify that I was blessed by a god. They didn't know which god but they nevertheless saw me like I was a gift from the heavens. However, I don't believe in that rubbish. I'm not lucky enough to be blessed by a god, I don't think I even deserve it. Maybe it was just some weird mutation that caused my eyes to turn yellow.

Anywho, I'm enjoying my new life. It's fun being a kid and acting like a kid again. I don't want to suddenly display a 27-year-old mentality. People might think I'm a freak or something.

I'm supposed to be 8 years old. They don't celebrate birthdays here. Heck, birthdays don't even exist. Everyone is considered a year older if the calendar has reached a new year. The calendar is called the Alumerian calendar, named after the Goddess who created the world: Alumeria. Or so they say. The calendar is pretty similar to Earth's calendar: 12 months a year, 30 days per month. When I asked my parents when I was born, they said I was born on the 28th day of the month of Aeolus. They name the months after gods. Aeolus is apparently the God of Wind and the Sky, the month named after him is equivalent to Earth's month of May.

The year is currently in the 3rd Era; Year 285. I was born in Year 277, exactly 8 years ago.

I'm still doubtful about the existence of gods. I mean, they didn't exist in my previous world... I think. But when I think about it, I'm an anomaly. I got reincarnated in an entirely different world. Ok, maybe gods do exist... maybe. I'm still giving the topic the benefit of the doubt.

I don't know much about the new world I live in. I've never really gone out of the village and my dad never really lets me come with him when he goes to the nearby town.

Our village is pretty isolated. It takes at least 2 weeks at minimum to reach the town. I really wish dad will take me with him someday.

I finished dinner early and I went back to my room to sleep.

The next day, my dad called me for something. He said that he was going to teach me something