A New Sense

I didn't exit the cave yet and continued to watch on the sidelines.

Blurs kept coming and going around the knight's formation. Metal clanged and sparks flew, but the sparks didn't provide enough illumination to reveal the positions of the mercenaries.

Shit! This is frustrating me. I can't help then. We never expected the mercenaries to be all Chromatic stage with one 3rd stage. It's basically the same as Rebecca and the knights.

Now I don't doubt the skill of the Griffin Knights, but the mercenaries' black Aura is giving them quite an advantage. It's like they were bred to be shadows themselves... it's kinda creepy.

I tried to think of a way to help them. Rushing in there and trying to fight them head-on would be tantamount to suicide. Our original plan of cornering them in a pincer formation with me in the back is useless. How the hell would I even ambush people that can literally blend into the shadows? My white Neophyte stage Aura would make me stick out like a sore thumb in the pitch-black environment.

Think goddammit, think! I only thing I got going for me is my wind powers.

Wind... moving around would definitely move air a lot. It was how I masked my trail.

My blessing gave me control over the wind, but is that the extent of my ability?

The God of the Wind and Sky Aeolus knows of all the wind in the world. Maybe I can somehow imitate that "knowing all winds" stuff. It's worth a shot.

I retreated back into the cave and sat down. I closed my eyes and concentrated.

I tried to feel the wind brush past my skin. Because I was inside a cave, the breeze was incredibly faint. The enclosed area didn't really promote air circulation that well.

But I didn't let that fact bring me despair. I didn't give up and just focused.

Think back to the time when I was stuck in that metal thread cocoon. The complete stillness caused by my efforts to reduce my pain allowed me to enter into a trance. That state completely shut me off from any distractions and allowed me to think clearly.

If I'm not mistaken, that was meditation. Right?

If I could reenter that meditative state again, it might help me with what I'm trying to achieve.

I halted all movements. Only the motion of my chest expanding caused by my breathing is the only thing moving.

Expel all other thoughts, focus on feeling the wind. Separate my mind from the outside world. Don't think of anything else, not even the ensuing battle outside.

Forget my unbearable feeling of wearing a skirt. Just think of the wind.

The wind is mine to control. The wind is my ally. The wind is my friend.

The wind will speak to me. The wind will show me the way. The wind shall reveal my enemies.




Just then, as if a whole new world was opened up to me. I saw, no, I felt the movement of air everywhere.

The cold air drops down to the ground while the hotter air rises up. The faint circulation of air inside the cave. I feel it all. I see it all. It's like I gained a sixth sense.

This is amazing! The world seems so different.

I turned my attention to the battle outside. I was still inside the cave, so my eyes can't see the battle, but I can feel and visualize everyone's movements.

The air that was being moved around as they move their weapons and shape their Auras. It's all so clear.

Before I couldn't see the mercenaries because of their Aura color. Now I could "see" their figures easily.

I can help now! I may not be able to attack, as my fighting prowess is still very much on the weaker side. But I can help direct the knight's attacks and prevent them from being caught off guard.

I stood up, channeled as much Aura as I can, and sprinted out of the cave.

"Hey, fucknuts!! Over here!" I shouted to catch the attention of the mercenaries.

Rebecca looked at me with panic, "Get out of here! We severely underestimated these guys!"

"Hehe, I know. And I'm here to help."

I felt five Aura blades cut through the air. Their trajectories are aimed at my head, my leg, my arm, and one each in front of me and behind me, in case I try to avoid the first 3.

I smiled. This newfound sense made it easy for me to predict the Aura blades' path. And with that, I can dodge them without the need to look.

The first Aura blade coming towards me is aimed at my leg. I rotated my body with my leg as a pivot. The Aura blade whooshed past me, missing its target.

The next is my arm. I raised my arm, and the Aura blade zipped right underneath my armpit.

Then my head. I simply ducked to dodge this one.

For the other two Aura blades, I just stayed in place and let them whizz right past me before advancing.

I broke off into a sprint again and reached the knight's circle formation.

"How did you avoid all of that?" Rebecca was astonished and asked me.

"Questions later. Right now all you need to know is that I can see them."

"You can see them?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'll direct you where they're at, and you do the rest."