
"Are you sure that is what you desire? I will give you one last chance to reconsider."

"Yes. I want a Storage Pouch." I have my final answer.

There is just one reason why I want a Storage Pouch—pure convenience. Being able to carry around so much shit inside a tiny leather pouch without the collective weight bearing down on you would be so fucking convenient.

Besides, isn't having an easy and extremely convenient way to store your stuff a massive staple in isekai stories? I reincarnated in a completely different world from mine, so why shouldn't I have the storage perk trope? I say it's my absolute right as a reincarnator to get a Storage Pouch for free.

"Very well. You may leave. I shall have Weiss bring you your Storage Pouch soon."

"Thank you, Your Grace." I bowed before leaving the room.


After three days of waiting, I finally got my Storage Pouch.

Before Weiss handed the pouch over to me, he told me a few details I should know about the magic tool.