I ran through the mountains as fast as I can. If I slow down even for a tiny bit, the combined and added weight of two adult women will make me sink into the thick snow below. Other than that, everything has been going smoothly so far.
Backtracking my steps to return to civilization was more than easy enough, but the real star of the show is the Chameleon Necklace. I've encountered so many wyverns, drakes, black nagas, and all sorts of creatures but not a single one of them saw me, picked up my scent, or even noticed my prescence itself.
This artifact is so fucking overpowered when it comes to stealth! Holy shit, I really just hit a goddamn fuckin' jackpot. The only problem is its need for mana to activate it and maintain the magic. I've been using up precious magic stones to replenish the Chameleon Necklace's magic while making sure to not let go of the noblewoman in my arms.