The father quickly rushed to her side after hearing her cries of pain. When he got there, he saw her on the floor as she turned her head slowly to him with cries of agony as she regained consciousness. "Its my stomach.... it hurts!....it hurts!" She said as her body shook uncontrollably. As the father quickly rolled up her jumper to see what was wrong, his face was overwhelmed with confusion and fear. Her stomach was inflating unusually in and out like a balloon with also various bumps and bulges in different parts of her stomach as if something was trying to penetrate out of it. "I'm taking you to the hospital NOW!" He said as he picked her up and held her in his arms.

They rushed to the hospital and when they got there, the doctors that were there quickly aided the two and laid the mother on the bed. "Looks like we got another patient, what the hells wrong with her" One of them said as she cried out in pain once more. In fact, no one there knew what these symptoms leaded to or how they could have occurred. They quickly decided to operate immediately.

When they got to the operating room, they saw the same doctor that helped with the abortion. He looked at them with confusion on his face as he approached them. "What the hell happened" He said as he saw the mother close to death. "I don't know but scan her NOW to see the problem!" He said with tears rolling down his face. The doctor quickly took the scan to see something impossible....

He looked at the mother who was receiving medical attention and the father who looked at him with anticipation for answers but with sadness as he had lost hope. The father uncontrollably cried as he knew something disastrous happened as the doctors face was as pale as a vampire. "Your... wife is..... pregnant." He said in disbelief and fear because this could only mean that the baby regenerated somehow, which also suggested that it had a greater chance of being a shifter who was a person who could transform into a demon. They were known for their amazing healing after all.

The doctors managed to stabilise the mother for now but as soon as the she heard she was pregnant, she screamed from the top of her lungs in anger" KILL IT, KILLL IIIIIIT" "How is this possible, we just killed it, this monster is destroying our lives, just get rid of it" The father said with a new rush of emotions which was pure anger and hatred for the unborn child. The father could not take any more of this and became corrupted and now thinks just like the mother that the baby has become a burden, a weight that's weighing them down.

They immediately told the doctors to kill the unborn child once more.
Organ after organ was taken out till there was no trace of it left. "The procedure is done, now you just have to rest till...." The doctor was immediately cut of with sudden cries of pain from the mother once again. "QUICKLY..... SCAN HER AGAIN" The doctor in the middle shouted as they rushed to scan her. The mother and father began to think this was hell, or a punishment from god. "Why did we even decide to have a baby!" The father complained whimpering as his knees hit the floor with his hands upon his face. He had given up, he didn't know why or how this was happening, all he knew was that this was all the baby's fault.

Once the scan was done, the doctors were stunned and shocked to the bone to what was revealed before them. The baby had regenerated again. The mother couldnt beleive her ears until suddenly, everything began to make sense for her. She began to think this was because of the words she saw before she fell unconscious. She thought it was a figment of her imagination playing with her mind but perhaps it wasn't. She began to think that maybe the baby was linked to the words she saw; That when the words dispersed into different parts of her stomach, it was the baby reforming and regenerating inside of her. Her face grew even more pale as before as the realisation of the situation hit her. This meant that the baby couldn't be killed she thought. "I'll deliver it" She said in admission of the situation. She truly hated the "demon" but she had to do it or she would die. The doctors and the father agreed but still thinking what the hell the baby will turn out to be, and what will it do when it'll mature.

They all were prepared and within a few moments later, it was born.....