Neon shot up from his bed gasping for air as if he had ran a marathon. "Dammit, its that weird dream again." He said grief stricken and still haunted by the experience. The horrible presence he was feeling everytime he had this mysterious dream became exponentially stronger. It was like someone was trying to warn him about something evil. He couldnt count how much times he has had this dream but one thing was for sure, someone was trying to warn him but he didn't know how he could heed its call. Everytime he did have the dream, an uneasy feeling settled in his heart which seemed to get stronger. Deciding not to dwell on it now he decided to calm his body down and get ready for the new day.

"Finally a new day has arrived" Thought Neon as he still felt weird after having the same dream once again. He got up from his bed slowly as two other upper class students were still fast asleep, he then started to walk while squinting and scratching his head to the calender that was held on the wall. You see this was not a normal ordinary day that he couldn't wait for, this was the day when the exams would start. It would determine if you would get a special supporter or not. This special supporter would further develop your abilities and make you stronger. But this was not why he was aching to participate as he still till now didnt have an ability, the reason Neon wanted to participate and pass the exams so badly was to become part of the Kano Empire. This was an army that fought In the war against the Iratheons, the leader was Kano as seen in the name of the party and all of them already had their special supporter so they were extremely strong. If he joined them he could prove to others and himself that he wasn't a weakling and could rise to the very top of the hierarchy and to protect civilians and serve the weak. He didn't know how he was going to pass the exam but he wasn't going to give up so easily. "I'm all fired up now haha" Neon Shouted as he now stood firm and wide awake; crossed of the day of the exam while also waking up the two students who were sleeping. One was named Nate and the other Mercey. They both despised Neon as he was in the upper class with them while having done nothing at all but be found intruiging to the members of staff. "You woke us up IDIOT!" Said Nate violently as Mercey also followed his way of approach. They both got up off the bed to become eye level with Neons eyes and become a few inches away from him. " oh, sorry guys I forgot you were here again haha" He said nervously looking away from them. In fact he didn't really like them either but he didn't blame them for hating him. I mean he didn't have an ability but still was in the same rank as the upper class. "Wait, why are you even looking forward to the exam Third String! Or do I have to remind you that you don't have an ability. You don't have what it takes to get to the top like us. We work hard to get towards success and obtain unimaginable power. But YOU!... you've done jack and your in upper class!?" Nate complained and winged as Neon clutched his hands making a fist for he was already getting annoyed. "Why are they giving YOU special treatment, why are YOU SO SPECIAL TO THEM!" Shouted Nate Violently as he pushed Neon with enough force to make him tumble to the floor "We don't associate with piss ants like you third string" He said lastly grinning at Neon feeling powerful. Neon new if he retaliated he would get a beating even though he had amazing strength and fizique, but they would just use their abilities to render Neon useless. And so, he kept his mouth shut and calmed his body down. He couldnt do anything about it. In fact for as long as he could remember, he was getting picked on just for being different, just for not having what everyone else did. This was a cruel world but Neon knew this, In fact he was expecting things to get worse as long as he stayed weak as he was right now. Unfortunately, the people in this world were also cruel except one person who he had befriended since he came here. His name was Riyu. He was actually a well gifted teenage boy with amazing talent as well as elemental power. He had the power of the fire element which was the most rarest power of the 4 elements that you could get. Despite Neon not having an ability, that didn't bother Riyu and he befriended Neon without a second thought. Neon thought that this was maybe because he was once in his position at one point in his life. But regardless of that, Riyu was a dependable, generous and kind hearted soul who gave everyone their rights as a person. However, people like Nate and Mercey were the exact opposite. They looked down on others and thought that only they could rise to the top. They were cowards who picked on weaklings for fun and to release their anger upon. They also abused their power for that which was evil. Doing actions that benefited ONLY them and that worked to serve and fulfill their selfish desires. Neon HATED them. But the feeling of not being strong enough to make them pay and to change this retched world was what really tore him up the most.

Suddenly, the idiotic feud was cut off by someone opening the door to room 10. It was Pain who opened the door to see Neon on the floor. "What's going on in here, are you ok over there Neon?" Said Pain looking at Neon. The two bullies gazed at Neon threatening to do something to him if he told Pain what took place. "I'm fine Pain, Don't worry about me haha" He said while still feeling weak and angry about the whole situation. Nate and Mercey grinned at Neon embracing the feeling of dominance once more. "Ok, if your sure. Anyway, today is your big day Neon! So go out there and show the world what your made of haha" Pain said with his thumbs up. As you may have noticed, Pain wasn't the same person he was before which was being very tense. Now he was an open and kind of a chill guy now. This was because of Neon as he had filled the void in his heart. The 2 of them have created a strong bond and were like father and son. Of course, Pain was also this way because he had met someone different for once, his feelings about being intrigued about Neon was still there as he had been keeping tabs on him for 16 years. All his fitness, strength, stamina and endurance tests were all amazing. His scores also beat some off the upper class students. But the one test he obviously didn't do good in was the ability test but Pain beleived in Neon. He believed that maybe he could get an ability somehow or obtain something even better. He was sure of this because of the power of the 6th sense. By looking at how his aura had changed since he was born. It was getting bigger and bigger as each day went by. But it didn't change him at all except in training tests. His curiosity about his strange aura still didn't have an answer but one thing was sure to him. It somehow was giving him a dangerous feeling in his body. It worried him to the bone because he didn't know why he was getting that feeling. All he new was that he should protect him with his life.

"COME ON OUT OF YOUR DORMS AND FOLLOW ME KIDS, ITS TIME TO TAKE YOU TO THE EXAM HAHA" Pain Shouted as he started to make his way to the exam. All the the kids from upper, middle and lower class came out of their dorms and followed Pain.

"Im gonna show everyone what I can do, no one will stop me from getting to the top" Thought Neon feeling determined.