Just as Neon and Karla left the restricted area, Karla realised that she was holding hands with Neon which made her self conscious, "Hey im not a kid you know.....I can...walk myself." She said as she stopped, separating her hands from his while avoiding eye contact. When she laid eyes on him, she saw an expression on his face which seemed to be full of confusion. "What's wrong Karla" He said still trying to figure out the reaction she gave. "it's nothing...haha" She said shaking her head trying to get rid of the tense feeling in the air. "Well then let's go, I'm pretty sure your hungry from all that fighting haha" Neon laughed as he led the way to the lunch hall while Karla followed his trail. "what's this guys deal, I just don't get it. Here I thought he was a cold blooded demon but he's actually a nice guy. You'd think that he'd get a little angry at me but he holds no grudge against me at all, there's no way he's that much of a good person....is he?" she thought to herself still not convinced that such a person exists. "Even though he may seem like a genuinely nice person, he is still a demon so I'll keep my guard up" Added Karla while also begging deep within her heart for him to prove her wrong, if what Neon said was true, that some demons were in fact not as frightening as people believed them to be, then she wanted Neon to be the one to show her this, only then would her painful heart be at peace and find true salvation.

"Heeey! wait up!" Shouted a voice which could be heard in the distance. Both Neon and Karla turned their heads to look behind them to see Riyu pacing towards them with a wave."Who the hell is that?" Karla asked Neon turning her head to him in a rather confused manner. "He's a very close friend of mine, oh and by the way, he's seen everything that took place so...." "WHAT!" Karla screamed cutting Neon off. Her body started to tense up making Riyu stop in his tracks. "whoa whoa...what's going on." exclaimed Riyu stumbling over his words as Karla began menacingly making her way towards him. "Hey, hold on just a second." Neon snapped as he took hold of Karla by the arm. "I told Riyu to come with me and watch from a distance for if things went sideways, he would step in and help if I were caught in any trouble." Neon said with a sigh. "So he wasn't watching us in secret?" she said lowering the tense expression on her face. "And does that also mean he knows your a d...." "He knows everything including the fact I'm a demon" Neon said making himself clear as he let go of Karla's arm. "Then why didn't you just say that in the first place." Karla said annoyed as Riyu laughed nervously.

"I'm sorry if I startled you there karla." Riyu uttered apologetically. "Why are you apologising. If anything, I should be the one to apologise, I was jumping to conclusions and before I knew it, I accused you of being the enemy so I'm sorry." She responded understanding her fault. "Hey we've already wasted time as it is so let's get going to the lunch hall." Neon interrupted as he made his way to the lunch hall. when they got there, they each grabbed some food and sat at the closest table they saw. "I see your not as hungry today, that's surprising" Riyu commented with a shocked expression on his face. it wasn't the fact that he wasn't hungry but rather, it was that fact that he could no longer feel any sensations of hunger as he did not need any food to sustain himself. Neon was well aware from this as his subconscious and FH both have mentioned this fact, but Neon still needed to consume some food because if people caught him no longer consuming food, people would definitely become suspicious and think weirdly of him and on top of that, there were people that knew of Neons ability to transform such as Keith so if he were to show any signs of abnormality or do anything that's out of the norm, there would be some trouble and that's what Neon could not afford. This made Neon think a lot in terms of how to fight without transforming into FH, of course if he wanted to survive and be smart about this, it would be wise for him to train to fight without using the transforming ability for if he did, it would prove to others that he was a shifter or to better put it, a demon....

"No its not that I'm not hungry, it's just....how do I put it.." Sighed Neon. Allright long story short, ever since I became a demon I no longer need to eat to stay alive, or to better put it, I will never feel the sensation of hunger again, but I still gotta eat in front of people, I've gotta try stay normal like everyone else so that I can just be another face in the crowd." Neon explained looking at both Karla and Riyu. "What that's crazy, I had no idea demons didn't have to eat to sustain their own bodies. Riyu said fascinated thinking of how much Neon had changed. "same, I never had any idea myself, what else has changed about you Neon. Karla added intruigingly as Riyu nodded implying that he also wanted to know. "let's seeee" Neon said scratching the back of his head. "oh I also will never tire meaning I have unlimited stamina and I also don't need to sleep for my body to function." Neon added looking at the two of them who were in shock. "Wait a minute, you don't even need sleep! I guess basic human needs don't even apply to you anymore, I mean you are a demon so we shouldn't really be surprised but I just can't rap my head around it." Said Riyu trying to comprehend what he just heard. "having not to sleep is useful, but what really catched my eye was that you have unlimited stamina which changes everything when it comes to fights. I guess now that your demon, there's nothing holding you back as your human traits have been nullified." Said karla.

Suddenly, the conversation they were having was cut off by a voice that only Neon could hear.

"Hey kid' said FH in a rather serious tone grabbing Neons attention. "What is it FH." responded Neon. "listen, having your demon abilities are cool and all but how long do you think your plan will hold out?" Said FH questionably. "What plan?" answered Neon in a puzzled manner. "it was what you talked about before, about trying to stay normal like everyone else, you do realise that if you hold back in a fight especially with an iratheon, could mean certain death for both you and me. when push comes to shove, your going to have to use me whether you like it or not meaning that when that time comes, your so called plan of trying to be normal will go out the window." Stated FH warning Neon. I think he's talking to the demon that's inside of him." spoke Riyu as karla nodded in agreement. "What is this demon like?" She thought.

"look FH, I know you don't like the plan but we need to keep a low profile, and also, I want to be able to fight without having to rely on you. If I can do this, it would be perfect for both me and you ; as long as I dont transform in open eyes, no-one will suspect a thing." Neon said confidently. "maybe playing it safe is our best option, I mean now that I think about it, Neon is still weak and if I'm out of comisission for any reason, than death will soon start to chase us." FH thought. silence was heard for a short moment before it was cut. "Fine" sighed FH. " We'll go with your plan but only because of my lack of strength. I am only able to take control of your body once a day, as a result of this, I will only take control of your body as a last resort. As for you, its safe to say that you are competent enough to win a fight against humans however, for the Iratheons its a totally different story. At the state your in now, they wouldn't even break a sweat in crushing you like a bug. But..." FH said as he paused implying that there is a way to fight against them. "with enough training, you will be able to at least defend yourself giving you enough time to flee against an Iratheon attack." "Don't worry FH, whatever training you put me through, I'll come out of it stronger than ever." Said Neon raising his fist confidently. "Hey now don't get too confident boy, bare in mind that you will be under intense and vigorous training so if you want to get through it, then you need more than just determination. "yeah your right" Neon said realising that he had to be prepared to face the jaws of death for if he was going to enter, he had to be strong enough to escape from it.

"Then it's settled, your training will start today, make sure your prepared boy...."