The school was thrown into chaos as the deafening explosion echoed through the air, sending shockwaves of fear and uncertainty through the hearts of Neon, Master Hiro, Kain, Riyu, and Karla. The horrifying realization struck them simultaneously—Keith's sinister plan might have finally come to fruition. The very thought of the released toxins turning their fellow students and staff into mindless beasts sent shivers down their spines.

They hurriedly made their way through the chaotic corridors, their senses heightened with each step. Desperation fueled their every move as they raced against time to reach the courtroom where Mr. Aurelius, the leader of the school, protected the students with his powerful barrier spell.

Upon their arrival, Mr. Aurelius turned his piercing gaze toward Neon, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and astonishment. "So, he's the one whose power I was sensing," Mr. Aurelius muttered under his breath. The sheer magnitude and divine nature of the energy Neon possessed left him astounded and in awe.

Mr. Cardinel, another esteemed faculty member, discreetly pulled Mr. Aurelius aside, eager to share vital information. In hushed tones, he revealed everything about keith and that Neon had not only fought and vanquished an upper-rank demon but had also undergone a profound transformation into an angelic being. The revelation sent shockwaves through Mr. Aurelius' core, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what he had just learned. "So there really was a traitor..." He muttered under his breath in disappointment.

As the pieces fell into place, Mr. Aurelius connected the dots. The tremors that had rippled through the school during the battle were a testament to Neon's titanic struggle against the demonic forces. The celestial aura emanating from Neon, the unmistakable presence of divinity, suddenly made sense to him.

Though taken aback by this mind-boggling revelation, Mr. Aurelius, a leader seasoned by years of experience, quickly composed himself. He understood the gravity of the situation and recognized that Neon's newfound power was a vital asset in their fight against the encroaching darkness.

With a renewed determination, Mr. Aurelius addressed the group, his voice resonating with both reverence and urgency. "Neon, the burden you now carry is immense. Your transformation into an angel grants you divine strength, a force that may shape the destiny of our school and its inhabitants. We must harness this power and face the challenges before us."

Neon, humbled by the weight of his newfound identity, looked to his friends, Master Hiro, Kain, Riyu, and Karla, finding solace in their unwavering support. Together, they would stand as a united front, facing the trials that lay ahead, guided by Mr. Aurelius' wisdom and Neon's burgeoning celestial prowess.

As they came up with various solutions, the dire situation loomed over them causing them to panic. With curiosity, the team turned their attention towards Neon, their eyes filled with anticipation, waiting to hear his insight. Neon, now emanating an otherworldly calmness and resolve, felt the surge of his newfound angelic power within him. It was as if he had shed his former self, stepping into a role befitting a leader.

With a steady voice that commanded attention, Neon spoke, his words carrying a weight of authority and wisdom. He acknowledged that dealing with Keith was of high priority, but emphasized that ensuring the safety of the students and staff was paramount. He tasked everyone, including the heads of the school, with protecting and evacuating the innocents away from harm.

While others agreed, Riyu, Karla, Kain and two of the heads, Mr. Xander and Mr. Aurelius, displayed a hint of hesitation. The heads harbored lingering doubts, still wary of Neon's newfound powers. Kain, aware of the dangers that awaited Neon, stepped forward, his voice filled with genuine worry. "Neon, I understand your determination, but mere moments ago, you were in a heated battle with an upper rank demon...that was no easy task so you must be tired. it's far too perilous for you to face Keith alone. We need to think of your safety." Both Riyu and Karla nodded in agreement, hoping Neon would change his mind.

Neon's gratitude shone in his eyes as he acknowledged Kain's concern. "Kain, I appreciate your concern and your willingness to keep me safe. However, my demonic powers give me a tremendous boost in stamina, so I'll be just fine. But I believe your powers are needed elsewhere. Protecting the lives of the students who may be in danger is of utmost importance."

Kain's hesitance was evident, his brows furrowed as he weighed Neon's words. It was true that his role as a teacher required him to safeguard the lives of the students, but seeing Neon's unwavering confidence and newfound power, Kain couldn't deny the transformation before him.

Reluctantly, Kain nodded, his voice tinged with both worry and trust. "Very well, Neon. But promise me that you will exercise caution and not take unnecessary risks. We are all counting on you to bring an end to this threat."

Neon's face broke into a grateful smile as he clasped Kain's shoulder. "I promise, Kain. I will be careful and do everything in my power to stop Keith and ensure the safety of everyone."

As for Riyu and Karla, they were still deeply concerned for Neon's safety, feeling compelled to accompany him in his quest to confront Keith.

Karla, fueled by unwavering loyalty, spoke up, determined to stand by Neon's side. "I won't let you go alone," she insisted, her voice filled with conviction. Riyu, echoing Karla's sentiment, expressed his concern for Neon's well-being and the need for their support.

In a resistant manner, Neon hesitated, aware of the dangers that lay ahead. Its too dangerous, I dont want you guys to get hurt like you did before." Neon said still angry that he wasnt there to protect them when they first encountered Mordred. Although the ordeal wasn't Neons fault, he felt that he could have prevented it from happening if he was just a little stronger. This time, he had wished to spare his friends from harm, but their determination touched his heart. After a heated discussion, Neon relented, allowing Karla and Riyu to accompany him on his mission, but not without expressing his worries and caution.

As the team began to disband, one of the heads, Mr Xander, approached Neon in a hushed manner, his voice filled with a subtle warning. "If I see you do anything that endangers the lives of our comrades, we won't hesitate to cut you down. Do I make myself clear...." He said in a threatening tone of voice. Neon met Mr. Xander's gaze, understanding the gravity of his words, and responded with unwavering confidence.

"I am fully aware of the consequences if I were to betray your trust," Neon replied, his voice steady. "But rest assured, I vow to protect everyone with my life. Put your trust in me, and I will not falter."

Mr. Xander, though still harboring reservations, acknowledged Neon's determination and commitment. With a silent nod, he communicated his acceptance, understanding that the fate of their school and its inhabitants rested on the shoulders of this complex being.

With their roles defined and their resolve strengthened, the team divided their focus. While Neon, Karla, and Riyu embarked on their perilous mission to find and eliminate Keith, the remaining members would stand as the protectors of the students and staff, ensuring their safety during the chaos that enveloped their surroundings.

As Neon, Riyu, and Karla pushed through the panicked crowd, desperately trying to locate Keith amidst the chaos, they overheard alarming whispers that sent shivers down their spines. The voices spoke of vicious humanoid creatures rampaging through the school, confirming their worst fears. Keith had succeeded in his twisted plan, and time was running out.

A sense of urgency gripped Neon's heart as he turned to his friends, his voice laced with determination. "We have to find Keith before he completes his transformation into a demon," he urged, his eyes reflecting the weight of their mission. However, doubt and concern clouded Riyu and Karla's expressions, fearing that they might already be too late to stop Keith's descent into darkness.

Pushing forward, the trio finally reached the end of the crowded hallway where the evacuating students ceased. To their right, an ominous sight awaited them—Keith, wearing a sinister grin that sent chills down their spines. His face displayed a mix of anger and surprise, disbelief etched into his features. The fact that Neon still stood before him alive and resolute had caught Keith off guard.

With a burst of speed, Keith turned and fled, the adrenaline fueling his escape. Thoughts raced through his mind as he ran, questioning the immense power he had sensed emanating from Neon. It defied everything he knew about their capabilities, leaving him bewildered and unnerved. "What the hell! That power I was sensing....it was coming from HIM! AAAAHHH DAMMIIIIT." Cried Keith frustratedly as he continued to pace through the hallway.

Determined to bring Keith to justice and put an end to his nefarious plans, the trio pursued him relentlessly, their footsteps echoing through the spacious room that resembled an assembly hall. Neon's angelic essence surged within him, lending him an otherworldly strength and agility. Riyu and Karla, though performing swift and precise movements, struggled to matched his pace, they were astonished to see just how strong he had gotten. They were simply no match for him. As they relentlessly gave chase, their devotion unwavered as they chased down their common foe.

The assembly hall provided a tense battleground, shadows dancing around them as they weaved through the space. Keith's steps echoed ahead, leading them deeper into the heart of the room. Neon's senses sharpened, his gaze fixed upon Keith's fleeing figure....

With Keith's arrival into treading into the desired location, he turned around facing the trio. With an agitated look on his face, he demanded an explanation from Neon, desperate to understand how he was still alive. "Tell me Neon! How the hell did you escape from Mordred...he simply wouldnt let you run away....so what happened!" Yelled Kieth in a frustrated yet curious manner.
Neon met Keith's gaze, his voice steady and resolute.

"I didn't escape," Neon responded, his eyes unwavering. "I confronted and killed Mordred myself."

Keith's disbelief turned into fury, his voice laced with frustration. "How could you, a mere mortal, defeat a demon of that magnitude? It must be the mysterious power emanating from you, and it's no ordinary power im sensing, It's divine power....Isn't it!"

Neon nodded, confirming Keith's suspicions. The realization only fueled Keith's rage, his emotions spiraling out of control. "Damn you! Someone like you doesn't deserve such power. It's wasted on a fool like you," he spat. "But lucky for me, I'll soon possess a formidable power of my own."

Turning his gaze to the left, Keith's eyes fell upon a syringe, filled with a sinister dark energy. It contained a concoction of Neon's blood mixed with the demonic powers of Mordred—an unholy elixir that, when consumed, would transform the drinker to not just an ordinary demon, but an abomination, fueled by the immense strength of an upper rank demon.

Neon's eyes widened in alarm, realizing the danger that lay before them. He lunged towards Keith, his intentions clear—to prevent him from consuming the dark substance. But before Neon could reach his nemesis, a horde of humanoid creatures, remnants of Keith's earlier experiments, emerged, blocking his path. The once-human beings, now twisted and corrupted, were pawns in Keith's wicked plan.

Forced to divert his attention, he began tapping into the depths of his demonic powers. A surge of energy coursed through his veins, radiating from the core of his being. With a resolute determination, he extended his arm forward, palm outstretched.

From the ethereal realm, where darkness thrived, a manifestation of Neon's inner strength took form. A death scythe materialized, its sleek blade gleaming with a menacing aura. It was a weapon of immense power, an extension of Neon's resolve to protect and vanquish the forces of darkness that threatened their world.

As Neon faced the horde of humanoid creatures, his heart sank with a mixture of determination and sorrow. Each swing of his death scythe sent dark energy slicing through the air, cutting down the twisted figures that were once human. The room echoed with the clash of metal against flesh, accompanied by haunting cries that pierced Neon's soul.

With every strike, Neon couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. These creatures, tormented and transformed by Keith's unholy experiments, were once innocent lives. They were victims of a malevolence that sought to exploit their vulnerabilities and turn them into mindless pawns. As Neon fought, memories of their past lives flashed before his eyes. He caught glimpses of smiles, laughter, and dreams that were now forever lost. The weight of their suffering pressed heavily upon him, but he knew that he had to protect the lives of those still standing and prevent further atrocities from unfolding.

As the relentless tide of humanoid creatures surged forward, Neon felt the weight of the battle press upon him. The situation seemed dire, with more and more adversaries joining the fray. But just as despair threatened to consume him, a glimmer of hope emerged.

Riyu, his loyal friend, channeled the power of flames. From his outstretched hands, tongues of fire leapt into existence, engulfing the creatures in a blazing inferno. The searing heat consumed their twisted forms, reducing them to ash. Riyu's fiery prowess carved a path through the horde, his flames dancing with a fierce determination.

Beside him, Karla harnessed the power of gravity manipulation. With a flick of her wrist, the laws of physics twisted and distorted. "what, did you think we were just gonna sit there and watch." Karla said with a smile. The creatures found themselves pulled to the ground with an irresistible force, immobilized and vulnerable. "Thanks you guys haha." Neon said with gratitude. Karla's control over gravity created an advantageous battlefield, allowing Neon and Riyu to strike with precision and efficiency.

The trio moved in perfect synchrony, their individual strengths converging to create a symphony of destruction. Neon swung his death scythe with calculated precision, cleaving through the creatures that succumbed to the fiery onslaught and gravitational forces.

With little to no humanoid creatures remaining, Neon pressed on with the death scythe in hand. With the extension of Neon's resolve, the weapon sliced through the air, cutting through the abominations with precision and efficiency. Neon's movements were swift, a dance between grace and deadly intent. His skill in wielding the weapon was undeniable, honed through countless battles and fueled by his unwavering determination to bring an end to the darkness that had enveloped their school.

With each strike, Neon whispered apologies to the fallen, silently acknowledging the lives that were stolen and the innocence that was corrupted. He hoped that by defeating Keith and putting an end to his wicked plans, he could bring some semblance of justice and peace to those who had suffered.

However, as Neon and the others valiantly fought, battling against the abominations, time slipped through their fingers. Keith, seizing the opportunity, swiftly injected the dark substance into his own body. The malevolent energy coursed through his veins, corrupting him from within.

As the last creature fell, Neon's gaze shifted back to Keith, witnessing the transformation taking place. As Keith's transformation into a demonic abomination reached its climax, Neon, Riyu, and Karla stood frozen in horror. The once familiar face distorted and contorted, becoming a nightmarish visage of malevolence and power. The ground trembled beneath their feet as the aura of darkness intensified, suffocating the air around them.

Keith's body expanded in size, his limbs elongating and his muscles bulging with grotesque strength. Bones cracked and snapped as they manipulated their own structure, defying the laws of nature. His hair stood on end like a dark crown, and his eyes, once filled with life, now burned with an otherworldly blue flame, radiating pure malice.

Silence filled the room as the abomination basked in the glory of its newfound demonic powers. A chilling laughter erupted from Keith's transformed mouth, resonating like thunder through the room. The trio felt a wave of dread wash over them as they realized the magnitude of the darkness that now consumed their former friend. If it was a low or middle ranked demon that mixed its dark powers with Neons blood he would have been an ordinary demon, however, the one that mixed its demonic powers with the syringe was Mordred...an upper rank demon. This huge ammount of power was too much for Keiths mortal body, making him turn into a complete abomination. Neon's heart sank, regret gnawing at his soul for not reaching Keith in time to prevent this descent into darkness.

The demonic voice that echoed from the abomination's throat sent shivers down their spines. It was a voice devoid of humanity, fueled by the twisted essence that now coursed through his veins. "Finally, I've got my hands on REAL power...power that is fitting for a being of pure evil...HAHAHAAAAAA." Neon, Riyu, and Karla exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of determination and fear. They knew that their battle had just become exponentially more challenging.....