Chapter 1

Ch 1


America Sector 1 - City 1

Third Person POV

Ah There it is, Well i Guess it is Time for The awakening, A Perfectly Normal looking Youth Said, As He Walked inside The Gigantic Building, Who is this Youth you ask, well its the mc who else? His Name is Cory Garcia He Comes from the Prestigious Garcia Family Who was Created along the Xiao Sect By The 3rd Strongest of the Grand masters ''Grand master Garcia'' , Since most of The Grand masters Died during the Battle Only A Few Have Survived And The Grand master Garcia Has Founded The Xiao Sect To Guard and eventually try and close the Rift, There is No Known Information about his First Name Most suspect that he didn't even have a First name.

Cory walked through the Building until He Found The Awakening Ceremony Room And Boy oh Boy was this Room Big it was 50 Cubic Meters Big, With Everywhere there were Chairs And all the way at the Front There was A Middle Aged Man who was the Examiner And Next to him was The Principal of The Prestigious --First High school-- Who was Talking The Examiner, After they were Done Talking The Middle Aged Man Clapped his Hands Creating a light Shockwave Shocking The Students And The Room Went Quiet.

Welcome Future Martial Artist's! The Examiner Said, Now That everyone Is Here We will Start Explaining On What your Affinity is And How far you can Go in Life With Martial Arts The room was full of supense, Now Most People Are Born Without Any Affinity Those are Called The Normals, Now For The martial artist, --Normal Affinity-- It is the Most Common Affinity Most People Who have the --Normal Affinity-- Are Able to Reach the Peak Of The Martial Artist Stage But Aren't Able to Break Trough to the Martial Master Since Their Affinity is NORMAL, Now --High Affinity-- Is Very Rare Actually But if a Person does have --High Affinity-- They Would Be Able to Reach Martial Master Ninth Stage But That would be the Limit, Now For the Most Rare Affinity, The --Supreme Affinity-- There Are Only a 100 People who Had this Affinity Since The Battle Between The Beast's and the Grand Masters, Those who have --Supreme Affinity-- Their Future Is Limitless Since They would be able to reach Martial Grand Master Stage And once one Has reached the Grand Master stage their limit Would be Removed And they May Even Reach The Legendary --Martial Ancestor Stage-- Well now that everyone has the knowledge about the Affinity Grades Lets Begin, After The Examiner was Done talking He Called The First Student,


While The Examiner was Calling on the Students all of them Had nervous looks But For One student that wasn't the Case no, he wasn't even Looking he was focusing on Something else and Muttered 'System Sign-In' at First High school'

--Gained Qi Gathering Pill--

Tch Another one of those Dammi-

Student Cory Please Come up to the stage, As Cory was about the finish his sentence he was interrupted by the Examiner He Sighed and walked up to the Stage and was told instructions by the Examiner He Said, 'Now Cory Please Put your Hand on the Awakening Artifact and it will Reveal Your Affinity' Cory Follow The Instructions and put his hand on the Artifact and The Artifact Started to Glow a Blue Color, T-this Blue Color Means, High Affinity! As Expected of The Young Master of the Garcia Family! The Examiner Said In Shock

Thanks. Cory said and walked away like it was a normal everyday Event, Envy Jealousy Admiration, and Hornyness Was written all over the Students Faces, he walked out of the building and walked back to The Garcia Estate. he walked out with a smug face resembling a certain person.


Chapters may be short (and trash lol)


----> MC