11 : Demonic Beast!

After Cory was walking towards the stage he could see two other boys and one girl he was looking at Oliver miller while thinking... 'Miller... Miller where do i remember that from' Cory thought and then remembered ''Ah!, He's most likely related to that 5 Star Hotel owner'' Cory said, ''But i don't know those other two'' Cory said but shook his head and stood next the Hun Zhao and the other three stood next to him while Zhao continued ''Normally for the normal test one had to go through multiple test, but for you four it's a different case, you all have to individually fight a Demonic beast, but no worry they aren't like those that first invaded the earth so they aren't Martial Master Rank, just as strong as you four so i would say Around Martial Artist 9th Rank'' Zhao Hun said.

''This could actually be fun!'' Cory said while smirking, and Noah Brown Replied ''To think i would meet one of the Young Master's from the Famous Garcia Clan'' and Cory looked at him ''Nice to meet you, the name's Noah... Noah Brown'' Noah said sticking out his hand and Cory shaked it ''Cory, Cory Garcia Nice to meet you''

''I See now that you're done i shall show you the path towards the demonic beast's'' Hun Zhao said and leaned in towards the group and whispered ''And if you actually defeat the beast without killing it, you may keep it as a pet. but don't abuse it and treat it well since if you do that, well all i can say is that it'll be loyal towards you''