One of the college professors stepped forward to speak.
"The reason you came back here is because you're going to participate in a little game..."
From the way he spoke, it sounded like anything but a little game.
People's expressions stiffened at the face of this man who was no longer human.
"But finally, my dear students, don't react like that, a quest that will involve all classes is about to begin."
Everyone's complexion darkened when they heard about all classes.
As all the students were wondering what to do, one man spoke up.
"Stay calm, I'm sure someone will come and save us for now, we need to cooperate with the teachers."
"That's right for now, you can only cooperate."
After a few minutes of waiting, many messages appeared.
| The quest: The Road Class appeared.
| 120 people will compete in teams of 20, the equivalent of a class.
- The groups in each class must collect witnesses that allow them to advance to the "teacher" area.
- Witnesses can be found anywhere in the university, but students can only search in areas near their classes.
- Beware, there are also witnesses in your own class. But they will not allow you to advance. The other teams in your vicinity can therefore decide to attack you to get them back.
- In the school, from time to time a chest full of witnesses appears inside.
- You have to get to the prof zone as quickly as possible, because the last team to arrive will see all its members die. |
"On that note, GOODBYE!"
| C̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡h̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡ā̵̷̸̠̲̯̅͜͡p̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡ī̵̷̸̠̲̯̅͜͡t̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡r̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡ē̵̷̸̠̲̯̅͜͡ ̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡4̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡ ̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡- ̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡ ̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡L̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡'̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡Ā̵̷̸̠̲̯̅͜͡l̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡l̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡ī̵̷̸̠̲̯̅͜͡ā̵̷̸̠̲̯̅͜͡n̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡c̵̷̸̠̲̯̄̅͜͡e̠̲ |
"I don't plan to wait for someone to come and save us."
「The Spectator: Sky Moon
What's going on?」
「The Spectator: Anna-Ssi
Why didn't we go to the next chapter」
[Warning you are deviating from the condition]
"What's happening to me? I have a headache like this. Could it be because I'm not following the condition that asks me to wait for the Alliance to come and save us?"
"Listen to me, we are not going to wait for a miracle to fall from the sky"
"What are you saying?"
「The Spectator: Incarnate
Where is the narrator?」
"What are all his messages?
"What are all his messages?"
"And who is this person"Incarable"
| Since there is no narrator available, a random "character" will become one.
| Young Daebon has been assigned to be the narrator. |
| You have become the "witness narrator" for this chapter. |
| Chapter 4 - The Conquest of Classes |
"What were all his messages?
"What did he mean by Daebon is the narrator?"
I didn't quite understand what happened, but one thing is for sure Spectators will look at this chapter from my point of view.
「The Spectator: UnbrokenReader
Interesting, can't wait to see how this new last minute chapter turns out」