I heard his voice in the phone, it was definitely Daebon's.
"Young Daebon!"
"Indeed, it's me."
He answered me with an arrogant tone.
Now they all know that the story about the attribute constraints was just a decoy. But that doesn't mean it's all downhill from here.
"I have a few questions for you."
While my nerves were tense, Ong Donghyun was laughing at the situation before me.
"It's about ONG Donghyun..."
Ong's lips suddenly twisted.
"He's not a student in the class right?"
How did he know about this?
"Where did you get his words?"
"They possess some rather sharp jewelry on him as well as a chain. Items that are not allowed on school grounds."
"And then he could very well have kept them on him, anyway the world has changed now!"
"When a world goes post-apocalypse, the first thing I think of is not my aesthetic. But either way, I already checked that and his name doesn't appear in the list."
Did he check? Would he be with the teachers right now?
"Also, your attribute, to see the future is a set up?"
Ong Donghyun spoke up for the first time.
"What makes you say that?"
"When the quest began, you were the furthest class from everyone, moreover, you were ahead of all of us. How do you explain that you made it to the final area?"
"What a question, recovering witnesses of course!"
"Certainly, you could have recovered some in the first zone, but from the second you would be forced to attack your nearby class."
My face tightened.
"Since you were ahead all along, how did you do it?"
I was unable to answer the question.
「The Spectator: Eden Isis
So their attribute of seeing the future was totally wrong :o 」
「The Spectator: The Scarecrow
I'm afraid so...」
"Ong Donghyun, you're the one who brought them here. Who are you really?"
Ong sighed a blow as he closed his eyes then opened his mouth again.
"This is not play Daebon, talking to Spectators is unnatural!"
Talking to Spectators, is he talking about those messages I see?
"What are you talking about?"
"The Brave Sirius, I know you talked to him, but let's move on..."
「The Spectator: Sky Moon
He knows "The Brave Sirius" :o 」
「The Spectator: The Brave Sirius
Interesting, I think I understand...」
"What are you talking about?"
Ong Donghyun glared at his phone, then took out his sword and approached me.
"This character is no longer of any use to me."
Ong Donghyun sliced my head, my vision blurred and the rest of my body fell down.
| You are dead |
| The character "Taeig Jeon" died. |
| Young Daebon has been appointed as the new "witness narrator" for this chapter. |
What? Don't tell me he killed him?!
「The Spectator: Eden Isis
Back with Daebon」's point of view.
"Ong Donghyun, you got rid of Taeig Jeon!"
"You got it right quick."
What I find most strange are his words that he said. "This character. Would he be?
"Tell me more about you now Daebon?"
"I have nothing to tell you, Kwang will finish the quest."
Kwang carried out my orders and left for the capture point.
"And now I have a question for you..."
I had successfully taken the teachers hostage.
"What is the mission you were given?"
"We were just told to be the organizers of this quest nothing more"
Replied one of them with a shaky voice.
"Normally my original plan, including you, but as things have changed. Just do nothing more"
"You know we can also kill you?"
"We have a more important role than you in this chapter therefore we have more advantages"
I cut them off.
"Go try it and see"
| Young Daebon uses the attribute of the A-2 class "Teleportation". |
I said my last words before disappearing.
"The teleportation attribute not only allows you to teleport directly to the chest, it can also take you to a person in your group.
I had joined my group running to the capture point. We were close to victory.