

We entered the restaurant to see a gentleman waiter.

"Yes miss Yami follow me to your seat"

This looks like a really expensive place.

Why am I surrounded by very rich people?

He leads us to the table.

We sat.

"I know this seems very sudden, but are you a regular here?"

I asked Yami.

The fact that she made things feels very serious than brought me here is just really random.

This place filled with what you call luxurious service.

Even the glass is really well designed.

"I think you are actually learning about my secrets"

Yami said.

"About the tattoo..."

I said feeling sudden anxiety.

She interrupted.

"Let's enjoy our meal right now"

We finished eating dinner or wait isn't lunch...?

But, I couldn't say I enjoyed the meal even though Yami paid too much to it.

It's just the fact that she stayed shut about it made me feel something is fishy.

We left the place and started walking for quite a long time with both of us being totally quiet until I started the conversion saying.

"Now where are we going? I think you need to make things more clear for me."

I said in a serious face.

It was a full moon night.

In a very late hour.

No one was there.

"We are here"

She said.

Is she joking or something?

"There is nothing here except this big castle"

I looked at her and stopped walking.

"You brought us nowhere really!"


She was actually going to that castle.

"Hey, you real?"

She kept on walking there so I knew there is no mistake.

The castle was a colossal one.

More like a horror movie style or something.

It was on a hill very far away from everything.

Is there even an internet connection there?

With me having all these thoughts I suddenly found myself there.


There is even a butler or wait is he a bodyguard because literally, he is standing right there like a state.

"Welcome miss Yamioureta"

Okay, so I and Yami are the only human beings right here what is he joking or something?

"Let me take your luggage"

"Sure, thanks Simon"

Okay, can you give me a break?

This day is not only full of surprises but is turning into a joke.

"Yes Saotachi-Kun I will explain everything after we reach my room"

Is it only me or is Yamioureta a little out of her mind today?

She never called my name since the day I was born.

"Saotachi-Kun is going to spend a little time here so, please Simon take his luggage as well"

"Wait! When did I ever say such a thing?"

"I suggest not to argue with miss Yamioureta"

The funny butler suddenly joined the session.

Then he continued.

"Whenever she insists on something she puts her life to it."

I looked at them for few seconds.

"like hell, I will listen to both of yo-."

Yami interrupted me.

"It's not really that I wanted to force you or anything, but I am pretty sure there are no taxis at this hour plus you were very curious aren't you?"

The atmosphere changed.

It was kinda funny or very random, but the fact that we left that place in such a hurry never let me relax.

I need to know what is going on.

"Very well then guess I have no other choice whatsoever"

Then I continued.

"So, where am I supposed to sleep and I need to have a little time alone to calm my mind"

Yami replied "Don't overthink this I have enough space for a dinosaur"

Turns out I'm really am surrounded by very rich people.




An image of a house appeared in my mind.

I feel a very big relation between me and this house.

More like the feeling of Deja Vu.

It was dark.



Yes, this word describes me very well.

A kid brought to this world with no memory.

I am really miserable.