

I wasn't sure what awaits me behind this, but I felt like I used all my feelings up until this point.

The deeper we get the more we started feeling the heat.

Leaving the narrow stairs we end up facing a curtain.

I stopped while waiting for Yami to open it.

I'm not sure if I was raised in a polite family, but I couldn't feel right to enter someone's else place before him.

She approached it and open it fast then said

"Don't worry I prepared for this."

"Is she saying that she was certain that I will enter this place...?"

Right behind that curtain, there was a room.

An empty room.

Yami took the lead and walked toward a wall.

"Another curtain...?"

This is starting to seem like a babushka Russian doll.

You open one to find another and another and another.

"What's the point though?"

I asked.

"Well, you see Simon is a butler so he cleans everywhere even this deep, so I needed some privacy"

"So, you are saying that you used these so he never approaches them?"

"Ummm.. you could say that."

She answered.

After a few minutes of silence, she said...

"Are you ready?"

The look on her face was very enthusiastic.

She opened the curtains with both hands.

With her tall sharp black nails

She looked like an evil witch.

It was full of letters.

Of some weird language.

"I've been living for this Satoshi and searching for answers every single day"

"Have you ever wondered why I've been always busy with my hands?"

"I've been researching and finding answers all the time."

"All of my life felt very meaningless without what I seek."

"Back when I lost my mother and my father I've started giving up on this world."

"Normally people will think that since I was suffering from my family every single day I will wish both of them to die."

I started thinking after hearing her say this.

What about her mother?

Why is she referring to both of them...?

And after thinking a little bit I finally understand.

Since her father used to abuse her.

Her life would obviously be miserable with him living, but will his death ever fix anything in her side?

She will live in fear it's almost like running from your trauma but living inside it.

That's obviously why rather than killing him she committed suicide.

But, another thing comes to my mind...

Why did she commit suicide leaving her daughter with a dangerous person like him?

Won't she think he might abuse her daughter as well?

Did she know by any chance that he will die after her as well?

"You idiot are thinking I was really happy...?"

Yami said with her voice trembling.

I couldn't say a thing, so I only looked at her waiting for her to continue.

"I was lonely always I never lived an ordinary life, but that doesn't mean my parents' death will change anything!"

"it's not even like if my father died alone I would live normally."

"I was born to be different and there is nothing I can do about it."

I think people won't really understand Yami.

Since her parents are the biggest problem that means that she was born this way.

Even after their death, no one stayed with her and in the end, they were her family.

"I was about to give up on studying in college and just stay in my room forever."

"After my father's death, they found a letter"

"He gave his president the lead of the company as he knew he will die very soon, but a large part of the company belongs to me as his daughter"

"So, I didn't want to continue on college, but Simon insisted on me trying again"

"He kept talking about how I shouldn't lose hope and how I might meet with friends etc"

"Frankly I never wanted to ever try again, but I did it for him"

"Yes that's true Simon is my butler from the day I was born to this world"

"That old man dears so much to me."

"He is family and a friend and a father before being my butler."

"You might not believe it, but he literally knows me more than my parents"

This makes sense.

Since she had no friends and he takes care of her since she was a baby.

"When I started college I was a year late and I got suddenly to be a friends with you"

"And with time I always thought of giving up each day, but I never told Simon"

She came close.

"But, things turned out different suddenly"

"I...found him"

"At first I was very surprised I couldn't believe this coincidence"

"So, I made a decision to make sure myself"

"I followed him everywhere"

"I wrote almost everything he does"

"At that time I was one hundred percent confidence that he is HIM"


"You never asked me Sato how did I find out about my ability"

"Was it an accident?"


"it wasn't"

"It was all from that book"

"One day I received a box"

"When I looked at it a little close it was full of a weird language"

"A weird language...?"

Why does this seem familiar?


"I panicked so much thinking it was some type of witchery and throw it away immediately"

"But, then after going to my room, someone knocked on the door"

"He was Simon"

"He brought it to me"

"For some reason, he said it is important."

"At that night I spent my whole time trying to find clues about it."

"And that was when I found out about my ability."

"Now finally after a long time of waiting, I found the owner of that journal!"

I started wondering if she will draw the book suddenly anytime soon.

And that happened a few seconds after asking myself this.

I felt something was odd.

Out of usual.

What is she trying to say?

"Satoshi thanks for saving my life"