

With time.

I started realizing that not only my past is hazy, but also my future.

I don't know how this will end, but I was hoping I could make some sense of this universe.

I went to countless hospitals and professional doctors, but it always felt like an unsolved puzzle.

An evil spell way ahead of anything beyond everyone's imagination.

It's too evil...

Too emotionless.

It's total emptiness.

I ran hard towards Dachi to me I felt like I had enough of this.

I started by dodging his attacks.

He is so stubborn.

There was an open classroom out of those endless ones.

But, this one felt different.

It was so dark and empty...

Almost like nothing and nowhere.

"You belong there Daichi!"

And I pushed him so hard.

It turns out it was a tip of a fall.

Daichi was holding the tip with not much energy left for him.

"Satoshi help!"

Seeing Dachi crying for help was very emotional,

but it didn't feel like anything to me...

At that moment I realized that to me this world meant nothing.

It was almost like walking in a banded universe with none around.

Just me walking.

And the air.

So inhuman...

But, it was almost like time stopped for a few seconds.

I felt like fear was eating me the same way the ocean eats surfers.

"T-the w-orld is..."

I wanted to help him, but...

Who is he?

I have no memories of him and to me...

He is just in my way.

And I left leaving him to fall...

He couldn't hold anymore.

I'm sure this is the last time I will see him.

I opened the gate slowly.

I entered to see myself surrounded by a blank white place.

in total emptiness.


I opened my eyes to find myself in a mansion.

I walked until I reached the entrance.

There were no guards.

I started hearing someone coming so I hid.

It's a very expensive looking car right threre...

What do they call it a limousine?

A young man came out.

He looked in his late 30s.

That's absolutely the mansion owner.

Then someone else came outside.

WAit DAchi!

I started remembering what happened before and got myself into a sudden panic attack.

Little memories came to my mind.

They were my memories with Daichi.

My head is hurting I feel like it's about to get exploed.

It was a very cruel pain to the point where I felt almost like throwing up.

The worst part wasn't the fact that I'm in pain, but why was I?

At this point, I forgot all about the mansion.

I didn't realize that I was throing myself into more problems.

Showing myself without feeling.

But, nothing happened.


They were minding their business more like if I was never there...

"That's because you are in fact not there!"

Who's there?

I heard a voice there is no mistake!

Is someone reading my mind?

"I'm pretty sure you can't see me because you're not prepared"

"What is going on?! and show yourself!"

"You seem like unaware of the situation..."

The voice replied.

"We are spirits."

"We are born to accompany humans in their life"

"Each and everyone in this universe has a spirit."

"We are just things created by emotions and feelings!"

"So, If you are a good person you should have a good spirit."

"But! we don't speak your language nor understand a thing you say."

"WE don't live because we are not a living creatures"


"Then how can I understand and speak your language?"

"I don't understand a thing you're saying I'm just reading your emothinos."

"Then how can you speak?"

"That's because of Yami."


"Wait so you know Yami?"

"The answer is simple and complicated..."

"Yami for some reason knows how to speak our language and read it."

"She made a contract with me."

"She asked me to leave her forever."

"This will result in making her somehow unexciting."

"She's now not in the universe anymore nor you."

"Because the school you entered is no ordinary school"

"it doesn't exist in this universe."