Chapter 001: The First Girl of His Unwanted Harem

Sato-San was sitting at his desk with a blank expression on his face. He was waiting for the school day to be over so he can go to the library and continue writing his novel. It was the final period of the day with Miyazaki-Sensei teaching his math lessons.

"If you carry ov-" The bell rang cutting off his explanation. "I guess that's it for today."

The other students in his class got together in their groups and were leaving the school building or going to their clubs. Sato-San never really cared since he didn't even know a single person's name that was in his class, he never intended to get to know them so what was the point? He preferred to have his two and only friends, Shirai Sota and Kawasaki Hayate. He only got up and headed to the library after everyone else left the classroom.

"Time to go I guess. Which novel should I work on today?"

He was walking through the hall on his way to the library when he ran into Shirai-Kun. He had black hair, glasses, was on the taller side and blue eyes. He kind of fit the nerd stereotype if you cut out the fact that he was at least decent looking.

"Where you off to?"

"The library to do what I normally do there."

"Well, as long as you don't stay until 3 in the morning again that should be fine. It was really hard to not get you in trouble when that happened."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Thanks for that! It made my day really hard last time so if you do it again" He made a creepy face while looking Sato-San straight in the eyes. "Your not gonna like it."


Shirai-Kun walked past waving with his normal face back.

'I hate it when he does that.'

Sato-San continued walking and reached the library, it was 3:40PM now.

'If I want to leave at a reasonable time I'll only have about 2 hours to write…I guess I'll get as much done as I can.'

He opened the door and didn't see anyone except the librarian, he walked to the vacant desks and took out his laptop. He decided to start working on the second volume of "In This World of Nightmares" a suspense adventure story, quite different from his normal works.

"The deadline will be coming up soon…I need to get this finished soon…I'm still not used to this style of writing, I need some examples…"

He got out of his chair and looked through many books in the library trying to find one that could be a good example. While looking around he noticed something among the books, he found one that was made by him.

"Huh, I wasn't expecting to find this here."

"Are you going to check that one out?"


He turned around to find a girl that had shoulder length white hair, she seemed to give of the vibes of a loli character he would put into some of his stories.

"Ah, no. I have a copy at home, I was just surprised they would have this here."

"Does that mean you read Makoto Sato's books too?"

"Yeah, I have all of his books."

'In moments like these I don't need to put up a false persona, she does seem to be a fan after all. I can't exactly tell her I'm him.'

She let out a big smile on her face and got closer to Sato-San.

"You're the first person in this school that I've met that also reads Sato's books! What's your name?"

He smiled along with her knowing that he would probably never meet her again, there was no need for his false persona.

"Sato Higura."

"Shiratori Kanna. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too. I guess we're in the same year, we have the same colored ties."

"I guess we are, what class are you in?"

"My home room teacher is Fujisawa-Sensei. What about you?"

"I'm in Fujisawa's class too. I've never really seen you in that class, or at least I've probably never noticed you because I haven't been looking for you directly."

'Huh, did I just screw up my solitude? I really hope that she doesn't start talking to me during homeroom. I enjoy being alone, I hardly ever speak to my friends, that's how desperate I am for solitude!'

"W-Well maybe you'll see me tomorrow then."

'I just dug a grave for myself..Goodbye solitude during homeroom…You will be missed.'

"How long are you able to stay today?"

"Ah, I'll be leaving soon, last time I got in trouble because I was here until 3 in the morning, I don't want to do that again. Luckily I'm friends with the president so he was able to help me out."

'I need to get out of here as fast as I can! Curse you real persona! I should have just continued to use the one that turns people away!! Curse you my true nature!!'

"What are you doing here, now that I think to ask?

"I was doing some work related things and thought I'd check what books they'd have here before I leave."

"Then can I take that book, I haven't read it yet."

"Oh, yeah sure, of course you can."

"Thank you. I hope to see you tomorrow!"

She speed walked towards the librarian and Sato-San used this as an opportunity to escape. He left the school building at exactly 4:00PM.

'Geez, I didn't even have time to start writing.'

He stopped walking and looked down at the ground than up to the sky.

"What have I just got myself into?"