Chapter 027: Cooking

Higura was in his kitchen and it was nearing dinner time. He decided he would try cooking again since he hadn't tried in awhile for many reasons. The main reason being he's a terrible cook.

"Let's see how this turns out…"

He grabbed his ingredients and after about an hour he had finished the prep work.

"That took longer than I would have liked…Haha…Why am I doing this?"

He began to do the main cooking and kept on messing up with everything. After about another hour he put the dish into the oven and waited.

"…I hate myself…There's no way this will turn out good…"

He went into the living room while he waited for the food to be finished cooking. The oven beeped and he took the food that he had made. He grabbed a spoon and taste tested it.

"Gr! What is this?!"

He ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet.

"…Ne-Never again…"

Higura went back to the kitchen and stared at the dish.

"I have to dispose of this horrid creation. It just never again see the light of day."

He picked it up and threw it into the trash.

"I'm never trying again…Kokoro! We're having microwaveable food tonight!"

She came walking down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

"I thought you said you were going to make dinner tonight."

"No I never said such a thing."

"Really? I could have sworn you did…"

"Yes, really. So just grab something and go ahead and make your dinner."


That night they had instant ramen for dinner.