Hot and Cold

Usually, when Evan arrived, the thing Lucia would do when she saw him was run cheerfully and hug him like a doll. But that scene didn't happen this time. No cheers or hugs.

Amidst the flames that continued to burn around the castle, the young girl stared at the white clothes burning in fire.

Her blank stare seemed to say that she shouldn't have to do something like this again.

Evan, who saw how blank Lucia's gaze was, immediately wanted to approach her. However, his intentions were hampered when his feet stepped on the barren ground with small flames.

He felt an intense heat as he stepped on the red flames. As far as he knew about the fire, the red fire would go out when stepped on and would not give a burning sensation. It was different from that little blood-red flame, even though it was small but, it had burned his paw.

"Ow...Ow! It's so hot!" Evan jumped up and down and immediately stamped his paw on the ground.