Chapter 6

Just as planned, Beatrice insisted on not staying at the hospital against the doctor's orders. As nobody dared to challenge her authority, she was able to smoothly discharge without problems. Except of course for Cedric, who disagreed with the decision but since it is also the doctor's advice that she's not to be exposed to any kind of stress, arguing was already out of the roof. Anyway, he already made sure that the best medical equipment is set up at her Gran's residence along with stay-in and on-call doctors and nurses.

"As much as I want her to stay and keep her monitored, I also believe that your grandmother should stay somewhere familiar and closer to nature. The wide array of plants in her greenhouse might even be better medicine than keeping her in an enclosed hospital room, no matter how luxurious." Dr. Fritz stated as they watch Beatrice chat with the nurse who is removing her IV.

Cedric let out a weary sigh. "-And remember, your grandmother's well-being should be your top priority. If possible, you should always keep her happy and satisfied so she'd remain optimistic. If her mental stability collapses because of overwhelming distress, I'm afraid that her physical health might deteriorate at an even faster rate."

Cedric nodded his head, "I will. Thank you, doctor."

As soon as the nurse finished, Beatrice walked out of the VIP room with Lucas supporting him on her side while her other grandson waited by the door. Her son-in-law already went ahead to check on his wife but he made sure to leave his son behind 'in case his grandmother still needs him' he said. She secretly glanced at Cedric who was walking with them. She remembered how she saw him and Allan in a somewhat deep conversation and she knows for sure what they talked about. It's the final blow that should convince her grandson of how delicate her grandmother's feelings are right now. She secretly smiled in triumph.

The drive back to Ford's main residence wasn't very far. In less than an hour, they have already reached the long driveway that widens out and leads to the front entrance of the mansion. The butler, Fredrick Knight, eagerly waited at the bottom of the steps that leads to the double front door of the residence.

Once parked, the butler immediately went to open the backseat door of the car. Beatrice carefully went out with the help of Lucas while Cedric, who already got out first, waited with the butler.

"Thank you, Fred. It feels like I haven't seen you for long when we just saw each other yesterday." Beatrice happily greeted the servant when she's completely out of the car.

"It's always my pleasure to serve you well, madam." he bowed his head lightly. "-And welcome back."

The maids lined up at the entryway when the family passed the front double doors of the mansion. The head maid, Rose Knight, walked to greet her masters right away when they came into view. "Welcome home, madam, young masters." she received everyone with enthusiasm and a light bow with her head.

Beatrice let go of Lucas's hand to give the woman's hand a gentle and grateful pat. "Thanks to you and your husband that the mansion has been running as smoothly as ever while I battle between life and death."

"Gran!" Cedric scolded her grandmother again before letting out a tired sigh.

"It has always been our honor to serve you." Rose blissfully responded.

"Is the setup complete?" Cedric asked as he and his grandmother part ways; him to the library where his private office is located and his gran to her room.

"Yes, the medical staff are already waiting inside the madam's room to check on her on the clock." The butler, Fred, replied as he followed behind Cedric.

"Good." he opened the door to the library and straight off went and sat on the leather chair before the desk made out of glass that was all the way across the office.

"-And Mr. Knight," he called out as he prepares to read and sign the stack of papers in front of him. "-prepare my room. I'll be temporarily moving in until gran recovers."

"Understood, sir. I'll have it prepared as usual."

"Thank you."

After a few minutes, Lucas arrived and drop himself on the brown leather couch that circled the library. For a while, the chirping of the birds and the rustling of the trees were the only things they could hear from the open windows that surround the room.

"She told me how much she wanted to attend the charity event this weekend. Shouldn't we stop her?" Lucas began breaking the deafening silence.

Cedric continued writing on the paper beneath his hands before putting his pen down. "The doctor told me to keep her happy and stress-free. What do you think I should do?"

"Well, it's your call, Ced. I'm just saying, she's better off staying here for at least a week before revealing herself to the public again. The media can be pretty stressful."

Cedric smirked before jutting his chin at him, "Stop her then. You know how damn stubborn she is."

"The only one who can control that old woman is our grandfather, Ced. I wouldn't even dare get in her way." Lucas chuckled while saying that.


Their conversation ended quickly with the sound of knocking on the door.

"Young master Cedric, your grandmother's lawyer is here to see you. He said that the madam contacted him to meet you." the butler announced.

Cedric briefly nodded his head. "Let him in." and the butler lightly bowed his head in response before leaving.

Lucas sat up straighter and was preparing to leave but Cedric stopped him.

"Stay, Luc-" he muttered while rubbing his temples as if to prevent a looming headache. Lucas observed his cousin, hesitation crossed his face.

Cedric let out an exhausted sigh and started to explain, "If my suspicions are correct, Attorney Sanders is here to talk about gran's will. You're a Ford so you have the right to hear about this as well so sit down and let's hear what he has to say."

Lucas can only nod his head in response after Cedric left that statement no room for an argument. At the same time, the young man sat back on the couch, the door to the library opened and revealed another worn-out-looking person.

Of course, everyone was still shaken by the news of Beatrice's illness. His grandmother's lawyer was no less than different. He must have been running around to settle things for her when he got the report about the current head of the Ford.

"Mr. Ford" He greeted and Cedric acknowledges the man with a firm nod. "Atty. Sanders"

"Shall we?" he began as he settles himself on the leather couch the circled around the center of the room.

With another nod, the men sat around and began their discussion.

_to be continued_