Chapter 9

If Veronica was into art when they were kids, then April was the one who always had a knack for business. She remembered how April would tell her to draw pictures of cartoons that children their age liked and then she'd sell it to the kids in their neighborhood for a few cash. Quality-wise, it wasn't surprising that anyone took an interest in her drawings. It is, after all, cool. What's more surprising is that the kids bought and paid for it with their scanty allowances. How April convinced them to do that has always been a mystery to her.

It wasn't so shocking when April inherited a retail company from her step-father who suddenly died of an unknown illness four years ago. April's family weren't exactly well-off but they were somehow able to afford to live comfortably however their business was already on the verge of bankruptcy when April took over so she sold half of it and changed, rebrand, and rebuild the rest completely and after a few years, she's able to turn it into what it is now: a headhunting company.

The tour didn't last long as there isn't so much to see and while the office is not big, it isn't small either. It spans the whole floor with at least five enclosed rooms including April's office, and the rest of the space was filled with lined up desks for other employees to use. The office sports an open style so there were no cubicles that separate the staff area, the break room, and other utilities.

They were already walking back to where they started when the woman called Tess began talking.

"I wasn't able to introduce myself. I'm Theresa by the way but you can call me Tess like everyone else. My specialty's acting."

Veronica nodded her head in acknowledgment since Tess didn't offer a hand to shake. "Nice to meet you. I'm Veronica. I do make-up." she responded. At the same time, her phone pinged with a message from April. It says, to wait inside her office because she's in an important meeting in the conference room.

She told Tess about the message and was saying her thank yous and goodbyes when she suddenly volunteered to accompany her there. Even if she already knew where the office is, Veronica decided to agree with her offer out of courtesy.

"So, you're the new PA?" Tess asked while they're walking the carpeted hall.

"Yes. Assistant and make-up artist."

"Oh! that's convenient. Having separate people to run errands and for make-up is not cheap so I'm glad the boss found and hired you for both."

Veronica wasn't sure how to react to what Tess said so she just masked her face with a small smile. "Well, I'm glad to be of service."

A moment of awkward silence passed between them before Tess began, her voice laced with guilt. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." her lips started trembling. "-it's just that, I've been an emotional mess for a month now." her voice shook at every word before she began sniffing. She seemed to be having a hard time holding her tears back.

As soon as they reached the end of the hallway, Tess proceeded to open the door to April's office like it was hers. After doing so, she took the box of tissue on her desk and casually sat on the sofa placed next to it.

And then she began sobbing.

"We were going to get married, you know." she started with a cry before pulling out a sheet of tissue paper from the dispenser. "We'll live in a simple house with a big backyard and we'd name our kids Gregory and Kate. We'd adopt a dog and a cat and we'd have movie nights every Frida-" Tess didn't get to finish as she let out a fit of sobs followed by another loud cry.

Veronica wanted to comfort her but she didn't know-how. She didn't even notice that she's been standing frozen beside the sofa in front of the one Tess has been sitting on. Deciding that it's best to sit instead of tiring herself out while watching Tess bawl her eyes out, Veronica drops herself on the soft seat before her.

How exactly do you comfort someone you just met? Veronica had no idea so she just sat and listened to her complain about her love life. After all, she's much better at listening than anyone she knows of.

Minutes or hours later, Veronica had no idea how long has it been since Tess started crying. She's also on her second box of tissues. If there were alcohol present, she must have drunk a few bottles by now. No doubt that her work involves acting though. This girl can cry for a long time. she thought.

"What in the world happened here?" A surge of relief washed over Veronica when she heard April's voice.

April's high heels clicked against the floor as she walks behind her desk. She clicked her tongue at the mess on the couch and the crying Theresa. She motioned her hand to the woman standing by the door who then immediately took the sobbing lady from the couch. "Calm her down and have her freshen up, please. I need to talk to her in ten minutes."

The woman nodded and proceeded to walk out of the room with Tess.

April let out a sigh before showing an apologetic smile. "Sorry. My employees aren't usually like that. Theresa's an excellent member of the team. She's just going through a rough time right now."

"So I've been told. For hours now, I think."

April can only groan in reply and Veronica can't help but let out a small laugh.

"How did your meeting go by the way?"

April gasp as soon as Veronica mentioned it as if she's won a competition. "Oh, I hit the jackpot this time, Roni." she happily announced as soon as she's seated on the now empty sofa beside her desk.

April's eyes twinkled while she inhales an excited breath. "I just caught the biggest fish in the sea." she said while clasping her hands together in delight." I had a deal with someone really important." she proudly added while her eyes gleamed in anticipation.

Veronica also waited, her body perked to attention while her head tilts to the side in wonder. This is the first time she's ever seen April so happy. What could the reason be?

Then the door opened and came in a puffy-eyed Tess. "Sorry boss." she said as soon as she entered the room before guiltily looking at Veronica. "-And sorry for letting you see that."

It's okay. she mouthed at her before turning her attention back to her friend.

"Have a seat, Tess." April motioned at the sofa she left after moving to sit on the chair behind her desk. "-I called you here because I'll be giving you our company's biggest project yet."

April continued with a grin from ear to ear. "You'll be acting as someone's wife."

_to be continued_