Chapter 12

April stayed behind to find a free spot to park her car while Veronica and Tess went ahead to start preparing. Using the ID pass the client gave them, the event staff by the entrance led them to an empty room that has a few stacked chairs as well as a large vanity mirror against the wall.

"How long do I have?" Veronica asked Tess once she's seated in front of the mirror.

"Tess?" no response so she called her again.


Tess was yet again looking on her phone before her gaze snapped back in front of her to look at Veronica's reflection in the mirror. "Yes?"

"I was asking you how long we have before you meet the client."

She paused thinking, "About two hours," she then answered with a forced smile on her face as if she was constipated.

Veronica watched the woman sitting in front of her, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Tess immediately bobbed her head up and down in an awkward way. "Yes…yes. Of course."

She continued to observe her stiff and odd behavior before finally deciding to let it go. "Alright. I'll start with your hair first."

An hour later, Veronica was already putting on some finishing touches on Tess's make-up when a loud ringtone blared inside the small room almost making the two jump in surprise. Upon realizing that it's her phone ringing, Tess carefully stared at the screen; anticipation flashed her face and then her expression soon changed as the corner of her lips went up. Her tense shoulders quickly sagged in relief, "I need to answer this outside. Can I? I'll be quick, I promise."

"Okay. Be quick, alright? I still need to help you put this mask on." she agreed but not before pointing at the mask safely tucked inside a white box.

Seeing the immediate rise and fall of Tess's mood, Veronica wondered what made her react that way. Deciding to just shrug it off in the end, she took out her phone to text April who must already be at the event hall by now.

Almost done w the preparations.

How's it going there?


She replied almost immediately.

Sounds good. Party's starting in 5.

Will text you updates.

Btw, desserts here are superb. Let's eat l8er.


She typed in her reply as soon as she read April's.

Copy that boss.

And yes, please. I'm starving. My hands are shaking rn.


Her phone pinged when April responded.

lol stop exaggerating. Ttyl.

C u. O.o


Veronica can't help but laugh at the last message April sent her.

At the same time, she tucked her phone back in the pocket of her jeans, Tess hurriedly went back inside the room, almost tripping on her dress in the process. Luckily, Veronica was able to pull her arm in time before she falls on her face.

"That was close," she mumbled in relief while still holding on to Tess's arm.

Tess, on the other hand, suddenly grabbed Veronica's hand to hers, "Please, I need your help," she pleaded, "My boyfriend…h-he wants to talk to me. He's w-waiting outside and…and m-my baby...I-I have t-to tell him about our baby," she cried at each word.

As her hold on Veronica's hand get tighter and her cries somewhat even louder, Veronica felt worried and even more rattled after hearing about the pregnancy. Truly, if Theresa's pregnant then she has to tell April. Wouldn't this affect her friend's business if the client finds out about this halfway through the deal?

As if reading what's in her mind, Tess quickly explained herself, "Just this once, please. Just for tonight keep this a secret to the boss, huh?" she pleaded once again.

"I-I can't-"

As if sensing that's she's going to refuse, Tess cried even more.

"Please, Veronica. I don't want my baby to grow up without its dad. He has to know."

She quickly swallowed and tightly shut her eyes for a second before stiffy nodding her head. "Just tonight, okay?"

The tears in Tess's eyes went to a stop and her sad expression was replaced with a wide smile. "Oh, thank you! Thank you! You're a lifesaver. My baby and I won't forget this." she cried happily this time while she goes back to the vanity table to put her things back inside her bag.

"What do we do now?"

Tess then started unzipping her dress, "Help me take this off first."

Forty-five minutes later, the two successfully exchanged clothes. Fortunately, they're of the same size so both didn't have any issues with the fitting. Tess also helped Veronica wear the white-silver mask after she put on some light make-up.

How funny it is that just a few moments ago, the mask was supposed to be worn by Tess but here she is putting it on herself.

"I promise I'll be back by tomorrow. Just make sure that you don't remove the mask-" Tess began while she picks up her bag to hang it on her shoulder. "-and the hair...I'll just dye my hair to brunette like yours. Anyway, it's not hard to color mine since it's a lighter shade of blonde."

Tess was already at the open door when she paused midway, "-I'll be the one to tell the boss about this. Thank you so much, Veronica." she said one last time before finally leaving the room.

Deep inside, Veronica knew that it was a mistake to help Theresa. Aside from the reason that she barely knows her and that she's not even sure if she'll keep her word, Veronica had no idea what to do if she gets called by the client. April will probably strangle her to death if she knows what she did.

God. She shut her eyes when reality kicked in. What did she get herself into?

Yet, it was like an automatic response when she heard that the baby may grow up without its father and a part of her felt responsible for it if she didn't let Tess go and her boyfriend suddenly disappears again like before. Still...

Stupid stupid stupid. Realizing how dire the situation she is in, Veronica started pacing back and forth while deliberating if she's going to call her friend.

In a hurry, she picks up her phone getting ready to dial April's number when her hand froze halfway.

But what if Tess is telling the truth? She'll be back by tomorrow and everything will go back as it is...right? she bit her lip thinking before letting her hand that was holding the phone drop to her side. She has to let April know. Maybe they'll have a way to postpone this.

Veronica was about to call April when a sudden knock came on the door.

_to be continued_