Chapter 19

As if on cue, a light flashed from the sky then a blaring rumble followed after. It wasn't obvious since it was already night time but large clouds began to gather and cover the stars. Soon enough, tappings can be heard on the building windows which eventually intensified and turned into pitter-patter.

"...H-help". Lucia's voice sounded faint while her breathing seemed short as from what Veronica can make out from the call. Something's wrong. She can feel it. Her mother was always soft-spoken but her voice has always sounded clear and somewhat melodic to the ears. At least for Veronica, that's what her mother sounded like since she was a kid.

She briefly closed her eyes as her heartbeat started to race. Her pulse quickened and a nerve started to throb in her head. The heavy rain did no help in calming her nerves, if all, it only made her feel worst as she responds to her mother. "Mom, where are you right now?"

Waiting for Lucia's reply felt like an eternity for her that she couldn't help but ask again, "Mom, please, where are you? Are you still at the resort?"

Veronica waited for a few more seconds before she hears the call got cut off.

A 'no network' sign flashed on her screen and all she wanted to do is throw out the damned phone from frustration. Out of all the days to lose reception, it had to be today when she's in the middle of an important phone call. She scraped a hand over her face before deciding to call the resort her parents are staying at.

Veronica ran upstairs in a hurry as soon as she got the keys to the unit out of her bag. She'll use April's landline phone to call the resort if her phone signal still doesn't return.

Her parents had to be there since they booked for the weekend so they're not scheduled to leave until tomorrow morning, she said to herself while researching for the resort's number on their website.

On the third ring, a chirpy voice greeted her, "North Mountains Resort, how can I help you?"

"I'd like to be transferred to a guest named Lucia Renarth. They're staying at one of your mountain cabins."

"Alright, give me a moment, please." The resort staff placed the call on hold while Veronica continued to walk back and forth in an attempt to calm her nerves down.

"Hi, unfortunately, they've already checked out a few hours ago so I can't make that transfer anymore."

Her whole body froze upon learning of that information, "B-but why? They're supposed to check out tomorrow morning...nevermind do you happen to know where they went?" she grabs the closest paper and pen she could find preparing to write whatever the employee on the other line would say.

"I apologize but we're not supposed to give out information about our guests." Her hands became rigid and she immediately dropped the pen she's holding.

"I-I know but I'm their daughter and it's an emergency. My mom, Lucia Renarth, called me asking for help but the line suddenly went off and-"

The employee interrupted her, irritation started to lace her tone. "I'm sorry, ma'am but I can't help you with that. It's resort protocol. I hope you understand. Thank you for reaching out to us. Have a good day."

The phone call ended with a click. She tried to redial the number once again but she kept being sent to an automated voicemail instead.

Feeling defeat, she let her body sag on the chair. Veronica knew that she needed to do something even though she doesn't know where to start. The resort employee didn't try to listen to her so will the police even hear her out?

No. She has to try. Who knows where her parents are right now. Are they okay? Are they safe? Hundreds of questions ran through her mind hoping that the worst ones remain as speculation.

Steeling herself once again, she got up from the chair, grab hold of her phone and jacket from the rack where her car keys are, and then hastily head back out of the apartment to her car.

As soon as she got into her car, she left April a voice message to let her know how things are going before trying to redial her mom's number once more.

The raindrops were heavier when she arrived at the closest police department. Veronica parked her car in front of the appliance store across the street from the station building before hurriedly going out with only her jacket to protect her from the downpour. She entered the building and was relieved that the staff didn't seem very busy.

"Hi, how can we help you this late-" the officer stopped mid-sentence when she saw Veronica. Her drenched clothing started to wet the floor and the female officer eyed the bottom of her gown in disgust before clicking her tongue in irritation, "-We just mopped the floor." She continued saying that obvious interest left her as she moved her gaze back to the paper she was holding.

"I'm sorry. I'll make sure to wipe the mess before I leave. I just urgently need to ask you something."

The employee looked like she wanted to roll her eyes at her but didn't do so, instead, she let out a displeased groan, "Nevermind, what do you want?"

"I'd like to file a missing person report, please."

The woman looked bored as she motions her hand to the empty seat in front of her desk. Veronica hasn't completely sat yet when the woman started asking questions as if she's in a marathon.

"How are you related to the missing individual?" she asked, boredom evident in her voice.

"They're my parents."

"So, two people are missing?"

"Yes, that's right."

The woman typed in something on her computer and then looked at Veronica again, "Do you know where they're last seen?"

Veronica nodded her head, "Yes, they were staying at the North Mountain Resorts and then they checked out a few hours ago when they were supposed to check out tomorrow morning-" the police officer cut her off.

"Hold on, so you mean to say that they have only been missing for a few hours?" she asked with a raised brow.

Veronica frowned at the officer when she heard her question, "Yes, they checked out of the resort this afternoon, and then I received my mother's call for help just early this night."

The officer muttered something under her breath before shaking her head, "I can't process this, miss. Our station's protocol only accepts missing reports if the person has been gone for at least 24 hours so come back when they haven't contacted you by that time."

"B-but..." Veronica thought of what to say. Her mind's currently a mess from worrying about her parents' safety and now they're telling her to wait for a couple more hours before she could ask authorities for help?

A mix of frustration and irritation crawled on her skin. How can they ask her to do that? People's lives are at stake here. Her parents' lives are at stake here. God knows where they are right now and Veronica is not even sure if they're okay, safe, or alive.

That last thought made her body cold. Just thinking of her parents gone made her knees weak and her stomach sick.

But desperation overtakes her body as she had no one to turn to for help. She only ever had her parents. Without them, what can Veronica ever do?

So she grabs the officer's hand rashly, "Please ma'am, my dad has a heart condition. You have to help me find them."

The officer shook her hand off looking so offended, "We have laws to be followed, miss. If you can't understand that then I can't do anything for you."

Taking a deep breath, she tried to protest but the officer started to bark orders from her seat, "Someone, get her out of here. NEXT!"

Before she knew it, Veronica was back to where she came from, wet and cold from the heavy rain.

_to be continued_