Chapter 21

Veronica followed Cedric to a private parking lot where all the VIP vehicles are. He unlocked the trunk of his car and took out a brown leather duffle bag, opened it, and pulled out a white cotton towel.

"Dry yourself first. I can't have you catching a cold." Cedric handed her the towel before putting the bag back in the trunk. He then unlocked the driver's seat and motioned his hand at Veronica for her to get on the other side.

"I'll dry myself first. I don't want to ruin the seats. They look expensive."

Cedric rolled the sleeves of his dress shirt to his elbows, "It doesn't matter, you can do it here. Now, get in before someone sees you."

Reminding her of how scary reporters can be, Veronica hurriedly got inside the passenger seat of his car. "About my car…"

"I'll have someone get it."

"Right, thank you."

Cedric started the car and moved out of the parking lot with ease. "So, what's this important thing you were going to tell me?"

Veronica looked outside the windows as they go past building by building. "W-where are we going?" She also noticed how the rain has seemed to have also calmed down a bit.

Cedric glanced to his side to look at the woman sitting beside him, "You looked like you wanted some privacy and this is the only private space I could think of right now," he began before turning left to enter the highway. "-I can't go back to my house tonight. The press must have already camped outside my building. My grandmother's estate isn't an option either since she'll just pester me to bring you to her." his mouth curved up a little. "-My other properties are too far from here and you look like you needed something urgent so we're here." He gave her another glance.

"B-but why…?" Veronica fiddled with her fingers as she wondered why is he suddenly treating her well.

"Why what?" this time his eyes remained on the road as the rain began to get heavier once again.

"Why are you being good to me?" the question came out more like a whisper as she continued to stare at her lap, afraid to look at the man in the eye.

Cedric let out a chuckle, "My gran raised me better than you think, Ms. Renarth. I can also empathize with people who look at me like I'm their last string of hope."

Veronica felt her cheeks go warm and shame began to flood her senses.

A ghost of a smile appeared on Cedric's face, "So, what were you going tell me?"

Silence hovered over them again before Veronica started to speak, "About that…I decided to take your offer-" she began.

"-on one condition…" she quickly added before he had the chance to respond. "I know it's not my place to give out conditions but if you agree to this, I'll do anything you want." Veronica felt relieved that her voice didn't waver as she said that.

Cedric then gave her a sideways glance before pulling the car over to the side, "What condition?" he finally said while facing her for the first time since they went on a drive.

Veronica clenched the cloth of her gown. This is good. He's willing to listen and should mean that he'll try to consider what she'll say.

"Please help me find my parents right now. My mother called asking for help but our call got cut off before I even got to ask her where they are." she didn't care now if that came out as a rumble. He has to know so he'll see how desperate she is right now.

Cedric watched her for a few more seconds before nodding his head, "Are you sure? You can't turn back this time around…"

Veronica earnestly nodded her head feeling relieved that his response sounded positive to her. "Yes, I'm sure."

He fastened himself to his seat, started the car again, and went back on the road. He then clicked something on the screen on his car's dashboard. The sound of a dialed number echoed inside the car and a voice answered in a few seconds.

"Mr. Ford."

"George, contact the head of D&C. I'll meet him at the tower in fifteen minutes."

"Right away, sir,"

And then Cedric u-turned down the road right after ending the call.

Veronica felt surreal that her plan worked. He agreed to her condition and he's now helping find her parents. Her hand shook in relief while her eyes teared up a little. She's getting help for them and she's more than glad for it than getting nothing at all.

"Tell me what happened," he said and Veronica quickly wiped the tear on the corner of her eye.

"Yes. My mother called asking for help right after your driver dropped me off at my friend's apartment. I knew that something was wrong but before I even got to ask her what happened or where they are, our call got cut off."

She glanced at Cedric and their eyes met for a second. He gave her a quick nod to continue before moving his gaze back on the highway.

"-I called the resort where they've been staying and the staff told me that they checked out this afternoon. They were supposed to leave tomorrow so I don't know why they suddenly changed their minds. My mother is the type to follow her planned trips always…" she paused, "I went to the police to file a report but they told me that they wouldn't process my request since my parents haven't been gone for 24 hours." Veronica can't help but let out an unamused laugh as she remembered how they kicked her out of the station earlier. "-I already had thoughts of finding them myself but doing it alone wouldn't be of much help." Veronica unconsciously clenched her fists when she was reminded how hopeless her situation is just a few moments ago.

"I see. You did a good job coming to me for help."

Veronica wondered if it was worth selling her soul to the devil for this but thinking how this has given her the slightest chance to find her parents then all her doubts immediately vanish. If doing this would let her see them again then she doesn't regret anything at all.

The tower Cedric mentioned in the call was the famous Ford Towers where the Ford headquarters is situated. Living up to its name, the Ford Towers towered all the other buildings around it and also appears to go way past the sky if stared at from below.

"There might be a few people from the press waiting outside so I suggest you keep your head down. I can't promise that your picture won't get taken but I'll do my best to cover you so stay close to me."

Veronica nodded at him in response and just like Cedric has predicted, reporters were scattered along the sidewalk. However, calling them few is an understatement. Some even had tents prepared to camp outside the tower while others have large vans with them to accommodate their whole media crew.

"Are they always like this?"

"No, there are better days where they get tired of you for a whole week." He assured her, "-I believe they're just like that because of the engagement announcement. Their numbers should eventually die down in about a month or so."


Are people that curious about this man's private life? Veronica thought looking at Cedric before noticing a man running after them as soon as he sees the car arrive. They also seemed to have memorized Cedric's cars as they get their cameras ready when they spotted his car drive along the curb that leads to the tower's parking entrance.

"The security team will stop the press from getting close but it won't stop them from taking pictures so just do what I told you and we'll be inside the building before you know it."


_to be continued_